Chapter 278
Xiong Tongzi tilted his head and thought for a long time, and everyone waited with bated breath for his answer—since Xun Fengbai asked this question, there must be something else in it.

"I can't remember." Xiong Tongzi's answer was actually in Ye Chixu's expectation, but Xun Fengbai looked a little disappointed.

Ye Chixu plans to ask him privately tomorrow, does he have any other connection with this tree spirit surnamed Huang?

However, the woods of her family also said that almost all the tree spirits of the yellow jue tree have the surname Huang...

"I'm sorry." Xiong Tongzi twisted his fingers, looking very embarrassed.

Xun Fengbai patted his head: "It's okay, when we called him out, I'll ask again."

These things were put on hold for the time being. Ye Chixu raised his wrist and looked at his watch and asked, "It's only around three o'clock now. What are we going to do next?"

"I'd better sort out those books first, after all, I was the one who took them down." Xun Fengbai turned and went into the room as he said that.

Ye Chixu turned to look at the three people sitting down and said, "Where are you three? If you have nothing to do, just stay here and play for a while."

Seeing that Ye Chixu had no intention of driving them away, the three of them quickly pulled Shuling along and continued playing mahjong.

Ye Chixu felt that it would be too much for Lin Lin to take the kitten with him, so he took the kitten off his head and placed it squatting next to his workbench.

Regardless of whether there is any business in the store today, it is still necessary to open the store door.

Thinking of this, Ye Chixu put down the wooden board of the window...

A man in a green courier suit stood at the door and was about to knock on the door when he saw the window open.

"Hello, is this Ms. Ye Chixu?" He asked holding a delivery note.

Ye Chixu nodded: "Yes, what's wrong."

He smiled and said, "That's it. Today's flower commemorative bouquets from the southwest area have arrived, and all the delivery letters have been arranged and distributed. I'm here to send you flowers. By the way, I brought the operating instructions given by the minister. "

Ye Chixu received the delivery note and envelope and said, "Wait a moment, I'll open the door for you."

Then he turned his head and said to those who were playing vigorously: "Stop playing cards, you idlers, come quickly and help me move things."

"Oh, alright, right now." The tree spirit just followed suit.

Ye Chixu opened the door and saw the delivery boy's box truck full of boxes and baskets of flowers...

Ye Chixu turned his head and roared: "Stop beating! Come and help me move things, I can't do it all by myself!"

Those four people came out together with Xun Fengbai who was still tidying up the bookcases in the room.

"There shouldn't be enough space in this store, right?" Xun Fengbai looked at the cart of flowers and said in shock.

The little brother crossed his hands in front of him, bowed slightly and said, "The flower stand inside is also specially customized by the minister for the branch here. I will go in and install it for you later, but you need to carry it for me first."

The few people who were about to come out to get the flowers instantly turned into helpers carrying the flower stands. The six people were divided into three groups and quickly carried the new flower stands into the flower shop.

The little brother patted the original flower wedding in the store and asked: "The original flower stand can't be moved, right?"

Ye Chixu explained: "The guardian spirit of this flower shop has not been awakened yet, so it cannot move for the time being."

The little brother compared the location in the store and said: "It doesn't matter. I'll just put another flower stand delivered this time in the corridor. When the guardian spirit wakes up, you can ask him to move it for you."

A few people only need to put the flower stand in the designated position according to his arrangement, and he will do the rest of the work of connecting with the wall of the flower shop itself.

After the little brother installed the shelves, he directly used magic to stack the flowers in the carriage row by row. There was no need for Yechixu and the others to pick them up.

This time, there were too many flowers sent over, three shelves were filled and there were several extra baskets, he was quite embarrassed.

"Due to the special days these days, there are too many flowers to convey thoughts and blessings. The signboards are directly numbered. You only need to place them in order every day. I will be there for you at three o'clock in the morning every day. Replenish the goods, and when the guardian spirit awakens, you can ask him to automatically replenish the goods for you."

