Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 451 Don’t Learn from the Past (15)

Chapter 451 Don’t Learn from the Past (15)

"What is Min Pearl's superpower?"

Gou Xue didn't want to complain about Min Zhonggui's cold blood and profit first.

"I don't know, I only know that she is studying at the Super Academy, so she is not at home now."

Min Pearl's superpowers were not mentioned at all in "This Star Is a Bit Messy", and so-and-so couldn't scan it out, so I really don't know about it for the time being.

"What about Min Mingzhu?"

Gou Xue wanted to know if she would still make false claims with Min Mingzhu.

"She's married, so she shouldn't come back if she has nothing to do."

So-and-so answered truthfully.

"Apart from Min Mingzhu and Min Zhuzhu, does Min Zhonggui have any other children?"

Gou Xue also wanted to know more about the situation of the Min family.

"No, but Min Zhonggui and Gong Rong plan to have three children, maybe in another year, you will have a younger brother."

When XX was spying on them before, he accidentally discovered this "little secret".

"Why not my sister?"

Gou Xue's eyes twitched slightly.

"Because they want to have a son to inherit the family business."

So-and-so has heard that the reason why Gong Rong and Min Zhonggui still want to have a child is because they don't have a son.

"Is patriarchy so deeply ingrained?"

Gou Xue was speechless.

It's been 2500 years, why is patriarchal thinking still so important?
"What's so strange about this? Even the class system can come back in this small world, not to mention other feudal ideas."

So-and-so didn't find it strange.

The wheel of history does not always move forward, sometimes it will go backwards, or even return to the original point.

"But this doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right? You don't intend to fight for the family property."

Someone suddenly realized that it seemed to have been taken into the ditch by Gou Xue.

"I just want to know who is in the Min family."

Gou Xue showed an upright smile.


So-and-so was speechless.

"I just came here now, they shouldn't be in a hurry to arrange my engagement?"

In fact, Gou Xue still wants to be a salted fish for a few more days, and doesn't really want to enter the "combat state".

"That's hard to say. From the information I have obtained, they have no intention of arranging you to go to school at all. It is estimated that they will let you rest for a few days symbolically at most, and then they will arrange for you to get engaged."

So-and-so made a reasonable reasoning.

"Will Fang Xue's marriage partner come over?"

Gou Xue remembered that XX said that the character of the orc was very cruel, and she might need to prepare early.

"I don't know this yet. I'll tell you when I know."

So-and-so has not "eavesdropped" on this news, and it will take a while to know.


Gou Xue is not in a hurry, anyway, it is impossible for her to make the marriage go smoothly.

What she has to do now is to call Fang Ci to report his safety, and at the same time confirm whether Min Zhonggui really gave Fang Ci 1000 million.

"Grandma, I have already arrived at Min's house. They treat me fairly well. I may stay for a while. You must take care of yourself and wait for me to go back to visit you."

After making the phone call, Gou Xue explained the current situation and gave her advice.

"You have to take care of yourself too. Don't worry about grandma. I have received the remittance from Min's family. I can live a good life in the future. You just need to take care of yourself."

Fang Ci wiped away the uncontrollable tears with his hands, and spoke as calmly as possible.

"Well, I'll take care of myself."

After finishing speaking, Gou Xue hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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