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Chapter 324 The Tactics of the Black Rose Team

Chapter 324 The Tactics of the Black Rose Team
The Black Rose Team and the Rain Rose Team quickly entered the game.

"Level one regiment." Tian Luoyi commanded.

The five members of the Black Rose team rushed into the wild area immediately, and the Rose in the Rain team also seemed to intend to play a first-level team. Soon, the two sides saw each other at the bottom of the road!

"The two sides met face to face, 5v5, and the Titan took the bait!" the commentator Liu Qing shouted.

On-screen, the titans extended their hulking hooks and hooked them to the opposing fox.

Just as the other four members of the Black Rose team were about to swarm up, the top lane troll of the Rose team in the rain suddenly let out a strange cry, and a blue pillar rose from the ground, blocking the teammates behind Titan.

The location of this troll's pillar was so tricky that it even stuck the Black Rose team's mid-lane Sword Girl and Blind Monk on the wall, making Sword Girl unable to move for a moment.

"The troll's pillar sticks so well! It's rare to see a troll's pillar can get such an effect!" Liu Qing shouted excitedly after seeing it.

Indeed, being able to use the troll's E to achieve such an effect is not something ordinary people can do. The top laner of the Rose in the Rain team is obviously a troll veteran.

"Although Titan hooked someone, Titan's teammates couldn't keep up with the damage at this time. Instead, the Rose in the Rain team played damage against Titan, and Titan was about to flash!"

On the screen, Titan had indeed handed over Flash, and now his health was a little low.

The sword girl and the blind monk who were stuck on the wall before were also affected, and now their blood volume has almost dropped by one-third.

In this way, the Black Rose team is in a passive situation. Except for the Titans, their first-hand abilities are relatively average. Looking at it, only Daomei's E can play well in this situation, but The first level of Daomei is the Q skill. If she dares to Q to everyone in the Rose in the Rain team, she will never return.

Lucian of the Rose in the Rain team surrendered Flash, and dealt a flat A damage to the bloody Titan. At the same time, the mid laner Fox also gave an Ignition from Flash, and supplemented the damage with Q.

Chenchen controlled Kai'Sa to give him a treatment, but because the Titan had an ignition effect, this treatment didn't restore much blood to the Titan at all. After the fight, the Titan still died.

However, because Lucian and the fox are chasing each other, their position is not good now.

The vampire's Q skill sucked on Lucian, and the blind monk's sky sound wave also hit Lucian. Lucian knew that the position was dangerous, so he immediately handed over the treatment and pulled back. Similarly, the fox leaned back.

The double C of the Rose in the Rain team pulled back, while the people in other positions stepped forward.

Xerath used Q skills to consume, and the prince and troll stood at the forefront to pursue.

The two sides fought for a while, the blood of the vampire on the Black Rose team was quite weak, the enemy Xerath handed over the flash to make up for the damage, the vampire quickly also handed in the flash, and was not killed by Xerath.

This wave of first-level teams fought for a long time, and in the end, the Rose in the Rain team simply stayed in the wild area of ​​the Black Rose team!
Although this one, Zheng Yu, the jungler of the Rose in the Rain team, would be a hit if he played from his own jungle, but because it was too late, he simply played in the jungle of the Black Rose team.

The Black Rose team, which was at a loss in the first-level group, did not choose to forcefully develop their own blue buffs, while the blind monk chose to start with their own red buffs.

"After the first-level team, the Black Rose team is now a 1 for 0, and gave the fox a first blood, and the fox directly touched a 300 gold coin cloth armor and came out... At the same time, the vampire and the auxiliary Titan flashing did nothing. Now, on the other hand, the Rose in the Rain team paid for the Summoner skills of the bot lane duo and the mid laner, overall, the Rose in the Rain team is more profitable." Fan Yaoyao summed it up.

Liu Qing took the mic and said: "I think the Black Rose team is at a loss. Fox's small armor can greatly relieve the pressure on the line. They have problems with the first-level team, eh? The members of the Black Rose team Why are you laughing?"

That's right, Tian Luoyi and the others are laughing now. They have suffered a small loss this time, but it is harmless, because their tactics have been implemented!
I heard Chenchen quickly say: "The troll's jewelry eyes on the road have been used up, and the fox's and the prince's jewelry eyes have also been used up. There is still 20 seconds to recharge. About [-] seconds, if you gank the middle lane in the second level of the blind monk, the success rate is very high, the fox has no time to replenish the eye, but may lose a buff."

"OK!" The jungler of the Black Rose team smiled and gestured an ok gesture.

With this information, the most comfortable thing is to play wild!

During this period, the Black Rose team used Chenchen's "special ability" to formulate a set of tactics, that is, to fight a first-level team. Regardless of whether they have played a first-level team or not, the opponent will definitely use summoner skills and jewelry eyes to take advantage of the time difference , the Black Rose team can do more things.

Now Chenchen clearly stated the charging time and online time of the other party's jewelry eyes.

At this moment, the mid laner Fox is indeed a little bit forward, and it's not that Fox's controller awareness is not good, but...he is a long-range and close combat player, and it is normal to have a little bit of pressure in the early stage.

Before the fox reached the second level, the blind monk came.

The blind monk came directly after eating his own red buff, which was somewhat beyond the fox's expectation, because this kind of [-]nd level gank, even if it is not successful, it will be a benevolence. If the gank is successful, it is not too profitable, because the blind monk will lose money Wild monsters, if the gank fails, it will collapse a bit.

The blind monk's second-level point is a W skill. After appearing in the middle, he came to the vicinity of the fox. The level A with the red buff slowed down the fox easily.

The fox hastily cast a Q, while dealing damage, it also has the effect of speeding up its movement.

But at this time, Daomei also Q landed on the fox, and flattened A to the fox.

The fox didn't flash and couldn't keep the distance, so he could only go down to let the prince come to meet him, but the prince was brushing their toad after finishing the blue buff of the Black Rose team's wild area... because the next road is Sun Mei, Zheng Yu Subconsciously wanted to protect Sun Mei's development in the early stage, and did not pay too much attention to the middle lane.

Now that the prince wants to support the middle, it will be too late.

The blind monk hung on the fox with a note of Tianyinbo, kicked it with the second-stage Q skill, killed the fox, and got 300 yuan and some experience.

"The blind monk's gank achieved success in the early stage. The fox was actually on guard, but the fox probably didn't expect the blind monk to come so fast." commentator Zhang Yaoyao said.

(End of this chapter)

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