Country doctor

Chapter 62 Strange Cold Syndrome

Chapter 62 Strange Cold Syndrome

Chapter 62 Strange Cold Syndrome

Chen Feng quickly stood up and opened the door.

In the end, I saw a girl whose hair was drenched into fine vermicelli, but still beautiful and beautiful, yelling and pulling at him, "Brother Feng, I finally found you!"

"Quick, go save my cousin!"

"Cousin, she is seriously ill and dying!"

It was Ye Zitong, she came suddenly.

Seeing her like this, Chen Feng also guessed all kinds of things, because Chen Feng didn't answer Chen Feng's call, so she drove over, and it turned out that it was raining so much, and the dirt road in front of He'ao Village was absolutely muddy , can't drive it at all.

She had no choice but to run here in the rain.

And the cousin she was talking about was naturally Jiang Yuyun.

Jiang Yuyun is ill.

As soon as Chen Feng thought about it, he roughly understood Jiang Yuyun's condition.

He had seen Jiang Yuyun before, so he knew what ailment she had. Now that the sudden autumn rain and the temperature dropped sharply, it was normal for Jiang Yuyun's condition to recur.

Since he understands the situation, he can easily treat it, so he is not in a hurry. Instead, looking at Ye Zitong's disheveled look, he sighs that she treats people with sincerity and is so kind to Jiang Yuyun, and on the other hand, he is worried about her. Once, it is very likely to catch a cold!
So instead of rushing to follow Ye Zitong to save Jiang Yuyun's illness, he took out a dry towel and gave it to Ye Zitong to ask her to dry all the wet parts of her hair.


Ye Zitong was startled, then took the towel, wiped it quickly, with warm and joyful eyes, and burst out laughing.

"Brother Feng, I didn't expect you to be so attentive and considerate!"

Her impression of Chen Feng was even better.

But Chen Feng was still not in a hurry, and even told her to sit down, and wanted to boil a bowl of caramel water for her to drink to prevent her from catching a cold.

"No, my cousin is really very sick, we must hurry to save her, there is no time!"

Ye Zitong was extremely anxious.

In this regard, Chen Feng comforted her and said: "Don't worry, I have already understood her illness, it's just a normal attack, nothing will happen at all."

Once, Chen Feng thought about curing Jiang Yuyun's cold syndrome, but Jiang Yuyun thought Chen Feng was a liar and didn't believe him at all, so Chen Feng couldn't cure her.

Ye Zitong took a few sips, then raised her eyelashes suddenly, and asked Chen Feng suspiciously, "Brother Feng, are you just trying to see death because you didn't deal with your cousin?"

Chen Feng curled his lips, this little girl even started to doubt him.

"Of course not. I'm just waiting for the best time to treat it. It's best to wait until the rain stops, the weather clears up, and the sun shines brightly. Only then can I treat Jiang Yuyun with the best effect, and the disease can be cured!"

"Because she has a cold syndrome! It is extremely difficult to get rid of the cold syndrome when the cold air is abundant."

Chen Feng might as well explain it to her.

"Oh, I see."

Ye Zitong finally understood.

She also began to stop being anxious, and drank a bowl of caramel water boiled for her by Chen Feng's mother Lin Guizhi with peace of mind. After drinking, her whole body was in good spirits, and her body's trachea and blood vessels were much warmer and more comfortable.

"Brother Feng, if someone can marry you, I'm so happy!"

"You will be able to take care of her submissively, without any pain!"

"Now I'm standing in front of you, what do you think of me?"

Ye Zitong, who had regained his strength, joked with Chen Feng without any scruples.

"Of course you are good! But I'm afraid I'm a little too high for you."

Chen Feng also learned to joke.

But his joke was immediately taken seriously by Ye Zitong.

"You can't reach something too high. Don't be a stubborn person and think about old ideas about whether you are in the same class or not."

