There is a lucky cat in the dream

Chapter 279 Correct Use of Spirit Power Cycle

Chapter 279 Correct Use of Spirit Power Cycle

Ye Chixu suddenly felt a little sweet in his heart, but at the same time, an inexplicable sense of panic surged up...

She changed the topic and said: "Ah! Speaking of which, I still have a few flower seeds that I haven't planted yet. Which attribute is the pink seed flower in? Can it be planted directly in a wooden attribute pot? Does its pink color have fire attributes or something?"

Xun Fengbai knew that she was escaping again, this time she should have understood.

Today, the progress between them is quite fast, and Xun Fengbai is also a little happy.

He followed Ye Chixu and stood next to the flower stand: "It should be fine to plant it in a wooden pot. Don't worry about other things for now. Anyway, planting flower seeds in a wooden pot will definitely not work." Wrong."

Yechixu found a pot with the number Jiamao from the flower stand, thinking that these two attributes are both wood, and it can't go wrong no matter what.

She took a small flower shovel from the shelf, dug up the soil in the flower pot, and then put the seeds in and covered it.

Xun Fengbai picked up the kitten and asked him to use the aura of the water system to materialize it, and directly pour some water with spiritual power on it.

After the cat was finished, Xun Fengbai turned his head to look at Ye Chixu again: "The next thing you should learn is to use your wood-type spiritual power to catalyze its growth."


Another guest came at the window.

Ye Chixu really wanted to deal with this matter first, and then come here to concentrate on the research on catalysis, but Xun Fengbai asked her to stand here and think about it, and help her hand over the order.

Ye Chixu looked at the window and felt that he was quite proficient in doing these things, so he felt relieved and asked the tree spirit to guide her.

The tree spirit thought that this potted flower was related to Yechixu, so he didn't dare to use it directly, so he explained the operation steps bit by bit, and gave her a simulation demonstration in Bibihuahua.

Ye Chixu probably understands it. This is actually to gather the strong wood-type vitality in his hands, and then slowly use it to wrap the flower pot, so that these wood-type spiritual power can penetrate into the soil of the flower pot, so that The seeds can absorb more abundant aura, thus promoting its growth.

Xun Fengbai returned to her after finishing the order: "You just need to catalyze it until it germinates, and then let it grow by itself. You just need to add a little spiritual power to the pot every week , you can maintain a spiritually-rich environment for it to grow freely.”

Ye Chixu nodded, don't use the way of rubbing the ball by yourself last time, draw the spiritual power from the imprint of the dream, then flow through the arms, and gather between the two palms to the size of a basketball - this point She was also surprised, after all, the last time it was only the size of a child's toy ball.

"As long as you continue to practice yourself while doing tasks, your spiritual power will continue to increase."

Xun Fengbai explained to her from the side.

"The practice of wood-type spiritual power is endless. As long as you get used to the way spiritual power works in your body and let it become a natural pattern, your spiritual power will only accumulate more and more."

Ye Chixu listened to his words, while trying to stabilize the ball that could be gathered in his hand.

It's impossible to blow up here now.

Every time one of these flowerpots was smashed, she would have to pay compensation. He thought for a while, if the ball exploded here, her salary for this month would not be enough to compensate...

Just be careful.

When the spiritual power enveloped the flowerpot, it also began to absorb it, and Ye Chixu felt that it was like a bottomless pit that couldn't be filled.

These spiritual powers can no longer flow back from her right hand through her left hand, she can only input her own spiritual power into the basin from both hands.

Slowly, her arms became sore, and her spiritual power reserves were almost drained.

Just when Ye Chixu was about to be unable to hold on, she felt the spiritual power overflowing from the flowerpot rushing back into her meridians.

Filled up!
She can still feel a few small clusters of spiritual power breaking out of her shell!

The fluffy soil was pushed away by the green sprouts, and Ye Chixu also slowly withdrew his hands at this time, and fell down on the stool that Xun Fengbai had moved earlier.

