Chapter 117 Wake Up
Even under the graceful and luxurious attire of the city lord, she couldn't resist her ferocious face. She would not allow anyone to speak ill of Su Mo.

The city lord does not allow anyone to question Su Mo, she looked at the elder with hatred, and said coldly to the elder: "I will never allow anyone to question Su Mo, he has already been forced to death by you, you still have to go Do you still have the heart to pour dirty water around him!"

The great elder just lowered his head and didn't speak any more.

Today, his goal has been achieved.

All the elders were already dissatisfied with the city lord, and this war was caused by the city lord.

If the city lord hadn't preached how beautiful and stunning Wuqing City is everywhere, would Quan Wuheng know about it?Will you send someone to ask Wu Qingcheng to marry him?
"City Lord, now that the army is approaching the city, we are already thinking about how to deal with this matter, instead of exploring these old things here, Wushuang's father's line has been completely wiped out by you.

Now that you deliberately forced her to death and poured dirty water on her, we can ignore these things, but this whole fog city is not what you say. "

The seventh elder said coldly to the city lord.

Su Mo died, but isn't Wushuang's death miserable?Wushuang's father's death would not be tragic, even with Wushuang now.

The city lord is a heartless person, but he still asks others to show their conscience, how is this possible.

The third elder also said to the city lord at this time: "City lord, you can protect Qingcheng, but you can't sacrifice the lives of the entire Wucheng people.

You are high above, so naturally you can't see the suffering of the people. Now that the price of goods in Wucheng is soaring, the people are anxious. Do you know the suffering of the people?How many frontline soldiers died, do you know? "

At this moment, Wu Qingcheng had a ignorant expression on his face.

All she knew was that these people were annoying, slandering her father and bullying her mother.

She was thinking that if Quan Wuheng really liked her, she would be willing to sacrifice herself.

She is willing to sacrifice herself, why do these elders still bully her mother!

Wu Qingcheng stood in front of the city lord, and said to the elders: "We will definitely win, our warriors in Wucheng are the most powerful."

A row of black lines across the heads of the eight elders.

The city lord of Wucheng looked excited and relieved.
Su Wanwan heard Wushuang's last voice.

She finally chose to follow Wushuang's wishes.

Su Wanwan didn't understand why Wushuang liked such a person, even if she was killed by the other party as soon as they met, she still liked him.

For such a person, sacrificing everything, just to let others pronounce his name, is enough.

What kind of obsession is this!

This kind of love is too sad.

This time, Su Wanwan was seriously injured.

But her soul and Wushuang's body were completely fused together.

She finally has her own body.

Su Wanwan lay on the bluestone slab, exposed to the scorching sun, the bluestone slab was astonishingly hot, almost as if it would cook someone.

It's a pity that Su Wanwan didn't have any physical strength at this time, and she couldn't even move herself to a shady place.

On this barren bluestone avenue, a group of people and horses drove slowly.

There are hundreds of people in this team, and most of them are elite guards who are fully armed.

And the carriage at the back is carrying a lot of goods, it seems to be a caravan.

The tall horses at the front of the team are particularly eye-catching.

This is a spirit horse with the blood of a spirit beast, and it can travel thousands of miles a day!
"Second brother, how long before we arrive in Wucheng?"

A young girl in red, wielding a whip in her hand, rode on a spirit horse, and asked a young man in a fine attire beside her.

"It's almost there, there's only one day left."

The man in fancy clothes said lightly.

He has a calm face, keeps his hand on the knife, and keeps looking around with his eyes, as if he is on guard for something.

Just looking at the appearance, it gives people a sense of reliability.

"It's one more day, and we're going to Fog City so soon."

The girl in red said cheerfully.

Along the way, her ass was almost crushed.

"Be careful. This time we came here to trade. The elixir of Wucheng is unique in the world, but no matter how good the elixir is, it can't be eaten as food. We can exchange food for the elixir this time because we know a secret road.

If we are discovered by Daheng's army, we will definitely die. "

The young man warned the girl in red.

The girl in red also knew the seriousness of this trip, so she said no more.

Suddenly, for some unknown reason, the horse under the buttocks of the girl in red neighed in horror, its feet went limp, and it fell to the ground.

The red-clothed girl on the horse almost fell down, and the red-clothed girl took a closer look.

She saw a figure lying in front of her. Her face was covered in dust and her original color could not be seen. The clothes on her body were tattered and her original color could not be seen.

The other people on the horse all drew their knives to be on guard. This horse has a spirituality and will not scream casually.

They thought it was an enemy attack.

"Second brother, look, there is a person in front who seems to be injured." The girl in red said to the young man.

Hearing this, everyone looked in the direction of her finger, and they saw a figure lying on the side of the road.

At the same time, the spirit horses became completely quiet, no longer frightened or disturbed.

What seemed to secretly disturb and frighten them was gone.

The young man in brocade clothes got off his horse and walked over cautiously. He found a woman with a cold face lying on the side of the road.
About seventeen or eighteen years old.

She was lying on the side of the road, her face was pale, her eyes were closed tightly, and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

Although her face was covered with dust, it could be seen that her facial features were very delicate, and even so much dust could not conceal her beauty.

Judging from her tattered clothes, she seemed to have escaped here after a fierce battle.

At this moment, I found that the girl opened her eyes, a pair of deep eyes staring at him firmly, like an abyss!

Su Wanwan also spotted this group of people. She looked at the young man who was staring at her, and said to him, "I wonder if you could give me a glass of water."

Su Wanwan's throat seemed to be smoking.

At this time, she was in a panic.

When I opened my mouth to speak, my throat felt pain after burst.

Su Wanwan knew that the chance of the other party helping her was very low, but she had no choice.

"Second brother."

The girl in red tugged at the sleeve of the young man in brocade.

Although it was the first time for the girl in red to run into the rivers and lakes, isn't this road a secret road?
Why is there someone here, and it looks like he escaped from a battle after a battle.

She worries that things are going wrong.

She felt a little uneasy, fearing that the road ahead was an ambush.

But her family was in desperate need of this batch of medicinal materials, so she had no choice but to take the risk.

The young man in brocade clothes took off the water bottle on his waist, and carefully filled Su Wanwan with some water.

(End of this chapter)

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