After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 401 Origin (6) 2000+

Chapter 401 Origin (6) 2000+

From the moment the golden light appeared, Bai Zheng knew that its last resort would not be able to kill Di Yue.

Now, he can only give up killing her.

Bai Zheng thought about it, his eyes stayed not far away, the formation that landed on the pit surface, gritted his teeth, and left quickly.

No one saw that when Bai Zheng left, he was naked.

Obviously, a person, a living person.


After the stone-like thing disappeared, the golden light around Diyue also disappeared instantly.

Accompanied by that, Di Yue's spiritual power was exhausted, and he fell directly from the void.

When Baihu received Diyue, Diyue had passed out.

Bai Hu's heart tightened, he gave Shangguan Feng a warning look, and then left with the unconscious Di Yue on his back.

Less than a quarter of an hour after leaving, several people in Chinese clothes with icy faces took Shangguan Feng away.

After that, several people came to deal with the aftermath of the Puning village.

"What happened to Yue'er?"

A man in a white robe saw Di Yue fainting on Ah Hu's back, and his expression changed instantly.

"Puning Village encountered a thorny monster. Both the master and him will suffer."

Seeing the hurried pace of the man hugging Diyue, Ah Hu followed up and explained the matter succinctly.

"Pharmacist, quickly check the emperor's injury!"

As soon as the man put Di Yue down, the pharmacist hurried over on his hind legs.

"Yue'er has burdened too much after all!"

The man looked at the pale person on the bed with distress, and his heart was extremely heavy.

"If there hadn't been that prophecy when Yue'er was born, maybe she wouldn't have to bear so much."

Quaker people take advantage of the luck of heaven and earth to protect the world.

"Lord Mo, there are some things that cannot be avoided."

Transformed into a white tiger, a young man with extraordinary appearance stood beside Mo Zhihan.

"Are you really willing to look at Yue'er and sacrifice yourself for the destruction of demons?"

Mo Zhihan turned around, looked at Baihu, and asked every word.

"If this is her mission in this world, no matter whether she is willing or not, I will support her, and no matter what happens, I will bear it with the master."

"Lord Mo."

Baihu originally wanted to guard Diyue's bedside, but suddenly thought of something, turned to look at Mo Zhihan, and said, "Don't forget your identity, don't think about whether you should move towards Master."

When Mo Zhihan heard Baihu's words, he couldn't help but squeeze the hand by his side.

Mu Fan watched Bai Hu bring Di Yue back to the palace, and returned to Wu Jian.

"My lord, I'm back."

Mu Fan looked at Di Wu who was in the room, whose breath had weakened a lot, and pursed his lips tightly.

"She's been doing well recently, isn't she?"

Di Wu maintained the posture of sitting in meditation, and did not open his eyes when he asked the question.

However, Mu Fan heard a strange emotion from Di Wu's tone.

"Miss Yue just confronted a slightly stronger monster, and both sides suffered losses."

"How is she now?"

When Di Wu heard that Di Yue was injured, he opened his eyes suddenly, and asked Mu Fan nervously.

"I have returned to the palace in the lower realm and received the best medical treatment. I am basically fine now."

Mu Fan told Di Wu clearly what happened respectfully.

He knew that if he spoke vaguely, His Majesty would definitely go to the lower realm to check in person regardless of everything else.

But, now, Your Majesty's body...

"Is it all right..."

Di Wu narrowed his eyes slightly, and pursed his lips tightly.

"Understood, let's go out first."

It took a lot of willpower for Di Wuyong to suppress his desire to go to the lower realm and visit Di Yue.

"Wait a little longer, wait a little longer, wait a few more days, and I will go to the lower realm to accompany you..."

The moment Mu Fan was closing the door, he suddenly heard Di Wu's murmur, and his whole body froze.

"Your Majesty!?"

Mu Fan pushed open the door and knelt down in front of Di Wu.

"Are you, preparing to...transform into a world?"

No wonder, no wonder...

The last time I saw Your Majesty, I found that his spiritual power was extremely damaged.

Coming back this time, not only your majesty's spiritual power was damaged, but even his godhead...had become extremely ethereal and fragile.

It turned out that it wasn't Jun Shang trying to find a way to bring Yue girl back to Wujian, but...

Instead, prepare to go to the lower realm in person!

"Your Majesty, please think again!"

Mufan once again said this sentence. He said it last time, just for Di Wuneng to think more about Wujiang, and not to delay himself because of other people's affairs.

But this time, Mu Fan just wanted Di Wu not to do such a decisive thing.

"Your Majesty, if you don't worry about Miss Yue, you can let her step into the True God and go directly to Wujian. There is no need to go to the lower realm in person."

"She holds the rules in her hands, and any rules in Wujian can't help her!"

Di Wu's helpless voice resounded throughout the room.

At this moment, the wooden sail sounded, and everything he saw.

"But, Your Majesty, no one has ever been able to bear the pain of Feng Ling's bone removal over the years."

Wu Jian, it's not that no one wants to interfere in the mortal world after becoming a god.

However, the pain of Feng Ling's bone removal has never been able to bear.

All of those people could not bear it during the process of sealing their spirits or removing their bones, and went to death.

"My lord, I can bear it."

Diwu said very firmly.

Mu Fan prostrated himself on the ground, hearing Di Wu's words, he didn't think about it at all.

"Your Majesty, Miss Yue will definitely become a god and come to Wujian!"

As Mu Fan said, he knocked his head heavily on the ground, "Isn't it better that you wait for Miss Yue in Wujian?"

After hearing what Mu Fan said, Di Wu opened his eyes.

"Wooden sail."

When Mu Fan heard Di Wu's voice, his body lying on the ground trembled subconsciously.

It was the first time he heard such a cold voice from your majesty.

Your angry!

"It's not your turn to interfere with my decision!"

Di Wu's indifferent eyes fell on Mu Fan's body, and the words he said were very cold and heartless.

"It's a subordinate who overstepped."

Mufan's prostrate body lowered a little.

"Kneeling here, can you know the things in the lower realm?"

Looking at Mufan's motionless body, Diwu's voice became even colder.

When Mu Fan heard this, he kowtowed to Di Wu tremblingly, left quickly, and went to the Mortal Realm without any delay.

"I always have an ominous premonition. The voice from deep inside my heart keeps urging me to go to the lower world as soon as possible to save her..."

Di Wu watched Mu Fan leave, sadness and tension flashed in his eyes, "Ayou...wait for me..."

The voice deep in his heart coincided with what he said.

Di Wu closed his eyes, layers of spiritual power erupted from his body, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his face became extremely pale.

The so-called spirit sealing is to seal one's own godhead.

But after the spiritual cultivator becomes a god, the soul will be imprinted with the seal of the god, which is the symbol of the incomparable person.

To seal one's own godhood is to seal the divine seal on the soul, in order to restore the soul of mortals, avoid the laws of heaven, and restrict and restrain the incomparable people in the lower realm.

And this sealing process is tantamount to putting the soul into the fire and experiencing the pain of the soul being burned.

(End of this chapter)

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