Soft legs!

Her spiritual power reserves are still too small, and a small flowerpot can absorb almost all of her spiritual power.

He stood behind and asked her to lean on and save her strength: "It's not bad, the current spiritual power can fill such a flower pot."

Ye Chixu didn't have much reaction to him approaching, but said weakly: "You don't need to comfort me, this is just a flowerpot..."

Xun Fengbai smiled and said: "The spiritual power reserve capacity of this flowerpot is actually as big as a bucket. Congratulations, you now have a bucket of water capacity."

Ye Chixu sighed. She still felt that he was comforting her: "It's not the kind of small bucket used for cleaning when I was a kid, right?"

"No. At least it's one of those buckets my class used to clean up in high school."

Ye Chixu sat up straight, and said, "Then if you didn't say it earlier, I wasn't prepared for it. I thought I couldn't fill that flower pot, and it was too good."

Xun Fengbai didn't quite understand the meaning of her words. Even if he told her that the capacity of the flowerpot was the size of a bucket, she would still be unable to fill it up if she should!

Seeing his bewildered look, Ye Chixu explained: "This is a kind of psychological preparation. If you had told me that it was the size of a bucket, I would have considered him according to the bucket model. Instead of I can only look at such a small flower pot and feel that it cannot be filled no matter how much I feel.”

Xun Fengbai nodded, he probably understood.But he was afraid of telling her that the actual capacity of this flower pot is a bucket, so she backed down, unwilling to do what to do...

Sure enough, there is a difference in the way of thinking between the two of them...

But Xun Fengbai still said seriously: "I will tell you the actual situation next time, and then I will tell you the situation I analyzed, and then you can make a decision by yourself."

"Okay." Ye Chixu nodded and agreed. After resting for a while, she felt that she was not so exhausted, so she stood up reluctantly and took two steps.

"Speaking of which, I didn't seem to have used much spiritual power in that dream last time. Why did it increase this time?"

Xun Fengbai continued to answer for her: "Resisting the pressure of the black spirit over there to erase your memory is a kind of consumption and exercise of spiritual power. After you came back, you rested for another day, and now you feel your spiritual power It should be enhanced.”

"Is it only through constant consumption and exercise that it will grow?"

The obvious improvement last time was after she exhausted her spiritual power, but this time the obvious improvement is also because of the spiritual power she consumed during the mission.

Xun Fengbai condensed a screen directly in front of her, and then placed a small person on it to perform an animation-like demonstration: "No. As I told you before, as long as you can guide your spiritual power in your Form a cycle around your body, and let them do it naturally and become a habit, then your spiritual power is always being used in a cycle, and it will continue to increase in this cycle.”

The villain in the animation cycled faster and faster, and the white line on it representing spiritual power became deeper and deeper.

Ye Chixu pinched his chin: "So this is what you said about endless life."

Xun Fengbai switched the little man to another mode. In this mode, the test run will be suspended after a few weeks.

"You can do this when you are free in the flower shop. After a long time of guidance, it will naturally form a cycle. Everyone comes from this step.

Your current state is like drawing it out of the imprint of the dream only when you use it, and letting the spiritual power stay in the imprint of the dream at other times, so it grows slowly. "

"Okay, I'll start doing this now." Ye Chixu had just used her spiritual power just now, and she still vaguely remembered the feeling of it flowing through her veins, so this time the quotation also went very quickly. the whole body.

"In your current state, only the meridians in your arms are relatively wide and smooth...but it was already pretty good that you were able to automatically mobilize your spiritual power to resist the suppression when you were in that dream last time."

Xun Fengbai always gave some advice and some praise.

"Like those people who fell into a dream with you last time, some of them are old sleepwalkers. Because they haven't established such a habit, their spiritual power reserves are not very strong now, and their level is not very high. "

"Level? Speaking of this level, you haven't told me yet." Ye Chixu suddenly thought of this, "There is no clear upgrade mark in the book."