Ye Chixu looked at the flowers on the shelves and on the floor in the store and couldn't help but sigh: "It was the [-]th yesterday, so it's normal for there to be more flowers. By then, if you have a guardian spirit, you won't have to bother you anymore, right?" ?"

He nodded and said, "Yes, then you can automatically replenish the stock, and you don't have to pay attention to my actions while busy handing over the bouquet."

Seeing that Ye Chixu couldn't even invite people to drink a cup of tea in the store, he was very embarrassed, so he could only think about finding another opportunity to make up for it next time: "Okay, thank you today, and there is a high probability that it will be troublesome in the future You, I will invite you to drink tea then."

The little brother smiled, agreed and left.

The few people in the store finished their things and returned to their original positions, continuing their work.Ye Chixu looked at the flowers in the store, mainly yellow and white chrysanthemums, and felt like setting up a stall at the entrance to the cemetery during the Chinese New Year...

At that time, there would be many small vendors carrying this type of chrysanthemums, packaging and selling them at the door, and the business was very good.

By the way, Meng Xin gave her a letter, but she hasn't opened it yet.

"Dear Xuxu, hello. You readily agreed to my request that day, and I am very happy. Now I will transfer some of the flowers on the [-]th day to the store, and there should be another batch of flowers delivered tomorrow. I hope you don't think too much."

Ye Chixu was shocked. She turned back and looked at the flowers in the store, thinking that there would be a batch of flowers with this amount tomorrow...

"We haven't equipped the code scanner at your window yet, so we can only work hard to collect the receipt slips from their hands. In fact, it's very simple. Just follow the number on their receipt slips to find their flowers and give them to them. That’s it.

When you have a QR code scanner, you can scan the barcode on the receipt and send all the merit you deserve to Yinyu’s account. They do settlements every month. I believe you will You will be very happy to see that number. "

Ye Chixu puffed up her cheeks looking at the content behind. Is even the bookkeeping of the underworld so high-tech now?But this way is also clearer and saves their manpower.

"The workload increases during festivals, so it's a bit harder at this time. But it's worth the effort! The flowers are shrunk and stored in transparent nutrition boxes. Such boxes can ensure their freshness. But be sure not to break it. If you break it, you need to use your salary to compensate... Your current basic salary at the flower shop is sixty treasure notes, but you can't withstand several deductions.

Also, don't take the wrong flower, because if you take it wrong once, the merits will be deducted ten times, blood loss, please be careful. "

Breaking a pot or taking the wrong flower once would cost so much. It seems that she must be careful in her work in the future, and she needs careful people to help...

I don't know if a monthly salary of sixty treasures is too much?There are quite a lot of currency converted into the adult world, but I just don’t know how it is here.

"Finally, welcome to join Chunque."

The end of the letter was signed by Meng Xin, and there was also a mark of Chun Que.

Ye Chixu squeezed the letter, thinking that her department was actually settled like this.Although this department was what he wanted to enter from the very beginning, he never thought it would be so easy to enter.

She carefully arranged the envelope and letter paper, and put them in her small bag—this bag was taken out of that dream last time. Although it cannot be brought into reality, it is still useful in the dream. fine.

The only shortcoming may be that she herself modified it to cater to the theme, which is a bit too soft and cute.

Ye Chixu sat back at the workbench, thinking that since there was no one around now, he might as well free up all the things in the drawer below for Xun Fengbai to sort them out together.

"Hello." An old female voice sounded in front of the window.

Ye Chixu quickly straightened her waist, and said goodbye to the hair that fell to her cheeks: "Hello, are you here to pick up flowers?"

This is a kind-hearted old lady. She handed over a note with trembling hands and said, "Yes, please read it for me."

"Okay." Ye Chixu took it with both hands.

This is a rectangular card with the number [-] written on the front and a department mark of Chunque on the back.

She had seen it before. Shelf one was numbered 1-300, which meant that each shelf could hold three hundred bouquets of flowers.

These flowers were not sent in his original size, but in transparent boxes that were shrunk several times.

There is a number written in black pen on the surface of the box. Ye Chixu finds the old grandma's flower, and takes the flower out of the box, and it will return to its original size.

