Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 503 1st Choice Draven

Chapter 503: Choosing Draven
While everyone was talking, both parties had entered the ban selection interface.

This time, Team Good Brother is on the blue side, while Team King is on the red side.

"This game is a very huge challenge for the good brother team. I am very curious what kind of ban selection the good brother team will make. From my point of view, the personal strength of the good brother team is not as good as King For the team, once the ban selection suffers, it will be quite uncomfortable for them to fight. Also, whether to ban the King team's bottom lane, I think, the five ban positions can ban ADC." At this time, The commentator Duo Mao said.

When Ye Xin watched this game, he also felt that it was very difficult to choose a ban. The five positions of the King team were all top players. The most important thing was that the hero pool of the five of them was quite deep, too. Difficult to ban.

The King team still kept their habit, that is... empty bans.

This is self-confidence in their own strength, and the King team does have this self-confidence. After all, what they are facing is only the top three in the district.

With this kind of strength, the King team will not have any fear at all.

"The good brother team banned Riven, Sword Princess, hey, didn't they ban Delevingne?" At this moment, the good brother team banned the two top laners first.

This made the commentator very surprised. You must know that King's strongest team is the bottom lane, not the top lane and the middle lane!

Now the few bans in the good brother team are all Shangzhong.

Soon, the bans on both sides were over.

The Good Brother team didn’t even ban an ADC!
"Does this good brother team want to die or not to live? If an ADC is not banned, Fitch must blow their heads?"

"Just put a cup on it! I'm optimistic about my brother's team because they know they can't beat the King team, so they do this on purpose."

"Tsk, I was looking forward to the good brother's team. With this ban person, can they win by taking the lead?"

Everyone was talking and booing.

Song Yu and others were stunned by this banner.

"Don't they know Fitch's strength? Ban people like this! I think today will create the fastest BO5 in foreign wars." At this moment, Killing God couldn't help complaining.

"No banAD... Could it be that Lin Tian asked for it on his own initiative?"

"Lin Tian? What is Lin Tian compared to Fitch?" Big Pineapple shook his head and smiled bitterly: "To be honest, even if I face Fitch, I will definitely not be Fitch's opponent. Yes, that would be a little arrogant."

Big Pineapple is considered the top AD in Blue Moon Academy.

In everyone's eyes, Big Pineapple is the perfect AD, with strong laning strength, great teamfighting, and full output.

But even Big Pineapple considers himself not Fitch's opponent. Lin Tian pretends like this now, which makes everyone feel that his pretense is too much.

In fact, not only other people think so, even Wu Siyu and others think so.

"Lin Tian, ​​are you really okay? Fitch's third-handed pick can be said to kill the Quartet, it can't be too strong." At this moment, Wu Siyu asked Lin.

"No problem." Lin Tian smiled lightly.

After the ban ended, Lin Tian directly locked a hero - Draven!

Welcome to the Dry League!

Delevingne's voice sounded, even a little kind to Lin Tian.

Delevingne, Lin Tian's strongest hero, once ended the game in 12 minutes in the LDL final!

And Fitch's signature hero is Delevingne.

When Lin Tian took out Draven, everyone was in an uproar.

"Dlevin!" Ye Xin's beautiful eyes rippled, and she looked at the screen without blinking.

"The ADC of the Good Brothers team dared to take out Draven in front of Fitch, I have to admire his courage!" The commentator Duo Mao said seriously, and there was a hint of pity in Duo Mao's eyes.

In the past, some people took out Delevingne when facing Fitch!But the end can be said to be miserable.

He was killed by Fitch during the laning phase!
"Delevingne...I think Lin Tian is avenging you, so he chose this on purpose." At this time, Fan Qian who was sitting next to Tian Luoyi said.

After hearing this, Tian Luoyi was deeply touched, but he was very worried: "If you take Delevingne in front of Fitch, isn't that courting death?"

"Sister Luo Yi, you may not know enough about idols, Draven is the famous hero of idols." Chenchen said with a smile.

The god of leveling, Draven...

Long time no see!
That Draven who once killed all the power boosters, is his double ax still as sharp as before?
"This kid robbed you of Delevingne." Seeing Lin Tian's candidate, Zhang Xi immediately said excitedly to Fitch beside him.

In the eyes of Zhang Xi and others, if you dare to show Draven in front of Fitch, you are showing off in front of Guan Gong!If you don't play well, you will be laughed at.

"This person is too young, probably because he was dissatisfied with the captain, so he deliberately robbed Delevingne."

"Kill them!"

This first game immediately attracted everyone's attention. At first, everyone thought it was a game of abuse, and everyone was a little bit less interested in watching the game, but this hand of Delevingne made everyone no longer doze off. .

The lineup of both sides is determined.

The good brother team, the top laner Dragon Turtle, the mid laner male blade, the wild dragon girl, and the bottom lane is a combination of Draven and Thresh.

Delevingne and Thresh are a gold medal combination. Thresh has strong offensive power, and the lantern can also save Delevingne who lacks displacement.

The King team's lineup is very casual, top laner Galen, mid laner Jie, jungler Blind Sin, and the combination of Kalista and robots in the bottom lane.

Heroes like Garen hardly appear in the game, but the King team is confident that they can win if they play casually.

Fitch’s Calista and Zhang Xi’s robot are both signature products.

"They didn't even ban my robot. I laughed to death. Last time we played a friendly match, my robot was fooled by his Lucian hook. Now that he uses Draven, I can hook him better." Zhang Xi Said with a smile on his face.

"Who says it's not." The mid laner also spoke.

Fitch yawned lazily: "End the game early. The first two games should end before 10 minutes. After today's three games, I want to go back to sleep."

"no problem."


Both sides entered the game.

Lin Tian controlled Delevingne and began to go down the road.

"Let's go to the first level group." Lin Tian said.

"There are robots on the other side, let's be careful." Wang Yue swallowed.

Up to now, Wang Yue is still a little nervous, and he admires Lin Tian from the bottom of his heart.

Why isn't Lin Tian nervous?Dare to choose Delevingne in front of Fitch, isn't this heart too big?
(End of this chapter)

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