Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 504 Why is the damage higher than the average Draven?

Chapter 504 Why is the damage higher than the average Draven?

Both sides have plans for a first-level regiment.

After all, one side is a robot and the other side is Thresh, both have the ability to go first.

The most coincidental thing is that both sides came to the lower river at the fastest speed.

In an instant, the two sides had a face-to-face meeting!
Thresh is at the front of the Good Brothers team. At the moment of meeting each other, the robot and Thresh are like two swordsmen, attacking each other!

But it was obvious that Zhang Xi's robot shot faster!
The robot instantly pulled out an iron hook to Thresh, and Thresh had just raised his hand, and the next moment, Thresh was pulled to the robot's side!
But at the moment of being pulled over, Thresh's Q also clicked on the robot's body.

The two sides hook each other!

"Robbery." Lin Tian said.

In fact, the subconscious target of the good brother team is the robot. After all, the position of the robot is the most forward, but after hearing Lin Tian's order, everyone went to fight against Jie.

Zed's side is relatively fragile. After being slashed twice by Draven, the male blade's W skill scraped him, and Zed's blood volume dropped a lot.

Seeing the opportunity, Dragon Turtle immediately handed over Blink, and then pressed down to taunt!
But Jie's reaction was also very fast. The moment the dragon tortoise flashed, Jie knew what the dragon tortoise was going to do, and instantly handed over the flash and pulled it away.

The dragon girl made up one damage with one E, and at this moment, Lin Tian's Delevingne also handed in a flash.

Two flat A hits on Jie's body, and Jie still had a little blood left. Calista handed over the healing technique to Jie, and at the same time Lin Tian also handed over the healing technique to continue to follow up.

A blood burst!

Lin Tian's Delevingne successfully got Jie's head!Cooperating with the passive, this first blood brought Delevingne a small profit of five hundred gold coins.

However, this wave of first-level teams does not mean that the good brother team has won, because when Draven got the first blood, our Thresh also became very dangerous.

Thresh suffered a lot of attacks and retreated immediately, while Lin Tian's Delevingne who was too deep was already doomed.

Calista cooperated with his teammates to kill Delevingne who was in a deep position.

Seeing that Lin Tian's Delevingne was dead, the rest of the good brother team immediately started to retreat.

Kuroko's Thresh surrendered Flash to make sure he wouldn't die.

"The two sides exchanged one for one, but the good brother team didn't make any money. The good brother team handed over three flashes, and Draven handed over all his skills. This is not good news for Draven. No flash Draven is too easy to be targeted in the early stage. The real old Draven, Flash will be pinched to death, because Draven is a hero who is particularly strong in lane, but also lacks displacement and is too easy to be caught. It is better to keep Flash online Come on!" The commentator Duomao said.

What he said is indeed reasonable. For Draven, flash is very important, especially the King team has a robot!

If you get hooked in the early stage, it is basically a death sentence!
"At least show off momentum." Ye Xin said.

After the turmoil in the first-level regiment, the King team invaded the red buff wild area of ​​the good brother team.

Wang Yue had no choice but to go to the opponent's red buff wild area, planning to come to an exchange wild area.

But the embarrassing thing is that the King team had anticipated what Wang Yue wanted to do early on. In the grass, Galen was already waiting for Wang Yue's dragon girl.

Wang Yue had an AQA and could only retreat.

Galen is sacrificing his online time to help the jungler guard the red!Judging from the scene, the King team made a lot of money!

Dragon Girl can't gank anyone without the red buff in the early stage, plus the top laner of the good brother team is a dragon turtle, not to mention the rare dragon turtle top laner, and it is impossible to suppress Galen at all, even if Galen sacrifices time and the experience of minions , to the line is also casual development.

"The good brother team has been at a big disadvantage since the very beginning! The bottom lane is now online, and Draven's position is a little bit forward..."

In the picture, Draven and Thresh, Calista and the robot have now reached the line.

In the first wave of soldiers, Draven had some advantages and cleared a lot of the enemy's soldiers.

This is because Draven does not need to help the jungler to open buffs, and the online time is early.

Draven's position is very forward, as if he is not afraid of robots at all, Zhang Xi saw how arrogant Draven was, and immediately stretched out his iron hook!
Like grabbing a doll, the iron hook directly grabbed Draven to his side!

"This kid is still so good at hooking!" Zhang Xi snorted disdainfully.

Q to Delevingne as soon as it goes online, Zhang Xi thinks that Delevingne is a jerk.

"Draven was hooked. Draven didn't flash. It feels like something is going to happen!" the commentator Hairy shouted.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xin didn't even want to explain it anymore. She got hooked as soon as she went online. Isn't this the end of the game?
Even bronze people know that it is easy to have problems with the upper line connector!

After being hooked, Draven didn't seem to panic and quickly moved toward Kalista.

Calista is one of the few heroes who can challenge Draven in the early stage. Calista who can play can burst two to three E in a wave of confrontation!

But in this wave, Kalista can't do that. To be able to hit several E's, some spears need to be on the minions, but in this wave, Calista's spears are not on the minions!
This directly led to the fact that Calista and Delevingne did not have much confidence when facing A in this wave!
Coupled with the fact that Draven got first blood before, the level [-] longsword Draven plus the Q skill, it’s a fierce battle!
The key is that Lin Tian also played with a detail...

Before he was hooked by the robot, there was no A soldier, which would lead to a consequence, that is, Draven's double ax would still be held in his hand, and it would not happen that Draven's A soldier was hooked after receiving the ax, causing the ax to drop Embarrassment!
The most important thing is the talent issue. Lin Tian's Draven brought a Cluster Blade!The first three attacks gain 75-125%!

This allows Delevingne to briefly fight three axes in the early stage!
Draven has two axes in his hand, and the Q skill has finished cooling down. At the moment when the cluster blade is activated, three axes are activated, and the three axes fly together!Putting everything together, how can Calista survive?

Visible to the naked eye, Kalista's health dropped rapidly... Draven lost nearly one-third, while Kalista lost almost half!
Seeing this posture, Calista immediately stepped back.

Draven hit the robot again and pulled back.

Not only did the robot's hook not cause anything to happen to Draven, it actually caused his AD to consume a lot of HP!
"Calista doesn't seem to have fought Draven before, why is this Draven's damage higher than the average Draven I've seen?" Duo Mao asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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