Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 113 Be a nanny with both civil and military skills (9)

Chapter 113 Be a nanny with both civil and military skills (9)

"When you observe it, remember to tell me."

"no problem."

Facing Gou Xue's trust, so-and-so could only bite the bullet and continue to pretend.

In fact, it can't tell what Bogdan is thinking, unless it can obtain mind-reading skills or Bogdan expresses his inner thoughts.

"It would be great if there was a setting where the protagonist likes to talk to himself, alas..."

It's not easy to pretend, so-and-so sighed.


Bogdan found the book he wanted to read, and went back to his room with the book and notebook.

Gou Xue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With Bogdan here, she didn't dare to sit casually, she had to sit upright to look like a teacher.

"Why is there such a setting as a nanny and tutor? This is too embarrassing."

Gou Xue lay facelessly on the desk, speaking as if she had nothing to love.

"Isn't this setting normal?"

So-and-so quickly glanced at Bogdan to make sure that he was reading the book seriously, so he didn't remind Gou Xue to pay attention to his demeanor.

"Generally speaking, aren't nannies and tutors separate?"

Gou Xue has never seen a part-time tutor or a part-time tutor in real life.

"That means you are ignorant. In fact, this kind of situation also exists in your world, and there are already many of them now. It is the kind where you live in a student's home and give students one-on-one tutoring, and the parents pay you a monthly salary. They also have a unique name called live-in teachers."

"Although not all live-in teachers need to work as part-time nannies, families that can afford this kind of tutor are usually richer and their parents are busy with work, so if the children are younger, this kind of tutor is the best choice. You have to be a babysitter at the same time."

So-and-so is serious and authentic.

"Their wages must be high?"

Gou Xue showed a longing look.

"Mostly [-] to [-] a month."

So-and-so temporarily checked the information and summed up the overall salary level of this kind of live-in teacher.

"About [-] a month, with food and lodging included... So-and-so, what should I do if my heart flutters?"

Gou Xue's eyes seemed to be radiant.

"Did you forget that you only graduated high school?"

So-and-so's eyes twitched twice.

"No, although I am indeed not yet qualified to be a tutor, I have already been admitted to university. After I finish university, I should be able to go to graduate school."

Gou Xue answered it as a matter of course.

"The suggestion here is to read another blog, dear."

So-and-so instantly turned into the customer service of a certain treasure.

"Wouldn't it be a bit overkill for a doctor to be a tutor?"

Gou Xue frowned slightly.

"According to the current trend, it is possible for a doctor to deliver food in the future. How can being a tutor be considered overqualified?"

So-and-so retorted without thinking.

"I suspect that you are promoting the theory that reading is useless."

Gou Xue got up immediately, straightened her back, and said very seriously.

"I'm talking about the future, okay? When higher education becomes fully popularized in the future, and there will be more and more graduate students and doctoral students, won't they be the same as current undergraduates?"

So-and-so rolled his eyes angrily.

"You mean after 1000 years?"

Gou Xue blurted out.


The melody of a certain song sounded inexplicably in XX's mind, so that he had nothing to say.

"Although the development and progress of the current era is indeed very fast, education is not so easy to change. You can only talk about the future in a long, long time."

Gou Xue ignored XX's silence, but corrected his point of view very seriously.

 I don’t know what’s going on recently, almost every time I go to Qreading, I see someone giving a gift box of love to a certain novel, and then I go to grab the gift package, and most of the ones I get are recommendation tickets, so I vote for own.

  Today I saw a few more novels, and I found out that there is a novel with fewer recommendation votes than mine, and it doesn’t look like a big guy’s work at all. Then, I took a closer look, and it turned out that the Zhenai gift box only costs 2500 (I originally thought it would cost [-], but I didn't look carefully).

  Note: Cuties, please do not try the above behaviors, you are not the author, you really want to spend 2500 yuan.

  PS: This chapter is posted regularly.


(End of this chapter)

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