Ye Chixu held the flowers in both hands and handed them to her, and the old lady left with a happy and satisfied smile.

Looking at her back, Ye Chixu's heart was filled with her smile. Maybe this is one of the meanings of the existence of this flower shop.

She felt she could do a job like this for at least another ten years.

But... she quickly dismissed the idea...

Because there were too many people queuing up, he felt like a robot, going back and forth between the flower stand and the window, without any time to rest.

Not all the guests who come here are as polite as the old lady, there are also people who curse and keep urging her.

After a while, Xiong Tongzi couldn't stand it anymore.If he wanted to help, he could only bring out flowers in a relatively short grid, and he needed a stool for the ones that were too tall. Ye Chixu didn't feel very relieved, so he still had to come by himself.

Cat Zai was in charge of checking the numbers on the cards and the bouquets he brought, and he really caught a few mistakes in his busy schedule.

After a while, the tree spirit finally realized his conscience and said that he would not play mahjong, and joined the ranks of looking for flowers and passing them on, which made Ye Chixu a lot easier.

Zhang Xiao and the others actually wanted to help, but since they were not from the store, it was hard for them to intervene, so the three of them decided to play poker again...

The entire flower shop spent the night in such a sharp contrast between leisure and busyness...

Ye Chixu received a drawer of small cards, and there were only a few flowers left in baskets on the floor that no one came to pick up.

She lay down on the table exhaustedly. She didn't expect the business in the store to be good. It turned out to be such an experience that her busy feet didn't even touch the floor.

When Xun Fengbai finished sorting out the books inside, he saw this picture——

There were only a few bouquets of flowers left in the shop. The shop owner was lying on his workbench dying, and the kitten next to him was also turning its belly.The four-player game turned into three, and one was paralyzed at the door, hugging Xiong Tongzi and panting for breath...

"Sold out the flowers so quickly?" He walked to Ye Chixu and bent down to look at her.

"Yeah." Ye Chixu turned her head to face him with the back of her head, really not wanting him to see her tired face.

Xun Fengbai patted her on the head: "Thanks for your hard work."

The three people who were still playing cards in the store suddenly felt a great pain in their conscience...

So they got up and said goodbye and left.

"How about you come to the store to volunteer next time..." Ye Chixu weakly raised his hand to say goodbye to them.

An Huai stood outside the window and said: "The store is too busy, we may not be able to do it well... Why don't we come to you to play poker next time when you are not busy, you always know how to play poker? "

Ye Chixu looked up at him: "Yes, I will. This is not a chess and card room. If you want to play poker next time, I will chase you out. Otherwise, you will have to buy flowers before you can play here."

An Huai was dragged away by the other two people who disliked him ashamed.

"What's the matter with that Uncle Huang?" Ye Chixu took a short rest and had already recovered.

Xun Fengbai moved a stool and sat down next to her: "If the tree spirit in this store is Coptis, and you heard me right, he gave himself a very bitter name, then you have really made a profit."

"What's wrong with him? Is there any information in the store that matches him? Didn't the tree spirit say that all the people named after their yellow jue trees are named Huang?" Ye Chixu didn't have much hope for this matter.

"Coptis is different. He named himself Coptis because he was particularly good at medical skills. And he disappeared probably within the past 100 years, and his spirit has never disappeared from Chunque's record book. Pass.

According to the tree spirit, this flower shop has not activated the guardian spirit for a long time, and this approximate time is correct... and, I heard from my dad and others that he likes to let the plant spirits who are younger than him Call him Uncle Huang and nothing else..."

"What a strange hobby!" Ye Chixu propped his chin and complained.

Xun Fengbai was used to her strange concern, and explained directly: "With such a person to guide you, you will develop very well in the healing direction of the wood department..."

"But no matter how you look at it, he is more beneficial to you as a medical student..." Ye Chixu continued to complain.

Xun Fengbai glanced at her, and replied bluntly: "Of course, otherwise why am I so excited?"

Ye Chixu: "..."

"And with such a powerful spirit sitting in your store, I don't have to worry about you when I have other things."

(End of this chapter)

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