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Chapter 307 The Collapsed Cello 5

Chapter 307 The Collapsed Cello 5
She thought that as long as Xiao Licheng's circle of friends was expanded, she would no longer be so attached to her.

Bai Yu pursed her lips, she didn't want to admit it anyway, it was simply because she didn't want to have such a deep bond with Xiao Licheng.

These things will only make her be swayed by emotions in the end, getting in the way.

Bai Yu chuckled, ignoring Xiao Licheng's impatient appearance, and said to Su Yale, " you want to be 'our' friend?"


Su Yale froze for a moment, staring at Bai Yu with eyes like copper bells.

"P...peng... friend?"

Xiao Licheng paused, his complexion became uneasy, and he said to Bai Yu, "Isn't it enough for me to be your friend?"

Bai Yu sighed, shook his hand, and said, "It's not for me, it's for us."

"And you yourself really want to make friends with others."

Xiao Licheng wanted to refute something, but in the end he just opened his mouth and couldn't say anything.

Indeed, as Bai Yu said, he really wanted friends, but this was all in the past.

Ever since he had Bai Yu, his boring daily life seemed to have an extra light...

Make him look forward to the next day every day.

But how would he tell Bai Yu these words?

'One friend is enough. '

'It's all right if I have you'. He would never say it in his life! !
If he said it, he might be used as a joke by Bai Yu at some point in the future.

Seeing Xiao Licheng's forbearance, Bai Yu thought he was in a hurry to go to the toilet.

What's the matter, hold back so hard.


Hearing Su Yale's faltering voice, Xiao Licheng had an idea, and immediately said to Su Yale coolly, "If you have other friends or don't want to, just refuse."

As soon as Xiao Licheng said this, Bai Yu couldn't help but want to roll his eyes.

Isn't this a clear rejection of others? These days, which ordinary person doesn't have one or two friends?
(Except for Xiao Licheng. He is not an ordinary person.)
In the end, the two waited for about ten seconds, only to see Su Yale blushing with a weak mosquito voice, and softly replied, "I... I don't... I don't...p...pen... from my friend..."

Bai Yu was stunned, and suddenly remembered all kinds of things about meeting Su Yale.

(Oh, yes. Su Yale doesn't seem to be an ordinary person...)
Even Xiao Licheng himself did not expect that Su Yale would respond to him like this.

Thinking about the days I had without spare time over the years, I suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Su Yale.

In fact... It's not impossible to make friends... After all, Su Yale doesn't seem to have a bad heart...

Bai Yu caught the flash of sympathy in Xiao Licheng's eyes, and immediately turned to Su Yale and said, "Isn't this just right! Then let me ask again, are you willing to be our friend?"

Su Yale unconsciously hooked the corners of her mouth, and quickly held Bai Yu's hand, her eyes flashed with a light that Bai Yu couldn't understand, and said excitedly, "Of course I am willing!!"

Seeing Su Yale's agreement, Bai Yu winked at Xiao Licheng very excitedly.

After Xiao Licheng understood it, he let out a sigh of relief, and said to Su Ya in a dull voice, "Welcome, welcome, warmly welcome."

Seeing this robot-like answer, Bai Yu really wanted to open his head to see what was inside.

Why is he so shrewd and molesting others sometimes, but now he becomes like a wooden man?

(End of this chapter)

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