Chapter 61

Chapter 61

"It's broken, it's going to rain!"

Chen Feng hurriedly ran home.

When I got home, I heard crackling, and the raindrops hit the roof like hail, making a loud bang.

It seems that this is not just going to rain, but a heavy rainstorm.

The next day, Chen Feng got up in the morning, but the rain was still pouring down.

After Chen Feng washed up, he came to the main room.

Mother Lin Guizhi had already prepared breakfast, but her expression was not good and she sighed a little.

Chen Feng asked her what happened.

Lin Guizhi said worriedly: "This autumn is raining continuously, and it will last for several days at a time. I am worried about your orchard, and even more worried about your medicine field."

In her opinion, Chen Feng wanted to start a career, but he had good intentions.

But doing this kind of thing is extremely risky. Maybe something bad will happen and it will fail, and it is very likely that you will not even be able to get your capital back.

It was raining so heavily now, and she didn't know when it would stop, so she became worried for Chen Fengwai.

"Mom, don't worry about it! This little rain is nothing!"

Although Chen Feng comforted his mother in this way.

But he was also worried. After breakfast, he went to the medicine field with an umbrella and bare feet.

Unexpectedly, someone came earlier than him.

It's Liu Yanyan!

"What are you doing here?"

Chen Feng shouted angrily.

"Hmph, I'm here, of course I want to see a joke!"

"Chen Feng, you don't know, you paid such a high price to rent so many fields to build a medicinal garden, once the medicinal herbs are soaked by the rain, tell me how the whole village will laugh at you! At that time , I should be so happy!"

Liu Yanyan finally climbed up to Boss Hou, but Boss Hou went in.

Because she wanted to slander Chen Feng and Chief Su, she was taken to the police station by Chief Su, interrogated severely, and stayed in the control center for two days, which made her want to go crazy in pain.

After she came back, she didn't reflect on her own problems. She put all her resentment on Chen Feng!
She now hopes that Chen Feng is not good, she now hopes that Chen Feng gets sick, now she hopes that Chen Feng's career will fail, now she now hopes that Chen Feng will go bankrupt
In short, whatever Chen Feng's misfortune is her happiness!
So she ignored the cold autumn rain and came to see Chen Feng's medicine field earlier than Chen Feng.

She wanted to see the medicine fields soaked, all the herb seeds inside rotted, and Chen Feng's investment was in vain!
"You are hopeless!"

Chen Feng had no choice but to make such a decision for her.

"My herbs are growing very well and are already sprouting. Are you happy now?"

Chen Feng stared at her coldly, and said deliberately annoyed her.

Then he stopped talking to her, walked around the medicine garden, and went home very peacefully and satisfied.

After all, all Liu Yanyan's fantasies came to nothing. The Dendrobium seeds in Chen Feng Medicine Garden had germinated, and they were about seven or eight millimeters long.

After returning from the medicine garden, Chen Feng's face darkened, and he was in a bad mood.

He was not worried about Liu Yanyan, but because of Yaotian.

Although I have seen that the medicinal herbs in the medicine field are not affected by the autumn rain, they have sprouted and grown, and the situation is not bad, this situation also makes Liu Yanyan want to see his jokes in vain.

But for Chen Feng, he knew that all of this was caused by his spiritual liquid.

But no matter how effective the spiritual liquid is, it can't stand the constant fall of the autumn rain. Being soaked by the rain and greatly diluting the spiritual liquid, the effectiveness of the spiritual liquid is far less than that of the orchard!

One must know that last night, Chen Feng poured all the stored spiritual liquid into it, but it only grew less than one centimeter. This speed is too slow!
But recently, after absorbing Su Xin's aura infusion, he felt that his dantian's spiritual energy was getting fuller and fuller, like a lump of mud, forming a lump!

And the spiritual liquid oozing out from him became less!
Without the spiritual liquid, how long will it take for the dendrobium herb to grow before it can be harvested?Only then can it be sold?
This is what worries him the most.

If you can't earn income from sales, people like Liu Yanyan will definitely spit out their mouths, and even their parents will worry about him. This is not what Chen Feng wants to see.

He also knew that there were countless people in He'ao Village who had thoughts like Liu Yanyan's!
Seeing Chen Feng's fruit trees have made achievements before, these people were not happy for his family because of this. There are many people who are jealous and jealous. Even if they have a good relationship with Chen Feng's family, they have also received Chen Feng's favor!

When their own life is not good, they look down on other people's well-being even more!

He had to get the medicine field right, otherwise not only these villagers, but also the village head Su Changgui, Zhu Caiye, Liu Yanyan and others would make trouble and laugh at him to their heart's content.

There was even one more person, and that was Zhou Hui!
Hearing that Chen Feng was unwilling to accept her suggestion to set up a private clinic in the county had already made her think that she was so insane and unreasonable. Now that he really failed to manage the medicine field, she would become even more self-righteous and self-righteous!
That day, I was at home on a rainy day, and nothing happened.

Chen Feng locked himself in the room, continued to absorb, and strengthened the spiritual energy in the dantian until it was as hard as a stone.


A roar seemed to come from Chen Feng's dantian.

Immediately, Chen Feng could clearly feel that the spirit essence in his dantian had become an entity, shining and spinning.

At the same time, a message came from his mind.

"Building the spirit essence means that your cultivation has reached the first level of the Qi training stage. From now on, you can absorb spiritual energy from the heaven and the earth through exercises, so as to further improve your own cultivation practice!"

"Here I give you a copy of "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Jue", the most basic method of absorbing spiritual energy. Use this method to absorb and breathe out spiritual energy every day, and you must not slack off!"

Immediately, a golden light flickered in his mind, and an iron coupon in the shape of a book appeared, on which was written "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Jue".

Chen Feng was a little curious, and with a thought, the iron coupon automatically turned up, and another page appeared. There were no words on this page, but as the light burst out, words appeared one by one.

"Heaven and earth have yin and yang, which absorb and penetrate the five poles, and the five poles rotate in rotation, from the dark to the yellow pole"

Chen Feng didn't stop immediately, and immediately closed his eyes and concentrated on practicing.

From his point of view, it was only a short moment, but to ordinary people, it was several hours.

During this period, Lin Guizhi knocked on the door, wanting to ask Chen Feng to have lunch, and Chen Haidong also knocked on the door, wanting to talk to his son.

But they were all shut down, it wasn't that Chen Feng ignored it, it was that Chen Feng had been immersed in the cultivation of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Art, and he was constantly absorbing the spiritual energy from between the heaven and the earth. He didn't hear these subtle voices at all.

Finally when it was time for dinner, Chen Feng opened his eyes, their eyes widened and flashed brightly, he let out a long breath of foul air, and let out a long cry, "So this practice is so amazing!"

"Alright, with this exercise, I don't need to rely on Su Xin's special physique anymore, I have to practice hard on my own!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"what happened?"

Based on his understanding of his parents, even if they approached Chen Feng for something, they would not be so rude.

Something must have happened!

(End of this chapter)

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