Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 452 Don’t Learn from the Past (16)

Chapter 452 Don’t Learn from the Past (16)

The next morning, Gong Rong took "Fang Xue" to the police station, changed her name to Min Xuezhu, and entered the household registration of Min's family.

In the afternoon, Gong Rong took "Fang Xue" to the hospital and gave her a comprehensive physical examination.

The result of the physical examination showed that "Fang Xue" had no major problems with her body, except that she was malnourished, underweight, and hypoglycemic.

The doctor prescribed some medicine for her to take care of her body, and Gong Rong arranged for a nutritionist for her.

"Fang Xue" is her daughter in name anyway, if she doesn't help her take good care of her body, others may say that she treats "Fang Xue" harshly, and the orcs will wonder if "Fang Xue" is the real Min family Miss.

The marriage partner of "Fang Xue" is the youngest son of the Sapphire family. The Sapphire family is one of the largest aristocratic families in the orc family, and has much more wealth than the Min family.

Beastmen originally disdained marrying humans, but in recent years, the females of the Beastmen became less and less, and many males could not find a partner, so they gradually let go of their prejudice against the human race and began to marry with the human race.

The human race is currently in a state where there are more men than women and fewer women. Human women are also more precious in the eyes of the orcs, so they don't particularly mind the family background of the human women. As long as they are healthy, of the right age, unmarried women, orcs All tribes are welcome.

The vast majority of orcs evolved from the mutation of mammals, and humans are essentially mammals. In addition, orcs are now very close to humans, so the combination of orcs and humans can produce normal offspring.

Although orcs do not have superpowers, they are naturally strong and stronger than humans in many ways. Therefore, even if there are no so-called superpowers among orcs, they can grow rapidly.

If ordinary orcs can combine with people with superpowers, then it is very likely that half-orcs with superpowers will be born. Such half-orcs will be stronger than ordinary people with superpowers and ordinary orcs, so they have superpowers. females will be more popular with orcs.

The Sapphire family originally set their sights on the second lady of the Min family——Min Zhuzhu. If it wasn't because Gong Rong disagreed and had helped Min Zhenzhu find a better target, Min Zhonggui would never have thought of finding Fang Xue. return.

Fang Xue was just a product of his "temporary impulse". He didn't like Fang Xue's mother at all, but it was because she was drunk at the time and Gong Rong happened to be away that she had sex with the servants at home.

After Min Zhonggui came to his senses, he fired her. Unexpectedly, she got pregnant and gave birth to the child. She took the child to him and asked him to be responsible for them.

Min Zhonggui saw that the children were not boys and had no possibility of becoming superpowers, so he handed them over to Gong Rong and asked her to take care of them.

In Gong Rong's view, Fang Xue's mother was a shameless mistress who hated her deeply, so she tried to create an "accident" and let her die in the sea of ​​flames.

Gong Rong originally wanted to burn Fang Xue to death, but she did not expect Fang Xue to survive miraculously, because her mother used a rope to put her on the window downstairs, and waited for the rescue of the fire brigade.

Gong Rong could no longer cause an accident for a baby, so she had to throw her into the most remote slum and let her fend for herself.

If Fang Xue hadn't met the kind-hearted Fang Ci, Fang Xue would have died 14 years ago.

 This chapter mainly adds some background, and the next chapter enters "Engagement".

(End of this chapter)

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