After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 114 Guessing Ahu's Vest

Chapter 114 Guessing Ahu's Vest

"Congratulations to the host, complete the random task and get a reward: 2 points of energy."

"Congratulations to the host, complete the red task and get a reward: 360 energy points."

"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden side mission and getting a reward: 10 energy points."

"The host rescued 2427.7 million people in G City. He has a lot of blessings. He was rewarded by the heavens and received a reward: 720 points of energy."

Zheng Xiaen, who had a rare rest, suddenly heard a series of mechanical sounds, and was in a daze for a long time.

system! ?
Oh right, I almost forgot, she still has a system! ?
Also, what's the matter with so many task rewards?

What the hell are side missions?

What the hell is being rewarded by heaven?

Also, what's going on with Ah Hu, it's been too quiet for the past few days!

So much so that Zheng Xiaen almost forgot the existence of the system.

Zheng Xiaen frowned, looking at Ah Hu lying motionless in the sea of ​​consciousness, he was very puzzled.


Zheng Xiaen pushed Ah Hu's tiger body for some unknown reason, but it still didn't move.

There are signs of life!

Breathing is also very regular.

Could it be... fell asleep?
Zheng Xiaen frowned and hugged Ahu with a hint of suspicion.

However, just when Ah Hu was picked up, the villain Zheng Xiaen felt something tugging at her arm.

Zheng Xiaen frowned and looked, and found that it was Ah Hu who was teary-eyed.

Uh... why is Ah Hu crying?

"Ahu, what's the matter with you?" Zheng Xiaen gently patted Ahu's head and asked softly.

"Master..." Ah Hu buried his head in Zheng Xiaen's arm, crying out of control.

The system's punishment of Ah Hu this time really hit its most vulnerable place.

In fact, at the very beginning, when the system issued task rewards to Zheng Xiaen, the system made Ah Hu wake up from the dream that would make him feel like a knife was twisting his heart.

Deep in Ah Hu's heart, there is a memory that he has never dared to touch.

However, this system's punishment made it go through it again.

that pain!

That kind of heart-piercing!

That powerlessness!

That kind of knowing the ending but can't do anything, can only watch everything, the pain happened again in front of it, crushed Ah Hu, and saw the joy of his master again.

"Ahu, what's wrong with you?"

Zheng Xiaen could not understand Ahu's inner pain.

She could only feel the collapse of Ahu's heart from his slightly trembling body.

"Master, you won't...leave us again, will you?" Ah Hu held Zheng Xiaen's arm tightly, and there were sobbing and undetectable tremors in his words.

Ahu didn't dare to let go of Zheng Xiaen's hand, as if if it let go, its owner would be just like in the memory...



Zheng Xiaen was a little silent, gently stroking Ah Hu's head, a strange emotion flashed in his eyes.

Although, Zheng Xiaen was puzzled by Ah Hu's sudden words.

But Zheng Xiaen also got some information from Ah Hu's words.

Ahu had an owner before, but he left it for some unknown reason.

No, perhaps, it can be said to have left them.

So, is Ah Hu... treating her as its former owner?

It seems that the spirit of this system really hides many secrets.

Perhaps, it is not only the spirit of the system, but also has other identities.

Beast God White Tiger...

Perhaps, when Ah Hu first took shape, he was called the mighty and domineering Beast God White Tiger, not because he slapped his face swollen to make him fat, but...

That's what it was originally.

"Beast God Baihu, don't leak the secret again, this is the last chance the system gives you!"

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(End of this chapter)

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