Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 72 Want to kill me to preach?no doors (9)

Chapter 72 Want to kill me to preach?no doors (9)

"I think it's good to hang it around your neck. After all, you are shorter."

Zhang Liangji pretended to be joking.

"..." What kind of cold joke is this?Have you ever seen a tall five-year-old?

Gou Xue felt that she had been "frozen", and she didn't even express her complaints in her heart.

"Our Qingyun Sect is very good. New disciples are all provided with food and housing, and the young ones don't have to work. At your age, at least you can spend five years in the Sect without any worries."

"We also have special uniforms for disciples, which will be distributed uniformly when you arrive at the Zongli."

"Trust me, you will definitely like Qing Yunzong."

Seeing that Gou Xue ignored him, Zhang Liangji began to brag about himself, and even gave him a guarantee.

"So-and-so, do you think he seems to be a talker?"

Gou Xue didn't want to talk to the nagging Zhang Liangji anymore.

"I guess so. It's quite talkative."

So-and-so also felt that Zhang Liangji might be a chatterbox, because even if Gou Xue ignored him, he could still talk to himself for a long time without losing his temper.

"Junior Sister Xiaoxue is so small, there may not be a particularly suitable student uniform, but it is too troublesome to make a new batch, so let's directly adjust the size with the scaling technique."

Zhang Liangji walked around Gou Xue several times, pondered several questions, and finally stopped talking to himself endlessly.

"It always feels like it has been arranged clearly."

Gou Xue really didn't want to complain, but she couldn't help it.

"You should go to Qingyun Sect first. Anyway, what the original owner regrets most is that he became Mo Wushuang's apprentice. You just need to stop being Mo Wushuang's apprentice."

So-and-so feels that the key is not to join Qingyun Sect, but not to be Mo Wushuang's apprentice, or not to be a Taoist companion with Mo Wushuang.


Gou Xue has no other choice now, but reluctantly let Zhang Liangji take her to Qing Yunzong.


Five days later.

Zhang Liangji returned to Qingyun Sect with several juniors and the new disciples he had received.

Qingyun Sect is a very large sect, with thousands of disciples and dozens of elders.

Disciples are divided into direct disciples, inner disciples and outer disciples, and elders are divided into inner elders and outer elders.

The ordinary disciples under the name of the inner sect elders are the inner sect disciples, the ordinary disciples under the name of the outer sect elders are the outer sect disciples, and only the direct disciples named by the elders are the direct disciples.

The treatment of different disciples is slightly different, but apart from direct disciples, the treatment of inner disciples and outer disciples is actually similar. It is only because of the different status of the elders of the inner and outer sects that there is a significant difference in the status of inner and outer disciples.

Zhang Liangji is a direct disciple of an outer sect elder. His status is higher than that of the outer sect disciples and most of the inner sect disciples. Most of the disciples respect him very much.

The first thing he did after returning to Qingyun Sect was to take all the new disciples to the main hall to listen to the suzerain's teachings.

Then, it was to help distribute disciple uniforms.

Gou Xue was the youngest of the new disciples, and needed the youngest disciple uniform. Zhang Liangji searched and searched, but finally found a set of disciple uniforms suitable for girls around ten years old.

"Junior Sister Xiaoxue, you put on this set first, and I will use magic to help you adjust the size later."

Zhang Liangji handed over the neatly folded disciple clothes to Gou Xue.

"Where can I change?"

The place where the disciple uniforms are issued is the main hall, where everyone is watching, so she can't just change them here, right?
 TodayChapter 3.

(End of this chapter)

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