perfect arc

Chapter 129 Chapter 129: Review, Dinner, Seal

Chapter 129 Chapter 120 Nine: Review, Dinner, Sealing

The recovery progress of the right ankle injury is very satisfactory. Based on his long-term experience, the team doctor told Kabinet his final diagnosis. If you want to play a few 10 minutes to warm up in the second half, this situation is still allowed.

Hearing what the team doctor said, Kabinet gently twisted his right ankle, and found that the numbness that had been entangled with him for a long time was much weaker than before.The team doctor saw that Kabiner was twisting his ankle, and immediately said that the movement should not be too big. It is estimated that although the pain has weakened, the ligament tissue inside has not recovered 100%.

Cabine let out an "oh" and asked the team doctor if there was any way to speed up the recovery of the ligaments, but the team doctor said that to treat each player's injury, a recovery report needs to be prepared in advance and given to Coach Koboni for review. Coach Ni accepts the plan items in the report, and the team doctor will follow the steps recorded in the report.

After listening, Kabinet felt that he didn't know anything about this category, so that he didn't understand the meaning of the team doctor. When he asked again, the team doctor explained that all the steps for Kabinet's treatment had already been formulated. If the methods and procedures are changed at this time, the team doctors will dare to act only after the consent of Coach Koboni.

After Kabini knew the details, he felt that Coach Coboni was so strict in the management of each department. He wanted the team doctor to give him a few simple exercises to strengthen the ankle muscles in order to speed up the recovery from the injury, but he heard When the team doctor said this, Kabini understood that the team doctor had guessed his own thoughts, and then tactfully rejected his request after a few explanations.

Cabine is a sensible person. He understands that coach Coboni's regulations for the team are absolutely inviolable. In addition, the team doctor said so, so he didn't make things difficult for the team doctor, and then waited for the team doctor to apply some paint on his injured area. After applying the plaster, he threw away the original shoes on his feet and put on a pair of slippers according to the team doctor's instructions.

"After the general dinner at noon, put your shoes back on!"

In order to make the plaster 100% effective, the team doctor suggested not to put on the shoes first to prevent the plaster from rubbing off the edge of the shoe. After Kabinet did so, the team doctor also reminded when to put the shoes back on.

Kabinet nodded his head, thanked the team doctor, put on a pair of slippers on each foot, and walked out of the medical room.I don't know if it's the problem with the shoes or the effect of the plaster itself. After taking about ten steps, Kabini found a cold feeling coming from the injured area, and his gait is not as strong as before. At least the walking posture now is better than It was much more normal before.

When Kabinet walked into the dining room of the training base, he looked at the time, guessing that his teammates seemed to have finished the morning drills, and they must be taking a good shower in the bathroom right now.Kabini found a random place to sit down. There were no other people in the dining room, which made him feel a little strange. He turned his head and looked to the left, and found a row of tables arranged in an 'L' shape. Ten large silver plates, with hot smoke constantly emitting from the plates, it seems that the food has been prepared by other staff.

"Hey! Is today's dinner a buffet?" There was no one else in the dining room, and Kabinet talked to himself softly.

It's true that I'm a little hungry, but seeing that his teammates haven't come yet, Kabinet is too embarrassed to touch the food first. Even if he's a little panicked from hunger, he still has to maintain basic courtesy.

Seeing that the food should not be moved first, Kabinet thought it would not be too much to set his own tableware first, right?There was no one else in the dining room, and naturally no one had an answer for Kabinet.Just like that, Kabinet stood up, walked to another dining table, and picked up his spare tableware.

"Stay still! Put your hands on your head! Turn around slowly!"

When Kabiner heard the movement behind him, he snorted. The idiot Muckus was behind him pretending to be a policeman. In Kabi's heart, it was quite boring.

Seeing that Kabinet didn't cooperate, the mouse stepped forward, pinched the back of Kabinai's neck, and said, "Aren't you too courageous? We didn't come, but you ate it yourself!"

Kabini shook his neck, flicked the hand of the Marmouse away, turned around and said with a smile: "Fart! I'm taking my own tableware, how can I steal it?"

The two seemed to be addicted to the game, and they only heard the mouse say: "That would be even more sinful! Tell me! Why do you only take your own tableware instead of helping me?"

After Mashu finished speaking, Luo Fuman, who was walking behind, interjected: "No! You want Kabini to set the tableware for all his teammates for us one by one. Who can let him excuse his injury from attending the training session? Haha. ...!"

After hearing this, the Squirrel smiled and said, "That's right! That's a good idea! Come on! Set the table for us!"

Cabine gave his middle finger and said, "Fuck you!"

While the three were chatting and laughing, Captain Fiske also walked into the dining room and leaned forward, then patted Kabine on the shoulder and said, "Now Kabine is a big star, how can you let him set the table for us?" Woolen cloth?"

"Oh~?" Kabinet stared at Fisk and said.

While picking up the cutlery, Roffman said, "Oh what? Don't play dumb, kid! We discussed the transfer report about you during our training today, and we all know it! Still play dumb?"

For Cabine, this is not surprising at all, but Roffman and others should know that this report is false, so why bring this up?In this regard, Kabinet didn't quite understand.

Kabini frowned, and said, "Don't believe those fake reports. Those media saw that I played well in these few games, so they started to make up things!"

"This is where your value lies, you should understand?" Captain Fisk said, and walked away with a smile.

And Mashu and Roffman had enough jokes, so they dragged Kabini to the table where the food was placed, and together with captain Fisk, they piled up food on the dinner plate.

Afterwards, the four found a square table and sat down.

Fiske rolled up seven or eight sticks of spaghetti with a dining fork, and asked Cabine, "After the team doctor checked, did the team doctor tell you the exact time of your comeback?"

After finishing speaking, he sucked up the spaghetti in one gulp.

Cabine replied: "Uh... Maybe I can get some playing time in the next game!"

The mouse sitting on the right continued: "Coach Koboni came to you this morning to talk about this matter, right?"

"Oh? Really? Then what did Coach Coboni say? Do you have a share in the next game?" Roffman interjected without waiting for Kabinet to answer.

And Kirby knew in his heart what he had promised Coach Koboni, so it was inconvenient to say more at this time, so he replied: "Well...! For the time being, we need to see the progress of the injury recovery, but I also hope that I can enter the substitute list for the next game...!"

(End of this chapter)

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