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Chapter 306 The Collapsed Cello 4

Chapter 306 The Collapsed Cello 4
It was also at this time that she finally understood who the person shining under the moonlight in front of her was, and why she looked so familiar.

"Huh? Why don't you speak."

Su Yale choked for a moment, quickly lowered her head, and expressed her gratitude.

"Ah, no, that... I just want to say thank you..."

"That what...thank you for helping me in the toilet today..."

Bai Yu opened his eyes wide, watching the girl called 'Ice Beauty' stammeringly answering her questions, and remembering her aggressive appearance in the toilet again, he thought this girl was quite cute.

Hehe, he was so majestic just now.

Xiao Licheng had seen too many people like this who just did a little favor and then immediately posted up to ask for shelter, so he didn't even look at Su Yale, and pointed the back of his head at her indifferently.

He said lightly, "Is it over? Hurry up and leave when you're done."

Just as Bai Yu was thinking that this girl is cute, Xiao Licheng mercilessly destroyed the atmosphere here.

She bit her lip, although according to her mood, she wanted to go up and quarrel with Xiao Licheng now, but unfortunately her status is not enough...

Su Yale said weakly, "And...and...thank you for giving me octopus balls at the sports meeting that day!"

Octopus balls?
Bai Yu tilted his head in doubt, blinked his eyes, and asked, "Huh? Octopus balls?"

She rubbed her chin and asked strangely, "Sports meeting...? Have we met?"

Su Yale lowered her eyebrows and eyes sadly.

Also... How could it be possible to still remember such a trivial matter?
She lowered her voice a little, and said, "I'm sorry... Maybe I recognized the wrong person... I'll just... first..."

"I'm leaving."

Sports meeting... Takoyaki...?
Bai Yu thought about it carefully, and suddenly it flashed in his mind that he bought a small octopus ball during the sports meeting, and then saw a girl staring at him, thinking that she had no money to buy, so he threw the small octopus balls to her scene.

She quickly grabbed Su Yale who was about to leave, turned her back, and said happily, "Ah~! I remembered! That girl is you!"

Su Yale slowly opened her eyes wide, and asked expectantly, " still remember!"

Bai Yu hurriedly pulled her over, and then pressed her to the seat where he was originally sitting.

That is opposite to Xiao Licheng.

Then, completely ignoring Xiao Licheng's stinky face, he moved a stool from the side by himself, and said excitedly, "Then it looks like we're destined."

"If you don't dislike it, you can eat the supper I brought."


Su Yale looked at the white plate in front of her. Although she was a little confused, she obediently picked up a small piece of chocolate and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Uh...then, then I'll be impolite..."

Xiao Licheng turned his face away in displeasure and let out a "tsk".

Bai Yu couldn't understand why he was so upset.

That's why she called Su Yale over to chat with them out of the blue.

Although Bai Yu himself found that he didn't repel Su Yale that much... the other reason was because of Xiao Licheng.

Xiao Licheng has a different... obsession with 'friends'.

Bai Yu analyzed and analyzed, thinking that the reason why Xiao Licheng was so entangled with herself was probably because she was his first friend.

She thought that as long as Xiao Licheng's circle of friends was expanded, she would no longer be so attached to her.

(End of this chapter)

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