Quick Transmigration - I'm the Male Supporting Warm Baby

Chapter 338 Nuan Nuan Inspired by the Imperial Examination (65)

Chapter 338 Nuan Nuan Inspired by the Imperial Examination (65)

It's not like Chen Yunan didn't do nothing when he went out to settle down for a while, he went to Qingshui County on purpose to investigate a person named "A Chen".

After much searching, I couldn't find that Nuannuan had met anyone named "Achen" in her more than ten years of life?
He even checked for people with "Chen" in their names several times, but he couldn't find this person.

Chen Yunan couldn't help but wonder, is there such a person in this world?

But now, the emotions that had finally settled down were stirred by warmth.


The rain in the disaster-stricken areas in the south finally stopped, the sun showed its smiling face in the sky, and the floods gradually receded.

The mottled ground and various corpses were exposed.

Nuannuan ordered them to be burned and buried on the spot, but the people did not agree.

Nuan Nuan explained the stakes to them clearly, and there was no way to get them to agree.

Finally, he persuaded each family, explaining clearly at each place: What would be the consequences if a plague occurred?Don’t they want future generations to live in this place?
Fortunately, some people were finally suppressed.

But in a place called Dachen Village, the plague broke out not long after the villagers returned.

Nuan Nuan took people over to investigate carefully and found out that they actually ate chickens and ducks that had been soaked in water.

Nuan Nuan's face was so dark, didn't they want to die?
The whole village ate the blistered chickens and ducks and suffered from vomiting and diarrhea.

Fortunately, this situation is not considered a plague.

But Nuannuan didn't dare to be careless.He had earlier ordered people to buy cart after cart of quicklime from nearby provinces and spread it wherever there were people.

But if a fool does not do stupid things, he cannot be called a fool!
In a certain county, along a river, three or four villages were all infected with the plague.

Fortunately, local officials immediately ordered the closure of the villages, sealing off the entire area where three or four villages were located.

The symptoms in those villages were not the vomiting and diarrhea caused by eating unclean things like before, but high fevers and red rashes on their bodies.

Of course, there is also vomiting.

Nuannuan knew at a glance that this was a plague.

No matter what he said, he had some basic medical skills there, so he hurriedly recruited doctors.

But few doctors are willing to enter the plague area.

There was no choice but to give the order to die, and Nuan Nuan took the doctor in personally.

When General Wan saw that Nuan Nuan was about to follow him in, he immediately stopped him.

"Chen Shizhong, please don't go in. We who are so strong don't know what's going on? You go in, who is watching outside?"

After this period of getting along, General Wan still admires Nuan Nuan very much.

It's impossible not to admire a sixteen- or seventeen-year-old boy who has not yet gotten married, running around with rough guys like them, and still managing things in an orderly manner.

Nuannuan shook his head. The people from the official department had already arrived, so he didn't need to worry too much outside.

He must enter the epidemic area. After all, he is also a person with a strong body, and his body is stronger than ordinary people after transformation.

Moreover, the scale of planting in the medicinal field space is already very impressive, and all kinds of medicinal materials can be used. Nuan Nuan needs to see what the situation of those people is before she can find medicine.


In the capital, it was reported that Nuan Nuan entered the epidemic area.

Chen Yunan stood up in shock, her face was ugly like never before.

The chief butler and the second butler stood aside, both daring to speak.

Chen Yunan turned around, changed her clothes and entered the palace.

After talking to Qi Tianyou for a few words, he asked to go to the Jiangnan disaster area.

The male protagonist Qi Tianyou disagrees with everything, and the plague has already appeared in the disaster area.Didn't he seek death in the past now?
"If you don't agree, I'll go too." Chen Yunan stood there expressionless, and what he said could make Qi Tianyou angry to death.

Qi Tianyou pointed at him, "If you ask me to tell you what you are good at, you will be the only one left in the Chen family. If you die, how will I explain to my uncle and the others?"

In the end, Qi Tianyou didn't survive Chen Yunan either.

Chen Yunan led a few people out of the capital on horseback.

Along the way, he didn't dare to stop. He was afraid that he would be late and hear bad news there.

Hurry up slowly, three horses ran to death.

Regardless of the obstruction of the officers and soldiers in the defense area, Chen Yunan clamped his horse's stomach, crossed the cordon and ran towards the village.

Nuan Nuan was feeding medicine to an old man when he heard the sound of horseshoes from far to near.I was suspicious, why was there the sound of horse hooves here?

Looking up, Nuan Nuan almost thought she was hallucinating!
Anan, why are you here?

Chen Yunan walked up to Nuan Nuan, and picked up the back of Nuan Nuan's neck before Nuan Nuan recovered.


"You're still wronged." Chen Yunan sneered with a dark face.

Nuannuan's temper also came up.

Is he easy?He didn't eat well, didn't rest well these days, and he didn't have any strength, so he was taken out of the village just like that.




Shortly after Chen Yunan arrived in the epidemic area, the alert was lifted.

Several old doctors have found a prescription to solve the disease.

Of course, Nuan Nuan has a lot of credit for this, but not many people know about it.

While Nuannuan was waiting for several imperial envoys to return to Beijing, the people in Jiangnan lined up to see each other off.

What they hold in their hands are some of their thoughts.

Nuan Nuan only took away a basket of melons and fruits that the fellow gave him.

Sitting in the carriage, Nuannuan hugged the basket of fruits and said goodbye to her fellow villagers.

He seemed to realize the meaning of being an official.

(End of this chapter)

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