Quickly wear this bowl of dog blood, I'm done

Chapter 112 Be a nanny with both civil and military skills (8)

Chapter 112 Be a nanny with both civil and military skills (8)


Gou Xue didn't want to complain anymore. It was rare to have a day off, so why not enjoy this free day.

"I'm asleep, good afternoon."

She lay on the bed and said good afternoon habitually.

"good afternoon."

So-and-so also habitually replied.

Of course, in fact, it can't take a nap, because it has to watch this small world all the time, so as not to cause accidents when Gou Xue is asleep.


The leisurely day passed quickly.

Gou Xue has entered the nanny mode where she needs to get up early to cook, clean, do laundry and do various other housework, and she is as busy as Xiao Cui.

At the same time, she had to figure out what homework to assign to Bogdan today, otherwise, she would have to give up.

"Teacher, have you finished my homework yesterday?"

After Gou Xue was done with work, Bogdan walked into the study unhurriedly.

"After reading it, you copied it very well without any mistakes."

Gou Xue read the "Apocalypse" of the "Bible" word for word yesterday afternoon, and Bogdan copied it word for word.

"Then do you want to continue copying today?"

Bogdan looked indifferent, showing no particular emotion.

""Revelation" is the last book of the "Bible", and there is no need to copy it after copying it."

Gou Xue returned his homework book to him, pointed to the bookshelf and said, "From today onwards, you can read these books freely, and every time you finish reading one book, write down the inspiration you have received in this book, and write a book. Reading experience, this is your future homework."

She took out a new thick notebook and solemnly handed it to Bogdan.

"Does the teacher want me to study by myself?"

Bogdan looked at Gou Xue, who looked particularly serious, and said hesitantly.

"No, the teacher will read the reading experience you wrote, not entirely for you to learn by yourself."

Gou Xue pursed her lips and smiled.

"If the reading experience I wrote doesn't meet your expectations, will you let me rewrite it?"

Bogdan seemed cautious and authentic.

"No, as the saying goes, there are a thousand readers, and there are a thousand Hamlets. Even if they read the same book, everyone's feelings will be different, so as long as you write meaningful It makes sense, the teacher won't let you rewrite it."

Gou Xue had no choice but to turn on the pretentious mode.

"Then if I finish writing this notebook, will the teacher give me a new notebook?"

Holding two notebooks, one new and one old, Bogdan spoke with a little expectation.

"Of course, as long as the teacher has a new notebook, he will always give it to you."

Gou Xue rationally added the premise, because she didn't know whether the original owner's notebook was enough or not.

"What if there is no more?"

Bogdan's eyes dimmed for a moment.

"As long as you need it, the teacher will find a way to buy it."

Gou Xue inexplicably felt that Bogdan seemed a little weird, but he still maintained a serious state.

"Thank you, teacher."

Bogdan smiled slightly, walked to the bookshelf with his book in his arms, and quickly searched for books he had not read yet.

"So-and-so, have I been tempted just now?"

The more Gou Xue thought about it, the more she felt that the questions Bogdan asked were fishy.


So-and-so also felt a little strange.

"Then did I pass or fail?"

Gou Xue couldn't be sure at all, because Bogdan's emotions were really too introverted, except for the occasional shallow smile, there was hardly any emotional change.

"This... remains to be seen."

So-and-so originally wanted to say "How do I know this", but it was rare that the atmosphere was so serious, and finally decided to pretend to be aggressive to maintain the atmosphere.

 I went out to help for a while before, but it didn’t last long, because now there is only one rake at home. As soon as my dad came back, he took the rake away, and I didn’t have any more rakes. I just seized the time to code.

(End of this chapter)

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