Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 73 Want to kill me to preach?no doors (10)

Chapter 73 Want to kill me to preach?no doors (10)

"Go over there and change. There is a small room over there where you can change clothes."

Zhang Liangji pointed to a small door on the side of the main hall.


Gou Xue walked over with her disciple uniform in her arms.

It was indeed a small room, and there was no one there, and the door could be closed, so Gou Xue quickly changed clothes inside.

The style of the disciple's uniform was similar to the straight train in the Hanfu, with a very long hem. After Gou Xue put it on, at least [-] centimeters of the hem was dragged to the ground, and the sleeves on both sides were also much longer.

She rolled up her sleeves and walked out holding her hem with her hands.

Zhang Liangji was waiting for her at the door, and when he saw that the clothes had grown so much, he immediately cast the scaling technique, making the clothes shrink so that Gou Xue would fit them just right.

"Thank you."

Although Gou Xue still "has a grudge" against Zhang Liangji for not rejecting Gou Qi, the necessary courtesy is still necessary.

"You're welcome. I just told Master about you. Master said that he could consider accepting you as his direct disciple. Do you want to come to my place first and have a look?"

Zhang Liangji said with a smile.

"What's your master's name?"

Gou Xue still doesn't know which elder Zhang Liangji's master is, if it happens to be Mo Wushuang, it will be cool.

"My master's name is Fu Yixin. He is the third elder in the outer sect. He lives in Qingzhu Peak. Currently, I am the only direct disciple. I will definitely welcome you."

Zhang Liangji said without hesitation.


As long as it's not Mo Wushuang, Gou Xue is fine, and if Fu Yixin is really willing to accept her as a personal disciple, she doesn't have to worry about meeting Mo Wushuang in the future.

"How is it? Junior Sister Xiaoxue, do you want to go over with me to have a look?"

Gou Xue remained expressionless all the time, Zhang Liangji couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

Gou Xue did not refuse and followed Zhang Liangji to Qingzhu Peak.

"Master, I brought Junior Sister Xiaoxue back!"

Zhang Liangji led Gou Xue into the Green Bamboo Pavilion on the top of the Green Bamboo Peak excitedly.

"Can you stop holding me?"

Gou Xue opened her mouth expressionlessly.

"I'm holding you because I'm afraid you will accidentally get lost. The Green Bamboo Peak is huge."

Zhang Liangji replied solemnly.

"..." God damn is afraid of getting lost, does he really think I'm a child?

Gou Xue seriously suspected that he just wanted to take advantage of her, even though she was just a kid who was only one meter tall.

"You don't need to be nervous, my master is a very good person and won't kill you."

Seeing that Gou Xue always had a sullen face, Zhang Liangji knelt down and looked at her levelly, comforting her in a soft voice.

"I'm not nervous."

It was the first time for Gou Xue to look at Zhang Liangji's face and speak so closely, and she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Although Zhang Liangji is not the kind of handsome guy that makes people unforgettable at first sight, his facial features are delicate and soft, his skin is still fair, and his figure is relatively tall.

"Then why are you always sullen?"

Zhang Liangji hadn't seen Gou Xue smile for a long time, and there were almost no other expressions.

"I just simply don't want to talk to you."

Gou Xue thought so in her heart, but did not say it out loud.

Zhang Liangji is a good person after all, it's not good to hit him like this.

"Can you smile? I haven't seen you smile since I tested your spiritual roots."

Zhang Liangji always felt that this might be his fault.

The other little girl obviously didn't want to go with him at all, she just came to Qingyun Sect out of helplessness, if it was him, she probably wouldn't be happy either.

 I checked, and the normal height of a five-year-old child is about 110 cm. Considering that the original owner may be a little malnourished, I wrote it a little shorter.

(End of this chapter)

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