Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 514 The blown self-esteem

Chapter 514 The blown self-esteem
"Is that okay?"

“If Kalista’s Q kills a target, the piercing projectile will continue to fly forward, passing all the layers of the tear effect to the next target. He is Fitch who uses this to kill. "

"Fitch ate three E's from Calista in the second level, and with this QE, it's not surprising that he died directly."

"But Fitch was killed by the lane again. I vomited. Fitch was killed by the lane twice in a row and became like a bird."

"That's enough to explain one thing."


"It means that Fitch's strength is not as good as Lin Tian's. Otherwise, it would be impossible for both of them to be killed by laning. Killing in laning is usually because the strength gap between the two sides is too great!"

Fitch was completely suppressed.

There will be a feeling in the line with Lin Tian, ​​that is, your mental state must be highly concentrated.

Lin Tian is a killing machine. When he plays lol, he thinks about how to kill you and when to kill you. As long as he relaxes a bit and reveals a little flaw, something will happen.

The one who felt the deepest feeling was Fitch. Fitch discovered that as long as he relaxed, he would be killed by Lin Tian alone. For example, just now, he thought that Kalista would not be murderous anymore, and Fitch just went there. He took a step forward just to hit the target, but the result was that Fitch couldn't even heal.

Seeing Fitch's death, Zhang Xi was stunned. He didn't expect that Fitch would die in this situation. His position was a little forward. Originally, he wanted to help Xiaopao Soldier A until he reached level three. , Use your own W skill to cooperate with the small cannon to clear the line!

The key is that Kalista jumped up at this time and dealt a heavy blow to Zhang Xi's Morgana...

Who can stand this?

Morgana quickly released Q to Calista, but the nimble Calista ignored Calista's Q at all.

The robot also approached aggressively and Q'd towards Morgana, and Morgana put a shield on herself in seconds and walked towards the defense tower.

When she returned to the defense tower, Morgana had already been stabbed with a lot of spears.

At this point Calista turned around.

Zhang Xi breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily she ran fast, and in the end Calista couldn't even beat her.

But just as Zhang Xi breathed a sigh of relief, Calista suddenly chased after her again!A Q skill was thrown on the Morgana he controlled.

Before waiting for Zhang Xi to say anything, Calista suddenly handed over a healing technique and used the short-term acceleration effect to continue moving forward, reaching Morgana at the limit distance A!
The next moment, Tear!

Calista detonated her E skill, and Morgana died instantly.

"He turned his head back on purpose to make me relax my vigilance?" Zhang Xi was dumbfounded seeing this scene.

"No, he turned back because he wanted to repair a cannon..." Fitch said at this moment.

But Fitch said it would be better not to speak, Zhang Xi's complexion changed suddenly, and his self-confidence almost melted away.

Because of a sports car?
Is he so confident that he can kill himself?
Zhang Xi was about to cry.

This, this is too shocking!

What do you think of yourself as?Is it the fish on the chopping board?


Fitch, who is very calm, has become abnormal now. Facing Lin Tian, ​​the sense of powerlessness in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

Fitch is best at being fierce. As the main player of Draven, he is the best at being fierce. He also has a special way of playing. Suppression is his fiercest method.

But he found out that this Lin Tian was even more fierce than him, so fierce that he couldn't die. In front of Lin Tian, ​​he was like a docile dog, not a wolf!

If Fitch cannot exert fierce suppression, is it still Fitch?

Not any more!
Fitch seemed at a loss because he found out that he couldn't compare to Lin Tian in everything.

The 2-0 Kalista once again won the dominance of the laning period!At the same time, because of his quick start, he caught King's jungler by surprise.

The jungler of the King team has already thought about it. When the jungle area is cleared, they must go to gank to bot lane, so that Lin Tian doesn't look like a top player.

But just as he started to go down the road, he was double-killed!
And then, the jungler of the King team seemed a little sleepwalking, and the reason was very simple. What is the purpose of the jungler?
It is to help the good and not to help the bad. The position of the jungler is not a selfless position. To put it bluntly, he is the same as the top, middle and bottom, and it is also a path that needs advantages.

If you help the advantage lane, you can take advantage of the situation, but if you don't help the inferior lane, you will be useless.

So in the next few minutes, the jungler of the King team was almost always led by the nose by the good brother team, and he didn't know how to catch him.

catch it?This batch of Kalista's equipment, plus a robot, is fully capable of 2v3.

Won't you catch it?I still remember the last game!
Painful, too painful.

During the laning phase, Kalista achieved a 5-0 record. Although it was not as exaggerated as Delevingne, Kalista is now able to single out anyone.

And Silas was obviously a little unconvinced.

Wait until the game time reaches 8 minutes.

"I'll finish him once, captain, Zhang Xi, you come to the middle lane to crush the stone man, and I'll meet this Calista." Silas said to the bottom lane duo.

Fitch didn't say a word. Normally, Fitch would ask to change lanes after killing the bottom lane, so that his teammates could develop more comfortably, but today's situation is different.

His self-esteem was tortured, and he even had an urge not to fight anymore.

"Be careful, this guy is very strong." Zhang Xi reminded him kindly.

"I have all the skills and stole the big move of the stone man, don't be afraid." Silas looked very confident.

With the scan on, Silas began to walk down.

During this period of time, Kalista is in the King team's bot lane outer tower, and the robot has returned to the city, and there is only one Kalista in the bot lane.

1 against 1, will Silas be afraid of Calista?
What a joke!
Silas drove the scan all the way, and after confirming that he was not seen by the defense tower all the way, he immediately approached the wall.

He now has the big move of the stone man, he plans to blind-sight R Kalista, and then connect with a set of skills, Kalista will die on the spot.

"Do you want to wait for me?" Jungle asked.

"Can't wait, he has no vision right now, and if he leaves later, he won't be able to kill him." Silas took a deep breath, and suddenly launched his big move!

Silas rushed over like a stone man!
And just when Silas' body was about to hit Calista, he heard a bang!
Kalista surrenders Blink!
Silas immediately became lonely!

"Fuck you, do you have no vision to avoid my ultimate move?" Everyone in Silas was dumbfounded.

The reaction time left for Calista just now was less than 0.1 second, and Calista actually reacted?

But what's even more outrageous is yet to come!
(End of this chapter)

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