our champion dream

Chapter 38 To High School

Chapter 38 Back to High School
On the last stop of the National Day holiday, Li Xiaoming and Chen Bin took Li Qingru and Xu Ban back to his high school, Nanhai No. [-] High School.

It was a holiday, there were no students in the school, and the school gate was closed.

When the four of them walked to the door, Xu Ban was about to ask how to get in.

Li Xiaoming walked straight into the security room on the left side of the school gate, and chatted with an old security guard in his fifties.

After a while, the electric sliding door at the school gate opened automatically.

"Does your high school allow foreigners to enter the school casually?" Li Qingru walked on a small campus road and looked around in confusion. The empty campus was empty.

"No, Chen Bin and I are very familiar with the school's security guards. When we played football before, these security guards would open the door for us and let us enter the stadium to play football."

"Today should be the school team's training. I called Professor Liu to ask. I'll take you to the stadium directly." Chen Bin added in the group.

The stadium is a standard football field, but it is not a natural lawn, but artificial grass. Because many high schools are not equipped with special equipment for maintaining the lawn, they will adopt the economical and convenient way of laying artificial grass.

There are a dozen or so teenagers in red clothes training in full swing on the field.A middle-aged man in his 40s in black clothes kept shouting on the field.

The four of them did not step forward to disturb the training on the field, but found a clean place to sit down and watch the training quietly.The players in training were also very focused and did not notice the arrival of the uninvited guests on the sidelines.

"Did you train like this even during vacations before?" Xu Ban crossed his legs and watched the training attentively.

"No, we only train when there are big competitions. Usually, we don't always play wild football. Did you see those wickets? We usually play wild football after school. In the seven-a-side field, we are all [-] people. Playing football one by one. But the general level is not high, and many of them come here to sweat and exercise."

Chen Bin pointed to several small goals on both sides of the field and said.

"I can't say that your skills are so good. If you don't react quickly, you will be intercepted." Li Qingru interjected.

"Hehe, the main reason is that the football atmosphere in our school is very good. As long as there is a football game, there will be many girls around, so many boys want to come to the field to play football." Li Xiaoming said with a smile.

"What about you, you must be very popular if you play football so well."

Li Qingru looked at the smiling Li Xiaoming, her dark eyes concealed an unknown meaning.

"Where is it? I used to be fat, and I was not an offensive player. The ones who got the limelight were Chen Bin, Su Ye and the others, and the most handsome Pan An. I was the most low-key."

"Oh, really?" Li Qingru's tone was irrefutable.

The four chatted for a while, and the training on the field came to an end.The players all returned to the sidelines to rest and rehydrate.

"15 minutes break."

After Coach Liu yelled at his team members, he walked towards Li Xiaoming's position.

Seeing his high school coach approaching, Li Xiaoming and the others also stood up.

"Thinner! Even stronger!"

Coach Liu walked up to Li Xiaoming, looked him up and down, and showed a gratified smile.

"I heard about the big fight between you and Su Ye in the college competition. It made our school look bad."

Li Xiaoming and Chen Bin also scratched their heads in embarrassment and grinned.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Coach Liu also looked at Xu Ban and Li Qingru, and asked, "Who are these two?"

"This is Coach Xu Ban, the coach of our university, and Li Qingru, the team leader."

"Liu Quanzhang, the coach of a high school team in Nanhai."

Li Qingru also nodded and smiled at Liu Quanzhang.

Xu Ban was very happy to see his colleagues, and quickly stretched out his hand: "Coach Liu, I am very glad to meet you. I am here today to see what kind of coach can cultivate such a good player."

Liu Quanzhang is a man of temperament, and he was very relieved to hear the praise. He smiled heartily and said modestly: "They are talented, and I, the school team coaches, just trained casually. If you are interested, then How about coming to one of our training sessions?"

With the same interests, Xu Ban and Liu Quanzhang quickly became acquainted.At Liu Quanzhang's invitation, Xu Ban also followed Liu Quanzhang to the sidelines, and Chen Bin also followed happily. Before leaving, he asked Li Xiaoming if he wanted to go with him, but Li Xiaoming shook his head and said : "No, I'll take Mr. Li to look around."

