Chapter 299
Qiyana's operation in this wave is very decisive!Although the scan saw the shadow of the mouse, it was certainly not as clear as the visual field.

It was a gamble, but Qiyana made the right bet. After he crossed the wall, he made an R and instantly nailed the invisible mouse to the wall.

This speed is too fast, and Lin Tian's mouse is slightly against the wall, giving Lin Tian no more than 0.1 second to react, but Lin Tian thinks that there is no vision here, and he is invisible, so he doesn't look at him.

Chenchen screamed, and Lin Tian cut his vision back almost without thinking.The moment he was stunned, he pressed the healing technique!

Qiyana instantly activated a set of skills, and the mouse's HP dropped rapidly.

Now it is not the AD version. Many well-developed ADs will be taken away by 0-3 top laners or mid laners. Lin Tian is facing the same situation at the moment.

But fortunately, his healing technique increased his blood volume a little bit. After Qiyana's set broke out, he could still have a layer of blood skin.

At the same time, Nami flashed over and gave the mouse a W skill.

"Kill the mouse!" At this moment, the female gunner and others also saw Qiyana's operation and said immediately.

Female gun, fire man, Nicole, the three quickly came to support the mouse, and at the same time Jian Ji lit up a TP light and began to support this side.

To them, the mouse is like the final boss in other games, and they must kill him with the strength of the whole team.

At this time, the mouse recovered from the dizziness, and a flash opened the distance, walked A 180 degrees, shook its head frantically, and pointed at Qiyana.

Now the mouse's blood volume is only [-] blood, but it is not dead!
Nami instantly handed over her big move, and the stormy sea rushed towards Qiyana.

"You die!" Qiyana only had the mouse in her eyes, and she flashed to the mouse at this moment, but she was about to deal damage, but was blown away by Nami's turbulent waves. Na got soaked.

After this pause, the mouse's damage came again, Qiyana's blood volume dropped rapidly, and the mouse's damage was outrageously high.

Qiyana's blood volume is getting lower and lower. When the remaining third, Qiyana thought that she would be killed by an E skill of the mouse, but the mouse didn't cast E on him at all, but activated the ultimate move!

[Barbecue in the sewer, everyone has a share! 】

"What is this mouse doing? I will die if I hit me!" Qiyana looked at the mouse blankly. Soon, he discovered the mouse's intention!

At this time, the fire man, the female gun and Nicole have come to the vicinity of the wild area. Under normal circumstances, the mouse cannot reach these three people, but now, the mouse uses Qiyana's body as a medium, and the splash of the big move , Sprayed directly onto the female gunfire man and Nicole!
After Qiyana fell from the sky, she was killed immediately. At this moment, he glanced at his teammates... already lost one-fifth of their health.

After killing Qiyana, the mouse continued to move forward instead of retreating, and sprayed wildly at the female gun, the fire man, and Nicole.

Titan gave the female gun a big move, and the stone man ran towards the three of them, but the fire man and Nicole flashed at the same time, and only the female gun controlled by Titan got this R skill.

And rats, on full fire!After Qiyana was killed, the mouse moved forward, and at this moment it was able to reach Nicole who had just flashed over.

Nicole threw the E skill in an attempt to control the mouse, but when the mouse moved A, the E skill did not hit the mouse's body.

Jian Ji landed on the ground, no matter what, she flashed towards the mouse Q, spraying the three mice wildly, and moved to avoid being hit by her weak point, but because the blood volume of the mouse was too low, Jian Ji played two E skills , as if the mouse of the Great Demon King was finally killed, but before it was killed... the mouse came out!Lower the enemy's HP again!
He killed Qiyana and beat the three of them, Fire Man, Neeko, and Gunslinger, to almost half health!

Qiyana, who had turned into a black and white screen, finally understood why the mouse didn't have E herself just now, because the mouse wanted to E more people.

Although the mouse died, it was a real injury.

The rest of the situation is a 4V4.

Nicole found the right position and made a big move, hitting the stone man and the titan.

The female gun healed and flashed to distance herself, laughed wildly, and directed the barrage at the stone man. The Titan swiped wildly, and the fire man also used a QWER face-rolling keyboard!
Chenchen quickly marked the female spearman twice. This female spearman's ultimate move dealt too much damage. If he didn't limit it, the team might lose.

But the teammates are not stupid, on the contrary, the thinking is very clear, the pig girl protrudes from the side, and an R skill hits the female gun that fired R, freezing the female gun in place, interrupting the female gun's growth.

At the same time, the pig girl leaned forward, clinging to the female gun.

Huo Man and Tai Tan's blood volume is not healthy now, Tai Tan turns on W, hooks out, and hooks the accused female gun. , finally took the head of the female gun.

The stone man was burned to death by the fire man after he hit the fire man with EQ damage.

The two sides became 3V3.

"Retreat, retreat, retreat." Pig Girl frantically made several retreat signals.

Although there are three people left on both sides, it is obvious that the opponent is better at dealing with the endgame. The opponent's sword girl will kill everyone one by one. Now running is the best choice.

Seeing that something was wrong, she turned around and ran away. The pig girl flicked the meteor hammer without turning her head. Although it looked a little funny, it was indeed the most correct decision.

Tai Tan was also very decisive, he turned around and left. At the same time, Chenchen's Nami saw that Jian Ji wanted to pursue her, so she immediately ran to the opposite place.

After hesitating for a while, Jian Ji turned her head and chased Chenchen's Nami, and finally killed Nami.

In this wave, Lin Tian played a 3-for-2.

"It's's not too bad." Chenchen let out a long breath.

If Lin Tian's mouse was directly killed without any damage, and his teammates were caught again, then things would be more troublesome.

Now the opponent's people are also relatively disabled, and the pig girl on his own side is still alive, no matter how big or small the dragon is, the opponent can't move, it's okay.

Lin Tiandao: "My problem was not caught by Qiyana, this wave is easy to fight."

Although the damage was done, it was indeed a mistake for him to be fired.

"I think there's nothing wrong with idols." Chenchen said seriously.

Without Qiyana's vision, it is normal for Qiyana to seize the opportunity. The key is how to deal with it after being caught...

Chenchen felt that Lin Tian's reaction was perfect. He treated him to raise health, and cooperated with his W. The mouse was not defeated. Then the mouse's 180-degree A move also amazed Chenchen. The explosive AOE that followed was also extremely damaging. If it were him, , I'm afraid he was already dead when he was shot by Qiyana.

(End of this chapter)

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