Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 323 Grievance Bureau

Chapter 323 Grievance Bureau
Lin Tian walked out.

Big Pineapple stood still and played with his curly hair.

"How is it?" After a while, Bodhisattva and others came in and asked.

"Rejected, this guy looks a bit arrogant." Big Pineapple said with a wry smile.

Lin Tian's words and tone just now really made people feel like this.

"When he loses a lot, he will come to you."

Big Pineapple shook his head: "From that guy, I feel a sense of disregard... This kind of genius with a bad personality is not suitable for finding a master."


"Yes, I can't quite describe it, and to be honest, when I look into his eyes, I have a very familiar feeling, as if I have seen these eyes before."

"Then you know a lot of people~ okay, let's go to the next game. The newcomer ADC of the Black Rose team is also very good. Maybe he is also a noteworthy person."


"Beating you in the e-sports club last time wasn't fun enough. On this kind of stage, beating you under everyone's gaze is enough." Sun Mei passed by everyone in the Black Rose team, her tone slightly mocking.

In order to fight against the Black Rose team, the Rose in the Rain team has prepared a lot of tactics.

In addition, Sun Mei used to be a member of the Black Rose team, and has a high level of understanding of Tian Luoyi and others' style of play. This is also one of the advantages of the Rose in the Rain team.

In this match, Sun Mei also agreed with Zheng Yu that if the Rose in the Rain team can win the Black Rose team, Sun Mei will be Zheng Yu's girlfriend.

So today, what Team Black Rose is facing is the highly motivated Team Rose in the Rain.

"Sun Mei, we won't lose to you again this time." Tian Luoyi glanced at Sun Mei lightly and said.

"Oh, so confident? The source of your confidence is this rookie AD?" Sun Mei glanced at Chenchen.

Seeing Chenchen's beautiful appearance, several team members also stared at Chenchen, and there was a hint of jealousy in Sun Mei's eyes.

Chenchen said politely, "Hello."

"Your voice sounds familiar, oh~ it's that Chenchen, I didn't expect you to come to Lanyue Academy." Sun Mei nodded to Chenchen pretendingly, and then said: "But don't think that you are joining the Black Rose team, Black Rose Team Rose has improved~ As a senior, I must educate you well."

Chenchen frowned, she didn't like such offensive remarks.

"That's enough, Sun Mei. The competition hasn't started yet. If you dance like this, if you lose in a while, it will be a joke." Fan Qian, the top laner of the Black Rose team, said coldly.

"Then see the real chapter under my hand." Sun Mei said disdainfully.

Recently, Sun Mei's condition is also good, and her skills have improved steadily, which is even better than when she was AD in the Black Rose team.

Zheng Yu, the captain of the Rose in the Rain team, said seriously at this time: "Tian Luoyi, in this game of grievances, our Rose in the Rain team will show [-]% strength, you have to be careful."

"You still think about it, if you lose, will Sun Mei cry?" While talking, Tian Luoyi sat down.

When the two sides were debugging the machine, the two commentators also came back.

The commentator Liu Qing said: "I watched the game today. The ADC of the Rose in the Rain team used to be the ADC of the Black Rose team. The old teammates from the past met."

"Yes, and there seems to be a grievance between the two sides. In a private match, the Rose in the Rain team won the Black Rose team."

"I've heard about it too." There was a look of expectation in Liu Qing's eyes.

In the points match, the commentary on this kind of grievances is really good.

Liu Qingdao: "I don't know who will win today's match."

After both parties finished debugging, they entered the interface of banpick.

The Black Rose team has been banned: Jess, Kassadin, Urgot, Fireman, Zoe.

As for the Rose in the Rain team, they were banned: Yasuo, Male Blade, Enchantress, Rambo, and Moon Goddess.

It can be seen that the ban people of the Rose in the Rain team are still mainly targeting Tian Luoyi.

In the last match between the Black Rose team and the Rose in the Rain team, the Black Rose team suffered a big loss in the ban selection and used a large number of ban positions to ban ADC. This time, the ban people did not suffer much.

This time the Rose in the Rain team is the blue side, and the hero Lucian was directly chosen on the first floor.

In that match, Sun Mei used Lucian to blow up the bottom lane of the Black Rose team, but at that time, the AD of the Black Rose team was not Chen Chen, but Xiaotong from the Platinum division.

The Black Rose team directly targeted Daomei and the blind monk.

Daomei, the hero Tian Luoyi, played very well, and the reason why the jungler grabbed the blind monk was because the jungler of the Rose in the Rain team played the blind monk very well.

Rose in the Rain took people again, and finally the lineup of both sides was determined.

Team Black Rose: Vampire in the top lane, single-handed girl in the middle, blind monk in the wild, Kai'Sa and Titan in the bottom lane.

Rose in the Rain team: Troll in the top lane, Fox in the mid lane, Jungle Prince, and the combination of Lucian and Xerath in the bottom lane.

"The support of Xerath has been taken out. The support of Xerath is a hero with a particularly strong online consumption, but is more afraid of gank."

"From the perspective of the lineup, the mid-term combat effectiveness of the Rose in the Rain team is very strong. On the contrary, the Black Rose team's lineup is average in the mid-term, but in the later stage, the three positions of the top, middle and bottom are a bit strong." The commentator Liu Qing said.

Zhang Yaoyao said: "It can be seen that the Rose in the Rain team wants to open a gap from the bottom lane. Their style is obviously different from the last league."

In the last points match, the Rose in the Rain team played in the middle field.

"The Black Rose team is definitely different. In the last scoring match, the Black Rose team liked to take out heroes like the top laner Jess and the mid laner Enchantress to play an advantage in the lane, and then cooperate with the jungler in the middle to win the game. Now their lineup is more conventional, top lane vampires need to develop, bottom lane Kai'Sa also needs development, mid lane swordsmen are not as simple and rough as heroes like Enchantress."

Lin Tian, ​​who was watching the match, was 70.00% sure in his heart after watching the selection, and felt that the Black Rose team could win this match.

If Chenchen's ability to record time can be used well, it can cut off the opponent's offensive rhythm. At the same time, the ability to calculate eye position and time can also ensure that the number of times players are ganked and cheated is reduced. That's why the Black Rose team chose such a player. A late-stage lineup.

The Black Rose team's ability to select players like this shows that they have found a suitable style of play for the Black Rose team based on Chenchen.

"Titan and Kai'Sa! Humph, let's start the fight soon, and you'll consume them to death." Sun Mei said to the support team of Rose in the Rain.

(End of this chapter)

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