Quick Transmigration - I'm the Male Supporting Warm Baby

Chapter 337 Nuan Nuan Inspired by the Imperial Examination (64)

Chapter 337 Nuan Nuan Inspired by the Imperial Examination (64)

"Son! Why don't you hold on for a while? Son!"

A skinny woman was kneeling aside, holding a two or three-year-old child in her arms.

The shrill cries made the dim and drizzly weather even more miserable~
Nuan Nuan pursed her lips and said, "General Liu, you go to the county government first."


"Sister-in-law Zhang. Little Treasure is probably dying. It's better to let him be buried in the ground."


"I don't!" Mrs. Zhang cried bitterly while holding the child in her arms.

The people around me didn’t know how to persuade them, and they themselves had lost many relatives.

Nuannuan walked over, and everyone around him made way for him.

After walking in, Nuan Nuan could clearly see the pale and thin cheeks of the child in the woman's arms.

"Sister-in-law, can I take a look?" Nuan Nuan asked.

Mrs. Zhang was still in a daze.

The person next to her poked her, "My lord is talking to you."

Mrs. Zhang held the child tightly in her arms. She was afraid that Nuan Nuan would ask her to throw the child away.

"Sister-in-law, your son is not dead, can you let me take a look?" Nuan Nuan said again.

"Not dead! Really?" Mrs. Zhang's eyes burst out with hope.

Nuan Nuan nodded and reached out to Mrs. Zhang.

People around were attracted by this scene.They all know that Mrs. Zhang's child will die this morning.

Nuan Nuan took the child and gave the child a full-body examination with an ordinary medical detector.

The child's pulse was so weak that it was almost impossible to detect, but under the detector it was obvious that his heart was still beating.

Moreover, the child's body temperature was extremely low, probably because the body was so cold that they thought the child was dead.

This situation is not good, the body temperature is low, and it is easy to cause cardiac arrest.

"Sister-in-law Zhang, get in the carriage with me and go to the county government office. It's so cold now, the child can't stand it."

The sister-in-law now listens to whatever Nuan Nuan says, and is willing to die as long as she can save her little treasure.

The carriage gradually drove away from the crowd gathering place.

The victims looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Can this lord really bring the dead back to life?" a big man asked.

The aunt next to him patted him, "What are you talking about? I didn't hear the adults say, Xiaobao is not dead yet?"

The big man touched his head in embarrassment.

"Speaking of which, this lord is so young! He hasn't even been crowned yet." Someone else said.

"He said that he will give porridge and food tonight, so why don't we hurry there, what are we waiting for here?"

"Yes, go, go, go!"


While the soldiers were making soup, Nuan Nuan also got a general idea of ​​the post-disaster relief efforts of local officials.

It sucks!

Although some sheds were set up to protect the people from the rain, Nuan Nuan could tell at a glance that those sheds could only simply shelter from the rain, not the wind.

Moreover, it lasted for a long time, not to mention the humidity, and it was also extremely cold.

These people all ran out of their homes in a hurry when they were fetching water, and they didn't bring anything with them.

The clothes on his body are wet and dry, and dry and wet.Already many people started to have a fever and fell ill.

Mrs. Zhang is holding Xiaobao in her arms, and is feeding rice porridge into Xiaobao's mouth spoon by spoon!
Seeing Nuan Nuan coming in, I wanted to salute Nuan Nuan.Nuannuan waved her hand and asked her to take care of Xiaobao first.

Mrs. Zhang is very grateful to Nuan Nuan.

She would have thought that Xiaobao was dead.It turned out that her little treasure was just frozen!
It's because she's a bad mother, she doesn't have clothes that can keep Xiaobao warm.

Nuan Nuan sat down on the chair next to her and began to ask Mrs. Zhang about the situation in the county.

Mrs. Zhang said that when they first entered the city, they would give out some thicker rice porridge, but then it became thinner and thinner.

The porridge I'm going to get now is only two or three grains of rice.

Adults can still hold on for a while, but children can't hold on!Many children have died.

Nuan Nuan frowned.

Jiangnan is originally a rich and rich town, rich in rice.Except for the tribute to the court every year, most of it should be stored in the granary as an emergency reserve.

How could it be possible that just over half a month had passed and we were already out of food?

Nuannuan knew that there was something tricky in it, but the review of officials did not belong to Nuannuan, it could only be reviewed by those officials who came later.

"It can't go on like this!"

Without that Chiang Shizhong, Nuan Nuan would have sole power.

The highest official rank in these places is fifth rank, but it is still incomparable to him, a sixth rank official in the capital.

Nuannuan quickly called everyone to a meeting to discuss rescue methods.

They all frowned when they heard Nuannuan say that she wanted to call on the wealthy households in the city to donate money and materials.

The situation was urgent, and Nuan Nuan didn't want to play haha ​​with them, so she just waved her hand and ordered people to call a meeting of the wealthy businessmen in the city.

Those officials don't know what Nuan Nuan said?I saw the wealthy households rushing to donate goods and money one by one.

All the officials: ... What do you usually ask you to do? Why are you so active at this time?
Nuan Nuan didn't want them to donate any valuables, mainly some things they don't usually use, such as old clothes, some old things at the bottom of the box.

These things are dispensable or even cumbersome to them, but they are life-saving things for the people now.

Rich businessmen can gain a good reputation without paying much.Why not do it?

The owner of the silk cloth shop donated a large amount of old felt cloth, which can be used to protect the temporary awning from wind and rain.

The owner of the grain store actually released a batch of old grain, rough millet.

Medicinal material merchants donated large quantities of cheap medicinal materials.

And the wealthy households in the city also took cart after cart of old clothes they couldn't wear to the county government.

Most of the clothes that the servants wore were dirty, old, and not suitable for use on the table, so they were donated.

Nuan Nuan counted these donated materials and deployed them in a unified manner, first settling the refugees in the city.

The medicinal materials of the donated medicine are just enough to make up a pair of Feng Han Ling.

Nuannuan waved her hand and cooked Fenghanling in various relief sheds.

Everyone can drink a bowl every day.

There are those sharp-eyed small merchants who don't have their share in the meeting, but this is the time to gain a good reputation.

The old doctor from the drugstore took his apprentice to the relief shed for a free clinic.

If there are some donated medicinal materials, you can use them directly. If there are no medicinal materials, the county government will buy them at a low price. Although they won't make much money, they will help you gain a good reputation.

Nuan Nuan rectified the city, and took a few officials out of the city to the worst-hit places.

The officials complained endlessly, they had never seen such a boss!Of course, they have never seen such a young boss.


As soon as Chen Yunan came back, he heard that Nuan Nuan had gone to the disaster-stricken area in the south, and he couldn't get up or down in his throat.

He settled for a few months outside, and finally convinced himself to return to the boundary of his friends in the future.

But when I heard that Nuan Nuan had gone to the disaster area, I was so anxious that I wished I could catch Nuan Nuan back and beat her up severely.

He knew he was in trouble.No matter how long you do to mentally build up, you will never let go.

(End of this chapter)

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