"On the contrary, I feel a little ashamed in front of you, because you are so perfect, you are kind and sincere to others, good at everything, and your medical skills are amazing, I don't even feel your shortcomings!"

Ye Zitong said rather shyly.

She spoke out what was on her mind.

Chen Feng blinked his eyes quickly, changed the subject, and asked, "Do you know Jiang Yuyun very well? Has she been severely hit by cold in the past, or has there been any extremely cold objects around her?"

It turns out that Jiang Yuyun's cold syndrome is not an ordinary cold syndrome, but a cold syndrome that has penetrated into the bone marrow!
Doctors with general cold symptoms can't see it at all, let alone how to get rid of it.

But when Chen Feng thought about it, Jiang Yuyun was born into a wealthy family. It was said that she was born with a golden key. She should not have experienced any disasters and suffered a severe cold. Moreover, the cold in her body had penetrated deep into her body. It didn't seem to happen overnight. It's quite strange.

How did she get her cold?
"I don't know about it, but we often see her. I always spend a few days with her in January. However, if you asked her about being attacked by extreme cold or wearing cold items, I don't know. Never seen or heard of it.”

Ye Zitong replied leisurely.

"Oh." Chen Feng pretended to be indifferent and replied.

In fact, he had already begun to think about it in his heart. If he had never experienced such a thing, how could she suffer from such a severe cold!
As a doctor, he wanted to find out the root cause of everything, otherwise, even if he cured Jiang Yuyun, Jiang Yuyun would most likely relapse.

Just like this, the two of them were chatting.

In another place, in a luxurious villa in the county town.

Jiang Wenxiu, chairman of Tangtang Jiangcheng Group, walked up and down anxiously in the hall, with a solemn expression, as if hesitating about something.

In the hall, there were still two people sitting, one was Master Lu Lu Xinwei who was sitting in a high position, he was sipping the top-quality oolong tea as if he was a guest in his spare time, sipping and grinding it carefully, as if he was concentrating on tasting other teas tea flavor.

And farther away from his lower head sat a young man with rolling eyes and an unpredictable mind.

This young man is actually Song Liangcheng!

It turned out that Jiang Yuyun fell ill and fell into the cold. Even with eight thick quilts, she couldn't stop shivering from the cold. Even after that, her face became pale, her eyelids drooped, and she fell into a drowsy sleep. Her whole body was cold, as if she was dead.

Regarding this, Jiang's family was divided into two groups. One group had normal thoughts and sent Jiang Yuyun to a doctor who was extremely skilled, while the other group thought of Master Lu who was sitting in the high hall.

Jiang Wenxiu was the latter, because he had been instructed by Master Lu and told him that his daughter Jiang Yuyun's condition was not a disease, but a special constitution called Yin-cold constitution. It belongs to Yang, and if combined with it, it can be cured.

In this regard, Master Lu also guided him to someone, Song Liangcheng!

In Master Lu's words, "Although Song Liangcheng came from a humble background, he has a kind of yang qi. He didn't have a father since he was a child, and it was because the yang qi overpowered his father that he died. Afterwards, he devoted himself even more to his talents. , started from nothing, and managed to reach tens of millions of net worth in a dozen companies under him!"

But even if Master Lu was talking about Song Liangcheng's hype, Jiang Wenxiu still looked down on Song Liangcheng, after all, he only had Jiang Yuyun as his daughter!
The person who combines with his daughter must be his son-in-law!

Obviously Song Liangcheng is too far behind.

So Jiang Wenxiu didn't agree for a while, and because Jiang Yuyun's illness didn't happen often, Jiang Wenxiu asked Master Lu to help him choose a better and more suitable Zhiyang Body when his daughter was intact, but Master Lu never found it.

Now Jiang Yuyun is sick again, and the condition is extremely serious!
Jiang Wenxiu invited Master Lu again, and Master Lu naturally repeated the old tune.

(End of this chapter)

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