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Chapter 513 How to fight

Chapter 513 How to fight
In the second game, everyone's focus was still on the bottom lane.

The bottom lane duel is what everyone is most looking forward to.

After the regular start, when the two sides came to the line, Heizi controlled the robot to charge forward, using a Q skill to hook forward.

His straightforward hooking method almost failed without any suspense.

Heizi was not good at ticking human support, usually he would just play with the flirtatious girl Lulu.

At that time, I played Thresh because Thresh had a lantern that could protect people, not because of how accurate his hook was. Now when I play robots, the effect is very mediocre.

After the hook fell through, he was hit by Morgana with a tricky Q skill Q, Xiaopao immediately kept up with the level A, knocking out some of the robot's HP.

This caused some butterfly effects. After the robot's blood volume is reduced, it is bound to retreat. After he retreats, the two enemies press forward. Coupled with the unique mechanism of the small cannon, the line pushing speed is slightly faster. Everyone can see that Xiaopao and Morgana may be able to grab 2 and succeed.

"This game between Fitch and Zhang Xi was relatively stable. I'm afraid the situation like the last game won't happen." Duomao looked at the situation in the bottom lane and said confidently.

As Duo Mao said, Xiaopao and Morgana reached the second level first, and Morgana ordered an E skill at the second level. From now on, the robot has almost no chance of hooking people.

"Small Cannon and Morgana are actually not too difficult to fight against Kalista and the robot. The robot is basically half useless. The difference from the top one is that the good brother team is a bit overwhelmed." Duo Mao said again .

In fact, not only Duomao thinks so, but also the audience in the audience.

A robot that can't hook a human is just a lump of iron, which is different from Thresh. Now Xiaopao and Morgana are the first to reach 2. Even if Fitch is really inferior to Lin Tian, ​​it will definitely not collapse.

Everyone acquiesced, and this game will not see a one-sided situation in the bottom lane.

But things seem to have taken a turn for the better.

Calista is still at the first level, but his position is still relatively forward, and this time Xiaopao seized the opportunity.

The small cannon hung on Calista's body with the E skill, and then jumped towards Calista with a W skill.

The small cannons in the early stage can cause high damage. Once E is in W, this is two layers!Make up two more flat A to get four floors full of E!And after the full E is played, Xiaopao's W skill can be refreshed, and you can jump again!
With such a series of injuries, it is very possible for a first-level Kalista every second!
"Calista's position is too radical! Xiaopao jumped in the face, and Calista might die!" At this time, Ye Xin's nervous little face was covered with cold sweat, and said eagerly.

On the screen, Calista immediately handed over the flash after seeing this scene.

The small cannon landed, and this W skill did not reach Kalista, but she had already made a lot of money, and Kalista didn't even have a flash.

"Thanks to the flash, Kalista is very dangerous... Wait a minute, Kalista didn't leave after she flashed?"

Not only did Calista not leave, but after she flashed, she went to Ping A at Xiaopao.

Not only the people watching the game were stunned, but even Fitch was stunned.

Fitch had already turned his head, because after seeing Calista flashing, he was sure that Calista would not dare to fight, and he had already turned back to withdraw troops, but at this time Calista dared to attack herself.

Fitch can't stand it, why?Why does this Calista dare to be so arrogant?

So, Fitch faced Calista again, and faced Calista with A, but because he turned back and turned back before, he didn't cause any output in one stage, so his E skill only had two layers. !
The damage of the small cannon's two layers of E is basically scratching, and it doesn't hurt at all.

Three spears were pierced into Xiaopao's body, Calista suddenly flattened the soldier, and exploded E at the moment of the shot!

The little soldier was directly blasted to death, and at the same time the three spears on Xiaopao's body were torn apart... At this moment, Calista reached the second level.

Calista leveled A again with a small soldier with residual blood, and then slammed Q towards the small cannon. The moment the Q skill hit the small cannon, Calista had another E skill.


The cannon was blown again by Kalista's spear.

In just a few seconds, Xiaopao ate two E's!
This time, Kalista quickly tied A to the small cannon.

Xiaopao, who had the upper hand, is not dominant now, because he does not deal much damage, and because of his W, he is in the front position, which attracts the hatred of the soldiers, and his blood volume is actually less than that of Kalista. Not a lot!
Morgana hurriedly stepped forward to cast Q to imprison Calista, but Calista repeatedly jumped horizontally, easily dodging Morgana's Q skill!
The robot flashed E and planned to lift the small cannon, but Morgana was quick-eyed and put a black shield on the small cannon.

Heizi had no choice but to manipulate the robot to ignite Xiaopao!
Xiaopao knew that something was wrong, and immediately handed over the flash. The moment Xiaopao flashed, there was another tearing sound, and Calista released E again!

Xiaopao has only one-third of its HP remaining.

The situation was reversed in an instant, and both Xiaopao and Morgana were retreating!Kalista and the robot took this opportunity to push the line and push the line to an even level!

Seeing this scene, Duo Mao and the others didn't know what to say.

Is it time to say that Fitch is being impulsive?But Fitch played the right way, obviously Lin Tian manipulated Calista who stood too far ahead and Fitch seized the opportunity!
It can be said that Fitch is not impulsive, but why is Fitch beaten like this now?Lost so much blood?

How come no matter how you fight, Fitch suffers?

Neither the commentator nor the audience in the audience understood.

Is Fitch really that much weaker than Lin Tian?

Even more outrageous is yet to come.

This is a wave of cannon carts. Calista is pushing the cannon cart vigorously, and the cannon cart is full of spears.

When the cannon car had only a trace of HP left, Calista suddenly entered the grass.

This grass has no field of vision, the eye position of the small cannon and the robot, one is placed in the river, and the other is placed in the grass near the defense tower of the good brother team.

Because Xiaopao and Morgana were on the side of the line before, they naturally set their wards more forward, and did not set their wards in the grass behind them.

The next moment, I saw a bright green spear sticking out of the grass and piercing the chariot soldier, but because the chariot soldier had only a trace of blood left, the green spear did not stop, but pointed at the chariot soldier not far away. The small cannon shot over!

The spear hit, and at the same time, there were many spears that had been inserted into the cannon body before!

The moment Fitch hit the spear, there was a tearing sound.

All the spears exploded, instantly killing Xiaopao, the yordle!

The entire gymnasium was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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