After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 115 The sum of energy (2 more)

Chapter 115 Energy Sum (Part [-])
"Beast God Baihu, don't leak the secret again, this is the last chance the system gives you!"

The system's iconic mechanical sound suddenly sounded in Ah Hu's mind.

Ah Hu, who was crying convulsively in Zheng Xiaen's arms, suddenly shivered when he heard what the system said.

Ahu was holding the arm of the villain version of Zheng Xiaen blankly, and even forgot to cry.

last chance! ? ?
Transformed into a systematic bracelet, listening to Zheng Xiaen's inner thoughts, he couldn't help but feel frightened.

If this continues, she will be exposed sooner or later, and it will be even more difficult to explain to the master.

It's all the fault of that stupid, stupid stinky tiger.

I don't know why the master put it in her place in the first place, it would cause trouble for her!

The most excessive thing is that the master does not allow her to drive this stinky tiger out.

Hmph, this time we must scare it until it is honest!

"Master..." Ah Hu twitched his head out of Zheng Xiaen's arm.

Seeing the inquiry in Zheng Xiaen's eyes, Ah Hu immediately raised his claws to wipe away the tears on his face.

Then he raised his head, looked at Zheng Xiaen pitifully, and said, "I'm sorry master, I just had a nightmare..."

"I don't want me anymore..."

Zheng Xiaen: "..."

Bai Xiang spent some time with it here, it was really...

What kind of secret was he hiding that he didn't even reveal to her?


Ah Hu, who was still sad at first, and even spoke with a crying voice, suddenly noticed the total energy displayed by the system...

1098! ?
No, how long has it been sleeping?
Why did the owner only have a total energy of 12 before, but it increased so much in a blink of an eye?


Zheng Xiaen rolled his eyes speechlessly, and then the villain version of Zheng Xiaen disappeared directly into the sea of ​​consciousness.

"You are crying and screaming again, what are you going crazy about?" Zheng Xiaen curled his lips and rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Ah Hu's attention was naturally not on Zheng Xia'en, it looked at the sum of energy, and excitedly called out the display screen.

With so much energy, can it be upgraded again?
Thinking of this, Ah Hu's mood, which was a little bit broken by the dream before, also improved a lot in an instant.

As long as the system's level is higher, it is less restricted by the system.

And the possibility of it condensing the entity again will be greater.

"Master, you have so much energy..."

Ah Hu sighed, and took out the display screen to check the energy source and usage of the system.

Complete the yellow task, 3 points of energy, it knows this.

Complete random missions, 2 points of energy, it also knows this, Dai Zhihui's mission, huh, huh.

Complete the orange mission and get 10 points of energy. It also knows this.

If you buy the eclipse liquid from the system store, 1 point of energy will be deducted.

The vitality consumption in October will automatically deduct 3 points of energy;
Vitality consumption in November will automatically deduct 3 points of energy;
Vitality consumption in December will automatically deduct 3 points of energy.

Ah Hu also knew about these daily consumption.

But, who will tell it, when to complete the red mission, 360 energy points; complete side missions, 10 energy points; heavenly reward, 720 energy points, when did these all happen?
Could it be when the master cracked the blood fiend's puppet formation?

At that time, it seemed that there was a red mission coming...

Ah Hu: emmmmmmm...

It seems that it really slept for a long time...

"What?" Zheng Xiaen didn't know how much energy she had, because she hadn't asked before how much energy was needed to keep her alive.

"Master, excluding the energy of the eclipse liquid you bought earlier, and the energy to maintain your vitality in the past two months, you have a total of 1098 energy points left."

Zheng Xiaen: ...

(End of this chapter)

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