After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 402 Origin (7) 2000+

Chapter 402 Origin (7) 2000+
Time passed extremely fast, and it has been dozens of years since the demons appeared.

During this period of time, many spiritual geniuses appeared in the spiritual world.

These geniuses were born in this troubled world, and their only mission is to end this troubled world.

The war between humans and demons has been going on for several years.

However, the human race has always been no match for the monsters that feed on evil thoughts.

Because, as the war lasts longer, people will have more and more negative emotions.

More and more people, unable to keep their hearts, are corrupted by demons and turned into puppets of demons.

The human race is in danger.

"Emperor, this is the power of the 389 infants who died in the hands of demons in our human race over the years!"

The paper spirit crane used to transmit information on the front line conveyed the situation on the front line to Di Yue.

Looking at the blood-red characters in the void, endless grief flashed in Di Yue's eyes.

"Emperor, if this continues, our human race will perish sooner or later!"

The old man with white hair, leaning on a cane, shouted in grief from the hall.

Above the main hall, other people who heard the old man's words were all sad.

"According to the investigation, the demon has been guarding a space. Maybe there, a solution to the demon can be found."

Sitting on the highest seat in the ceremony, Di Yue stroked the head of the white tiger in her arms, raised her eyes, and said something.

When the people in the hall heard this, they all stopped mourning and looked at Di Yue.

"What does the Empress plan to do?"

The old man looked at Diyue with vicissitudes of eyes.

"This deity intends to sneak into that space quietly to find a solution."

Di Yue said calmly.

After everyone listened, they whispered below.

"Emperor, no, you are the hope of our human race, how can you go to such a dangerous place yourself?"

One person bowed his body and said.

"If I don't go, is it possible that you go?"

Di Yue gently scratched Ah Hu's back, tilted her head and asked.

Hearing this, Ah Hu stretched his waist, found a comfortable position, and narrowed his eyes.

Heh, this group of old fellows are so desperate for their lives that they dare not even go to the front line, let alone the depths of the monsters! ?

"I'm getting old and I don't have the energy to fight these monsters!"

"I have a way to make everyone's energy instantly return to youthfulness."

Mo Zhihan walked in from the outside with a smile.

This group of old guys suddenly changed their faces when they heard it, "Oh, I'm old and old, no matter what, I can't compare to you young people."

Saying that, the group of old guys said in unison: "Emperor, I will wait here and wish you a safe return."


Di Yue sneered, looking at them, there was no warmth in their eyes, only distant alienation.

"Why did you come back suddenly?"

After seeing the group of old guys leave, Diyue looked at Mo Zhihan, and she looked like she was thousands of miles away from him just now.


Mo Zhihan shook his head.

Ben thought, the frontline battle is tight, so let her participate in the battle with him.

However, as soon as she came back, she heard her asking those old guys, "If I don't go, will it be possible for you to go?" '

Only then did he realize that the human race was really over without her.

They all relied on her to survive until now.

If there was no Diyue in this world, it would have been occupied and ruled by demons long ago!
"You go to the depths of the monster this time, do you need to take someone with you?"

Di Yue shook her head, "No, I'll just take Ah Hu there."

"No, it's too dangerous!"

When Mo Zhihan heard this, he grabbed Diyue's wrist worriedly, and said, "The monster you met last time might be there right now, you only bring Ahu, what should you do if you meet it? "

Ah Hu, who was lying on Di Yue's shoulder, narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at Mo Zhihan's hand.

"Don't worry, I'm not who I used to be."

Di Yue pursed her lips and smiled lightly.

Seeing Di Yue's smile, Mo Zhihan was stunned for a moment.

To be honest, he had rarely seen her smile.

When was the last time you laughed?
Seems to be……

Before the demons appeared, she hadn't worked hard for the sake of the world...

"I don't remember the last time you laughed."

As Mo Zhihan said this, he raised his other hand involuntarily and placed it on the side of Di Yue's face.

Di Yue was taken aback for a moment, as if a strange yet familiar figure appeared in her mind.

"Ah you..."

I can't see the face clearly, I only know that the smile on the man's lips is very warm.

"Mo Zhihan..."

Di Yue regained consciousness instantly, saw Mo Zhihan's kiss about to fall on her lips, and pushed him violently.

By the way, Mo Zhihan let go of Diyue's wrist.

Mo Zhihan looked at the distance between Diyue and him, and smiled wryly, "Sorry."

"I will keep Shangguan Feng, I must guard it!"

Di Yue stepped forward, patted Mo Zhihan on the shoulder, and said solemnly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely guard for you, I will wait... everyone and I will wait for your return!"

Mo Zhihan looked at Diyue who was leaving, and smiled bitterly.

When Mu Fan left with Di Yue, he glanced at Mo Zhihan suspiciously.

Why did this person named Mo Zhihan give him a familiar feeling?

Not much time passed before Diyue took Ah Hu and sneaked into the depths of the monster.

In the depths of the demons, there are many demons living.

Their dwellings are very similar to those of the human race.

In fact, there were many times when Di Yue felt that monsters and humans had many similarities.

Like humans, they walk on two feet.

can speak.

The place where we live is also similar to that of people.

If they didn't feed on evil thoughts, Di Yue would think that these monsters are actually just some ugly people.

But how is this possible?
Di Yue thought that people had passed through the depths of the demons and arrived at the entrance to that time and space.

Diyue doesn't know what's in the time and space.

However, no matter what, she had to go.

Di Yue glanced at the white tiger on her shoulder, and put it into a special storage space.

Then, taking a deep breath, he carefully explored the entrance.

In fact, ever since entering the depths of the monster, a strange feeling arose in Di Yue's heart.

This feeling has been pulling Di Yue to come here.

That's why she was able to find the entrance of this time and space so quickly.

Now, she is standing at the entrance, looking at another piece of darkness, a time and space that does not belong to the world of spiritual cultivation, the feeling in her heart is getting deeper and deeper.

That feeling seemed to tell her to go in quickly.

It seemed to be warning her not to go in.

"The Pen of Nothingness!"

Di Yue thought for a while, but still called out the Pen of Nothingness and held it in her hand.


In the depths of the monster, in a relatively spacious room, Bai Zheng, who had been recovering from his wounds, suddenly opened his eyes.

"who is it!?"

"Who entered there!?"

"That's my sister's place, no one is allowed to defile it!"

(End of this chapter)

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