Chapter 300

Hearing Chenchen's remarks, Lin Tian said to Chenchen while he was being resurrected: "Chenchen, do you know one thing?"


"It's because I don't like to use PS when I take pictures." Lin Tian took out his mobile phone and pointed to the photo on it.

Chenchen suspects that something is wrong with her ears...

What?Why did you suddenly get involved in this?Aren't we playing a game?
"Look at this picture." Lin Tian said.

In the photo, although some of the blades of grass are withered and yellow, most of them are still bright green. The sunlight is too dark, which makes the blades of grass look not bright enough. A small tree next to it seems to lack irrigation, but it stubbornly stands upright. posture.

"A very...real photo." Because Lin Tian was his idol, even though Chenchen didn't know what kind of medicine Lin Tian was selling in his gourd, he still gave him an evaluation.

It cannot be said to be beautiful, this photo is just an ordinary photo from composition to angle.

"If I use PS, it becomes an artistic photo." Lin Tian added a few filters casually.

This is an ordinary grassland, but it really has a touch of charm. Lin Tian continued: "At the same time, it gave me a sense of distance. It doesn't look like the grassland I took. Originally, this grassland was where I was when I was young. Rolling grass, that tree may not be small, but I compared its height with it when I was young, and now it has become more beautiful, but I don’t know it anymore.”

Chenchen still didn't understand what Lin Tian meant, but he knew what Lin Tian wanted to say to him.

Sure enough, Lin Tian said: "You keep calling me an idol, and you regard me as an idol, just like a beautified grassland. You admire its beauty, but its real appearance is just an ordinary grassland. You have no way to see through it. Filter, through beautification, to see the original appearance of the grass."

"And I am this piece of grass."

Chenchen's expression became a little serious.

She understood what Lin Tian meant. In her eyes, Lin Tian was like a beautified grass...

Because she adores Lin Tian, ​​no matter what she does, she can't help but put the filter in front of Lin Tian, ​​so that she can't touch Lin Tian's real appearance.

It's not easy for the two of you to be friends.

"I understand, I... Lin Tian." Chenchen said sincerely.

Lin Tian was happier when he heard Chenchen calling his name, than killing all directions in the game. He said, "I want to be friends with you more than being your idol, so don't make too much of me."

Chenchen looks good, has a good personality, and is good at playing games.

Being able to let go of everything around her and come to Lanyue Academy because of a promise, Lin Tian recognized her very much.

But Chenchen always regards herself as an idol, which will increase the sense of distance, which is not what Lin Tian wants to see at all.

After the two chatted, Lin Tian's mouse had been resurrected from the spring.

In the last wave, he didn't get much money, only one head and one assist, and changed the jewelry eye to a blue vision transformation. Zhang Chen took a photo of Xiaolong, but within a few seconds, Xiaolong's vision was cleared by the opponent.

At the same time, Jian Ji, who was not killed in the last wave, is now beginning to put a lot of pressure on Lin Tian's side.

Jian Ji, a hero, is very powerful when she is alone. At this moment, Jian Ji has already taken away the second tower in the middle road, and turned to lead the road.

After the stone man and the titan were resurrected, they chose to go on the road, but they couldn't kill Jian Ji, they could only drive away Jian Ji, and if they wanted to kill... they could only let Lin Tian's mouse pass by.

Lin Tian was too lazy to go on the road. He knew that Jian Ji had a lot of skills and might run faster than a rabbit, so he chose to clear the line in the middle.

After a while, everyone heard the voice of Longyin.

The opponent took the little dragons, got three little dragons, and the next one was a fire dragon.

In the next few minutes, the opponent used Sword Fairy as a pull point, and Qiyana kept hiding near Sword Fairy to protect Sword Fairy and lead the line, while the other three played a defensive role and didn't plan to take the group head-on.

"This trick again." Chenchen said dissatisfied.

In the few rounds before Chenchen was sniped, the opponent often used this trick.

Chenchen's personal strength is strong. Although the passersby teammate is not as strong as the power leveling team, the gap with the opponent is not that big in terms of skills, but the gap is big when it comes to how to win the game.

The opponent's avoidance, single belt, vision, and dragon control are all better than their own. If you fight, you will lose. This kind of trick is called operation.

"I was played to death by them before. Only when they can play a team, they will give us a chance to play a team." Chenchen said.

"Our side is forcing to open more." Lin Tian replied indifferently.

Golems, Titans, and Pig Girls on your own team are all hard-opening heroes, including Nami, who also has the ability to force-open, although Nami is stronger in backhands.

If the opponent wants to avoid the battle all the time, then he is thinking too much.

"But there was a communication barrier between us and our teammates. The flaws they showed were fleeting. If the teammates didn't catch it, even if we started a team, it wouldn't be a good team." Chenchen explained.

This situation is indeed relatively easy to happen. Lin Tian saw that there was a good time to start the team, but because of the involvement of Jian Ji and the harassment from Qiyana on the side, it was not easy for his side to start.

What's more, team battles are not guaranteed to win, and the opponent's team fights are just as good.

When the game reached 10 minutes, Chenchen sent a signal requesting assistance, asking teammates Titan and Golem to come to Dalong.

It is not a good way to use the big dragon to force the group to continue to develop like this. Although the mouse has such a stable big C on one's side, the enemy's fire man and female gun are also very strong output points in the later stage, and the equipment of the sword girl is also It's getting better and better, if it drags on, Jian Ji will be able to chase after two people.

Chenchen's Nami made a triangular field of vision in the Dalong wild area. There is an eye in the grass in the center of the river, an eye in the grass coming from above the blue buff, and an eye in the blue buff.

The stone man and the others lined up the vision around the Dalong area.

Next, is a period of waiting.

20 seconds later...

"The other party doesn't come to see." Chenchen said with a frown.

"Our lineup is not fast against Dalong, and besides... the vision of the Dalong area is not clear." Lin Tian analyzed the problem at a glance.

After hearing this, Chenchen said: "The longer this is delayed, the more disadvantageous it will be for us. Their sword girls are almost brought to our high ground."

Chenchen felt more and more uneasy. Even if there was a power-training god sitting next to her, she still felt that the four opponents would use perfect linkage to make her lose the game.

The current rhythm is exactly what the other party wants to see.

"Chenchen." Lin Tian looked very calm: "I ask you a question."


"Do you know what an AD team is called?"

(End of this chapter)

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