Chapter 116 Fog City
foggy city.

In the City Lord's Mansion.

The eight elders gathered in the City Lord's Mansion.

"The city lord is confused!"

"If you don't want Miss Qingcheng to marry, just say no. Why do you want Wushuang to replace her? Quan Wuheng is not blind. How can he not be able to tell the truth from the fake?"

"Now Quan Wuheng is only half a step away from that step. If he hadn't been injured in the battle with Wushuang, otherwise, there would be no one in the foggy city to be his opponent."

"The city lord has acted too foolishly this time. How can she be able to replace the beauty of the city at will. If you let her marry you, the reputation of a powerless tyrant will spread far and wide. How can we humiliate you."

"City Master, now Quan Wuheng is determined to take down Wucheng, and now he insists that the assassin Wushuang was sent out by me, and it is Wushuang from Wucheng."

"At the beginning, I married Qingcheng honestly, and nothing happened."

"City Lord, now that the army is approaching the city, what do you say!"

The city lord of Wucheng also had a headache when he looked at the eight elders who surrounded her and questioned her.

The city lord of Wucheng did not expect the situation to be so serious.

At this time, the city lord of Wucheng already hated Wushuang in his heart.

At that time, she had confessed to Wushuang and asked Wushuang to tell Quan Wuheng that because she admired Quan Wuheng in her heart, she secretly knocked Wu Qingcheng out, and she deliberately pretended to be Qingcheng and got on the sedan chair.

But I didn't expect that Wushuang was such a waste.

It even got involved in Wucheng.

The city lord of Wucheng said to the eight elders: "It's all Wushuang's fault at this time. She was greedy for wealth and honor, tried to marry Quan Wuheng, deliberately knocked Qingcheng unconscious, and left Qingcheng in a cave. I am too. It took two days to find Qingcheng.

Wushuang has been deeply thoughtful since she was a child, and she is jealous of Qingcheng. As long as Qingcheng owns it, she must have it.

I never thought that she had such vicious thoughts, let alone that the assassin who assassinated Quan Wuheng had a name similar to hers. Now that the matter has come to this point, there is only one heir left in Wucheng, Qingcheng.

In any case, Qingcheng can't be sent out, and our Wucheng is not something that Quan Wuheng can fight as he says.

What's more, this time I heard that Quan Wuheng was seriously injured, that Wushuang's ability is extraordinary, and it seems that he used the secret technique of Xuanqing sect.

We can take advantage of Quan Wuheng's serious injury and beat the dog in the water. "

"City Lord, our Fog City only has the advantages of terrain, and our military strength is not even as strong as a county in Daheng. Fog City is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is guarded by a large defensive formation left by the City Lord in ancient times. Wuheng may not be able to catch us, if we go out of the city, we will only die."

The Great Elder persuaded the Lord of Wucheng.

Quan Wuheng was injured, but Quan Wuheng's generals were still powerful.

At this moment, Wu Qingcheng rushed into the hall.

"Mother, if this battle can really be resolved, my daughter is willing to marry Quan Wuheng."

"Qingcheng, what are you talking about! What Quan Wuheng wants is Wushuang, but Wushuang has long been reduced to ashes under layers of thunder.

All of this is not your fault, it is your sister's fault, she wanted to become a concubine with no power for the sake of glory and wealth, and all the disasters she caused, all of this is her fault. "

The city lord looked at his daughter with a hint of kindness in his eyes.

In her heart, Qingcheng is her treasure, and also the treasure of the entire Wucheng.

But when she thought of Wushuang, her teeth itch with hatred. This is a waste, and even if she dies, she will implicate the waste in Wucheng.

I hope she is really dead, and don't stay in this world as a disgusting person anymore.

There was a trace of sadness in Qingcheng's eyes, and she did not expect Wushuang to be such a person, she had always treated him as her sister.

The city lord hugged Qingcheng, and said to Qingcheng: "Mother's good daughter, don't be sad, as long as you don't leave Wucheng, no one can hurt you."

The eight elders in the hall knew that the city lord was lying, but no one pointed it out.

Wushuang's father was the husband-in-law appointed by the previous city lord.

And Wu Qingcheng's father is the most handsome and popular figure in Lilou, and he is extremely handsome.

Back then, the city lord fell in love at first sight, and wanted to marry him desperately.

It's a pity that it was stopped by the old city lord.

The blood of Wucheng cannot be messed up. This is the rule of Wucheng. The owner of Wucheng can only marry people in Wucheng.

It is a pity that the city lord killed Wushuang's biological father after giving birth to Wushuang.

At this time, the old city lord saw that he had a successor, and he no longer prevented the city lord from marrying his beloved.

Later, the city lord had Qingcheng, and loved Qingcheng in every possible way.

Anyone with eyes can see that the city lord will leave the city lord position to Qingcheng.

Therefore, Wushuang was suppressed in every possible way, and Wu Qingcheng was praised in every way.And the old city lord is dead, how could they offend the new city lord!

The city lord did it on purpose, deliberately letting Wushuang replace Wu Qingcheng.

She knew that with Quan Wuheng's temper, she would definitely find out that Wushuang was a counterfeit, and the one who killed Wushuang, Quan Wuheng had never been a good-tempered person.

The eight elders in Wucheng also know.

They also have their own calculations in mind.

Why must the position of city lord be controlled by a woman.

Wushuang is a legitimate successor, but what if Wushuang dies!

Wu Qingcheng is just the daughter of a geisha, what qualifications does she have to sit on the seat of the city lord? Is it because she inherited her father's genes, she is good at dancing and singing.

These talents are not enough.

In terms of cultivation talent, Wu Qingcheng is far inferior to Wushuang.

Moreover, Wu Qingcheng's bloodline is impure.

Now that the only heir is dead, there is room for maneuver in the position of city lord.

If there is no power and balance, I am afraid that the Wucheng at this time will have discovered a civil war.

Now that Quan Wuheng's army is approaching the city, it is both unfortunate and fortunate.

The Great Elder looked at the city lord with eyes like torches, and said to the city lord: "City lord, it's not a matter of finding out who is right and who is wrong now. Now our Wucheng is trapped by an army with no balance, and the people in the city have long been unaccustomed to farming by themselves." up.

Most of the medicinal materials grown on our arable land are sold to Daheng. Because Wucheng is full of aura, the value of planting medicinal materials is higher, so we have always purchased food from Daheng.

And since you married Su Mo, there have been big theaters, teahouses, makeup shops, and clothing shops in the city. Now this battle is a protracted one.

We have to pull out those herbs and start growing food ourselves, otherwise even if Daheng doesn't attack us, the city will run out of ammunition and food. "

The lord of the city turned cold, and said to the great elder: "You mean that all of this is because of me! There are many theaters, tea houses, and cosmetic shops in this city, right? Why didn't you see them when you were making money? You say this"

Seeing this, the second elder said to the city owner: "City owner, the first elder is also in a hurry, and the situation in the city is indeed not very good."

(End of this chapter)

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