perfect arc

Chapter 128: Chapter 128: New Characters

Chapter 128 Chapter 120 Eight: New Characters
Who is the "star player" that Coach Coboni refers to?
On this issue, there is no need for Kabine to play dumb, because Coach Koboni's candid attitude and unreserved conversations made Kabine very clear about what the other party will do next.

Coach Koboni insists on handling things like this, first of all it is very risky, as he himself said, as a player, Kabini has no need to know the operation of the team's internal affairs, especially when dealing with player transactions. In one category, besides, the acquisition of Bam cannot be made public at present, and if multiple people know about it, there is a risk of multiple leaks.

As the situation changed, Kabini was involved. Coach Koboni secretly made up his mind to use Kabini to gamble with the board of directors. The procedure was completely told to Kabini, it was a last resort, and Coach Koboni did not want any mistakes in the process of handling the matter.

Thinking about it further, Kabini understood the meaning of Coach Coboni. Firstly, in view of the cooperative relationship between the two, he should avoid misunderstandings, and secondly, Coach Coboni was worried that the fake would become real. Turin has connected with Kabini, and there is a slight loss, but the Granada team cannot afford the consequences.

Assigning a role to Kabine who will never leave the team, and under the guise that Kabine is about to be sold, Coach Coboni used such a low-handed trick to put pressure on the board of directors, which shows that this old coach is really worthless. There is a way.

Afterwards, Coach Coboni made it clear that the assistant coach only knew that he was going to put pressure on the board of directors, but he didn't know all the details. In order not to mess up the steps, he reminded Kabinet to keep calm and follow each step. Handle the action to him to complete.

Kabini thought that since he participated in the game, he had the right to know the details, regardless of whether Coach Koboni opened his mouth or not. Seeing that Kabini had already plucked up the courage, he asked Coach Koboni about the details of how to deal with this matter. .

Li said that Kabinet's request was not excessive at all. Since he was assigned a role, of course he wanted to know how to act in this play.It's just that when Coach Koboni received Kabinet's request, he closed his mouth, got up, and paced around the office. His cautious attitude made Kabinet think whether it was a little too much?
The reason why Coach Coboni didn't give an answer readily was because Kabinet was very young, and if he knew too much, he might ruin the scene.Then, the old handsome walked seven or eight steps in front of the office window, vaguely feeling that if he didn't give Kabini an answer, it would also have negative consequences for this matter, and at the beginning he still shouted [ "Respect" and so on, why not "respect to the end" at this time?

Soon, Coach Koboni stopped, went back to the office chair, sat down firmly, and said as soon as he got up, "I will first let the colleagues in the communications department report you to the office chair who may be sold by us." Let the news out, and then according to the progress of your foot injury recovery, see if you can play for a few 10 minutes in the next game, and finally wait for the reaction of the Granada fans, the strength of the reaction will directly affect The final result of this matter!"

"Is it that simple?" asked Cabine, convinced that what Coach Coboni said was not a central part of the scene.

Sure enough, coach Coboni saw that this was the case, and added: "When the fans know that we are going to sell you, they don't know if there will be riots on Berry Street? During the period, some media will always come to ask me Why sell a talented player like you? At that time, I will say that the board of directors of the club did not give the acquisition funds first. In desperation, we had no choice but to obtain funds by selling the leading star to acquire other talents. good!"

After hearing this, Kabini felt something was wrong, and said: "Coach! If you really want to do this, it is tantamount to throwing the center of the problem to the board of directors. In this way, don't you worry about offending the board of directors on this matter?" ?”

Unexpectedly, Coach Coboni replied: "So what if I offend you? First, I will not resign. Second, if they really want to fire me, they will need to pay a high termination fee. A clause in the contract can be regarded as protecting myself. Besides, there is no way I can do it. The acquisition funds I asked for are indeed not much, but even so, the board of directors still chose to reject my application. !"

Cabine frowned, nodded, and said, "Coach! I want to say... Is Bam really worth all we have to buy him?"

Kabini asked the question that the assistant coach had also raised, so Coach Coboni was no longer unfamiliar with this question, and only listened to the old handsome reply: "Huh~! Young man! You will never understand I had the determination to sign you back then, even if you were still hurt...!"

Coach Koboni's reply shocked Kabinet's heart, the meaning is not difficult to understand, Kabinet couldn't find the words to answer the words in a short time.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

On the training ground, the assistant coach presided over the drills. When the players had completed the rounds, Cabine and coach Koboni still stayed in the office for a secret conversation.

After continuing the conversation for more than ten minutes, Kabinet had an intuition that the conversation seemed to be coming to an end, and several reminders from Coach Koboni also kept in mind.According to common sense, Coach Koboni must have ordered Kabini to keep quiet and not to disclose any details of this matter for the time being. Kabini nodded in agreement, and sincerely hoped that his role could play a role in the whole matter. , I hope that Coach Koboni can achieve his ultimate goal.

Seeing that Coach Koboni was packing up some things on the desk, for example, he took back the newspaper containing Kabinet's report in the drawer, and after closing the drawer door, he said to Kabini: "Don't worry! If the situation allows , I will definitely revoke the internal decision to suspend the game for two games. Of course, the professional opinion of the team doctor must be listened to. If the injury is almost recovered, then maybe in the next game, I will arrange for you to play in the second half. Three 10 minutes!"

If Kabine had heard that coach Coboni decided to revoke the penalty of 'internal suspension for two games' earlier, he would have been overjoyed, but after knowing the truth, Kabine felt that such a decision had been lost. its own meaning.

Cabine shrunk his nose and said: "Coach! With all due respect, your decision is actually to send me to the game after the Communications Department releases the news, and take the opportunity to stir up the emotions of the fans, right? ?”

Coach Koboni snorted and said, "Young man! I have something to say... Just talk about it here, but be careful when you're outside!"

Cabine let out a "hmm" and stood up halfway, ready to leave Coach Koboni's office.

(End of this chapter)

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