"Well, let's call then."

Chen Bin left this sentence and followed quickly.

Li Xiaoming watched the three of them walk to the court, and lazily continued to sit back in their seats.

"Sit down, teacher, you don't want to go to training, do you?"

"What are you sitting on, didn't you just say to take me to look around?"

Li Qing raised his eyebrows and said loudly.

"I'm just looking for an excuse to trick Chen Bin, lest he drag me there, and the weather is so hot, and he still has to run around."

"But I'm serious!"

Li Qingru opened her almond-shaped eyes and said coquettishly.

The beautiful teacher had a request, even if Li Xiaoming was reluctant, she stood up.

Li Xiaoming took Li Qingru to a small house next to the court, and introduced: "This is our lounge before."

"Hey, it's not locked."

Li Xiaoming walked to the door, pushed the door, found that it was not locked, and opened the door completely.

The team's lounge was converted from a school classroom.Compared with the locker room of L University, which has relatively complete equipment, this lounge looks very simple.There are also tactical diagrams drawn on the blackboard, many training markers piled up in the corner, several tables made up the only medical bed in the lounge, and the cabinets used to store equipment can be seen to be old. Rusty.

The only relatively new one is a large iron cabinet next to the podium, in which two or three trophies are placed, and each trophy has a photo frame.

Li Qingru took a closer look, while Li Xiaoming explained: "These are the championships we won, and the photos are the team that won the championship at that time."

Li Qingru could clearly see Li Xiaoming holding the trophy high in the crowd, hugging his teammates' shoulders, and smiling happily.

"BOOM, Boom."

The sudden voice startled Li Qingru.

"what are you doing?"

Li Qingru watched Li Xiaoming open one of the small compartments of the rusty cabinet, and the creaking sound was not very pleasant.

After busying for a while, Li Xiaoming got up suddenly, held up a small white strip with a smile and said, "I found it, I thought I lost it."

"What's here!" Li Qingru approached with great interest.

Li Xiaoming stepped away alertly and said, "I won't show you!"

"Hmph, is it your love letter to a girl, or is it a love letter from a girl to you!"

"Neither! It's okay to show you, but you have to keep it secret."

"All right, all you have to do is you."

Li Qingru looked at Li Xiaoming with disgust, and stretched out her hand to signal him to take the note.

He took a look at the note and looked at it carefully for a while.

This is a small printed note, and Li Qingru read softly: "Li Xiaoming's midterm exam scores for the first semester of 2016 are as follows: 120 points in Chinese, 40 points in mathematics, and 50 points in English. The class ranks 888, and the grade ranks [-]."

"Oh, this is a grade slip, but your grades are not good, as far as I know, you can't get into a school like L University with such grades."

"It's not because I was thinking about playing football all day long and didn't think about studying. Then I didn't really study hard until I played in the third year of high school and retired."

"Then you're pretty smart for a year!"

"Of course, who am I? I'm extremely smart!" Li Xiaoming also boasted triumphantly.

"Well, why does your grade slip appear here? Shouldn't you take it back?"

Li Qingru was obviously shocked by Li Xiaoming's shameless boasting, and didn't know how to proceed, so he shifted to ask a question that deserved more attention.

Li Xiaoming heard this question, and said a little coyly: "It's not that the exam is too bad. I didn't dare to take it home, so I hid it here, and then"

"Then what?" Li Qingru asked even more curiously.

"Then went to the gate and printed a new report card to take home."

Li Qingru covered her mouth, looking like she wanted to laugh but didn't dare to, but the twitching of the corners of her eyes couldn't hide the smile in her heart.

: "I thought you, Li Xiao, were not afraid of tomorrow!"

"I want to take this, and when you become a big star in the future, I will expose it to the media and let them see the daily life of a star."

"Give it back to me!" Li Xiaoming reached out to grab it.

"Don't give, don't give!"

The two of them played the game of I will chase you in the lounge. If I catch you, well, the goddess has descended to earth again.

(End of this chapter)

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