Xun Fengbai thought that this thing is really not in the book, but after entering the department, he can check it on his system panel: "This is only available after entering the department. The basic grades are from low to high. Gao is an entry-level sleepwalker, a junior sleepwalker, an intermediate sleepwalker, an advanced sleepwalker, and a super sleepwalker. Each level is divided into three small levels, and the small level is easier to pass, but the big level is not so easy. "

Ye Chixu nodded. No matter what she thought at that time, she could only go to the lowest level. Maybe this was one of the reasons why the black spirit had been ignoring her.She also understands this division of levels very well, as it is similar to the pattern of those cultivation novels she read before.

"Although it's a bit bragging to say it, my current level is in addition to all the levels above."

Xun Fengbai called up his panel to show her that his current level is Superstar, which means it exceeds the level stipulated by all existing sleepwalkers.

After all, it is a divine beast, as if he was born with this advantage.

He brought up the panel just to show Ye Sustain the general operation method.

"Upgrading is composed of three criteria, which are the quality of the tasks done, the amount of spiritual power reserves, and the improvement of the state of mind.

As far as the quality of the task is concerned, it is expensive but not expensive.It means that the more high-quality tasks you do and the higher your score in the task, the higher your score will be.

To put it bluntly, the spiritual power reserve is the amount of energy you can release, which is automatically monitored by the system.

Mood is the most difficult thing to control. So far, there is no clear classification rule. It’s just that the system thinks that your mood has reached a certain level and it’s time to upgrade. √. "

Ye Chixu saw the basic method, so he tuned out his own to have a look.

Leafpool: Beginner Sleepwalker—Level [-]

Indicators required for upgrade:

Task quality√

Spirit Reserve X (50/100)

Mood √

Sub-level goals: Primary - Secondary

Ye Chixu tilted his head and asked Xun Fengbai, "The parentheses behind this spiritual power reserve mean that I'm still short of half of my spiritual power?"

Xun Fengbai was quite satisfied after looking at her current dashboard. For a newcomer like her who had only been in Meng for more than a week, it was already very good that her indicators could be improved to this point.

"Yes. You only have to practice more yourself. Marks will be displayed directly behind indicators like this that have been completed, and they won't tell you how far behind your task progress is.

However, your performance in the last mission should be enough for you to be promoted to the elementary level.It's just that this spiritual power reserve needs to be raised from the foundation, and you still have to work hard. "

Ye Chi Xu flattened his mouth and sighed: "It's a long way to increase the spiritual power reserve..."

Xun Fengbai smiled: "It will be very fast if you do what I told you. As long as you can get used to this pattern, you will automatically practice without knowing it."

In the next period of time, Ye Chixu handed over the remaining bouquets in the store to the tree spirit, Xiong Tongzi and Kitten Cub.

I am constantly practicing the technique of spiritual power circulation in the corner, in order to achieve a proficient goal.

The tree spirit looked at her who had been working hard in the corner and couldn't help but sigh. He patted Xun Fengbai who was sitting in front of the workbench and said, "Boss, is it too difficult to ask her like our spirit?" What? Our sense of nature is innate. It would take a long time for someone who has never been exposed to this to master this circulatory system, right? Can she really do it? "

Xun Fengbai took a deep look at her and said: "I always have to try. He has wood-type spiritual power to practice this method, which is very suitable. It's not like no one has been able to practice it before, so take it out It is still necessary to try."

The tree spirit was very worried about this: "I'm just afraid that she will not be able to achieve the desired effect, and instead will be disappointed in this dream world and that her efforts will not be rewarded."

After hearing these words, Xun Fengbai suddenly said: "You have signed a contract with her, right?"

"Yes, what's the matter." The tree spirit was confused by his sudden turn.

Xun Fengbai beckoned to him, beckoning him to come over: "There are two imprints of her dreams, one is her own and the other is Yuedan's. Now the two imprints of dreams have been separated, as long as he can After completing this set of spiritual power cycle, the two marks will be closed."

(End of this chapter)

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