Chapter 107 Radish Stew
After Chu Yao had finished naming them, Abu and a group of children who had just come down were staring at the rack cart pulled by the donkey in a daze.

After he finished talking with Chu Yao, he kept staring at the shelf car.So he didn't care about what Chu Yao told him to go to the mountains to see radishes.

Children love to play by nature, and they have never seen a rack car before, so naturally they are reluctant to leave when they see it.

"Abu, can we go up the mountain together in a shelf car?" Seeing this, Chu Yao was anxious to go to the mountain to look at the radishes on it, so she had an idea to discuss with Abu.

The people in front were lined up waiting to take the shelf car, but Abu and the children who had gone to clear the grass just came down from the mountain, so they couldn't line up, so they could only watch. Hearing what Chu Yao said, they were very happy. Many children turned their faces.

At this time, Suiwu and the others made three more rack carts, and Chu Yao immediately asked someone to put all four rack carts on donkeys, and then asked Abu to take the children to sit on the rack carts and go up the mountain to find radishes.

Qing Ti was worried when she saw that Qiu Yun was going up the mountain, so she brought a pair of women with her.

At this time, in addition to human settlements, wild beasts often appeared in the surrounding mountains.However, there are not too many injuries, because humans travel in groups, so wild beasts will not actively attack humans.

But since the former Yan clan chief tried to do something wrong to Chu Yao last time, Sui Ye ordered Qingti to always pay attention to Chu Yao's safety.

When Chu Yao first came to the Suiren clan, no one thought that she was good-looking, thin, and had no breasts or buttocks, so she must not be able to have children.Unexpectedly, in a short time, Chu Yao not only subverted Suiye's aesthetic view, but also changed the aesthetic view of everyone in the clan, including most people from other clans.

People think that Chu Yao is the number one beauty, so Suiye now attaches great importance to Chu Yao's safety.

Suiwu, the donkey breeder, Qing Ti, and a man from the clan were also found to support the camp. Chu Yao, Abu, and a dozen children sat in the carriage.

It was the first time that people in the clan saw the rack car traveling, and they followed behind one after another. There were also some people from other clans who wanted to follow along to see the effect of the rack car.

After a while, everyone arrived at the place where Abu and the others dug the carrots.

Chu Yao looked around, and saw a large mountain, where all the radishes grew.

Plants in the wild era are like this. If a certain plant grows dominant in a certain place, it will occupy a large area, and all the plants will grow, just like the sweet potatoes, potatoes, cotton, and millet that Chu Yao discovered before. Such.

The advantage of plants growing like this is that they are easy to find. The disadvantage is that even if the same plant grows too densely, the plants will grow smaller and affect the yield.

However, in this way of harvesting from the sky at will, no one will think about whether their yield is high or low.

Chu Yao took a closer look at the large piece of radishes, and found that they were in good shape, with a lot of big ones in the middle, so she got off the car and asked the clansmen who came over to dig the radishes together.

Abu and the children were responsible for loading the dug radishes into the car.

Although it was the first time for these children to go out to do errands with adults, they were very energetic because of the new thing like a shelf car.

It didn't take long for all four racks to be filled.

"Suiwu, it's better for the four of you to drive a cart and pull these radishes back. We'll dig some more here, and you guys come again." Chu Yao said.

At this time, there is a shelf car, and it is pulled by a donkey, just like the top luxury car of Chu Yao's later generations.

While digging the radishes, the crowd watched Sui Wuqing and the others drive away in a car, fascinated by this kind of transportation and means of transportation.

In fact, according to Chu Yao's point of view, this kind of car is pitifully slow. First of all, it has no wheels and can only slide on the ground, which is a little faster than people walking.

But people in this era find it extremely miraculous, because they have never seen wooden shovels used to drag things, nor have they seen donkeys used as power.

And it is obvious that what a donkey can pull at a time is many times that of a human.

After a while, several people from Suiwu came back empty.This time, there were a few more people in the car. They were people who wanted to take the car, and they could just bring them over to help get on the car.

Seeing that the four carts were full and the radishes in the mountain were only dug up a little bit, Chu Yao said: "Everyone go back, we will eat stewed radishes today."

When everyone heard this, they were very surprised. When they saw Chu Yao leading them to dig radishes, they thought they were digging them up for donkeys to eat, but they didn't expect Chu Yao to say that they were for people to eat.

In fact, everyone has eaten radish before. Although it can be eaten, it has a spicy taste, and if you eat too much, you will feel uncomfortable in your stomach, so most people don't like it.

But now the goddess said that today she wanted to eat stewed radishes, and everyone couldn't figure it out, because in the past, the new food made by the goddess was very delicious, but today the goddess said that she wanted to eat such unpalatable food as stewed radishes.

Of course, no one objected to Chu Yao's decision.And before Chu Yao came to Suiren's, everyone was not picky about food, and sometimes even hungry and full.

When they arrived at the place of residence, Chu Yao asked people to remove the leaves of all the radishes first, and gave the leaves to the donkeys to eat, and then washed and cut the radishes below into pieces.

Qing asked: "Goddess, are the leaves of this radish not edible?"

"It's edible, but radish leaves are better to make pickles." Chu Yao said casually, she remembered that radish leaves were pickled with salt to eat in her previous life.

"What kind of pickle is it?" Qing Ti continued to ask.

It was only then that Chu Yao realized that there were no pickles in this era. In this case, she thought, there are still a lot of radish leaves on the mountain, why not use them to pickle pickles? In addition to eating in winter, you can also take part of it out to pickle pickles, and eat it when there is less food in winter.

It just so happens that the Suiren clan has a large number of pottery pots that can be used to make this.

Thinking of this, Chu Yao called Sui Ye: "Clan chief, bring all the men and women of the clan up the mountain to dig radishes tomorrow."

Suiye was surprised when he saw a large pile of radishes that Chu Yao led people down the mountain, and heard that Chu Yao was going up the mountain to dig radishes, so he asked: "Ma'am, the clan has enough food now, why do they eat radishes?" Something unpalatable?"

"Who told you that radishes are unpalatable, and stewed meat with radishes tastes better." Chu Yao said, smiling at Sui Ye, "Just wait, today is guaranteed to be a very delicious food."

Being robbed by Chu Yao, Sui Ye had to obediently keep silent.

(End of this chapter)

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