Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 287 Biubiubiu!

Chapter 287 Biubiubiu!

"Big sword..." Once again, Chenchen was surprised.

Not only Chenchen was surprised, but his opponent was also surprised.

Because the mouse directly naked the big sword, which is the way the mouse played a long, long time ago.

It is to make a hurricane behind the big sword.

Nowadays, most rats have obliterated the Naked Greatsword production method. They make the dilapidation first and then the hurricane. First, the synthesis is smoother. Second, it has battery life. Third, it has a small explosion in conjunction with the small dilapidation. It can be used in conjunction with the mouse's ultimate move, allowing the opponent to walk out of the mouse's range slowly. The fourth advantage is that the gank is strong.

As for the great sword, except for its high attack, there is nothing special about it. The attack speed is not enough and the battery life is not good. The passive is not easy to stack. If it is replaced by a small dilapidation, the damage will be slightly worse, but the small dilapidation has active skills and The battery life can make the mouse more output.

Of course, there was another way to play earlier, which is to play the Hurricane first. This is because the Hurricane pushes the line faster, which can prevent the mouse from being destroyed by the opponent's two-player lane so quickly.

"Expansion!" The female gunner saw the mouse's outfit and immediately commented.

Naked sword?You thought it was before!What do you think your advantage is?Really drunk.

"He's going to use Endless Hurricane first... I feel like this build of his will be doomed. I guess it's because of Nami that he's not going down a broken path, but just having Nami increase his health won't be enough." Nicole also expressed her disdain.

The female gun chuckled: "Endless Hurricane, how much gold coins will it cost? When he can make a two-piece suit, I can make a three-piece suit."

Female guns are also more popular in this version, with high damage in team battles, and cheap equipment, such as blue sword, dream spirit, black cut or curtain blade, these few pieces of equipment do not cost much~
"Yes, it seems that the reinforcements Chenchen is looking for are just like that." Nicole commented.

Lin Tian didn't expect that so many people would think so much just because he was just pretending.

The reason why he used the big sword is very simple. Look carefully at the opponent's lineup, Sword Girl, Fire Man, Qiyana, Female Spear, Neeko...the damage is high, and the control is also there, but it is very fragile.

Lin Tian wanted to have a high enough burst when he was in a team fight in the mid-term, so he didn't choose to be defeated and fight crispy skin. Of course, endless is stronger than broken.

No matter what other people think, Lin Tian's control of the mouse has reached the line.

The opponent's female gun equipment is not bad either. The first one came out with a war hammer worth [-] gold coins.

Because the first blood was obtained by the female gun, and Nami's head was obtained later, although it is not as economical as the mouse with three heads, but it is not too far behind.

The two sides lined up again, and the female gun stepped forward to Q a few times, but they didn't Q to the mouse.

As a veteran AD player, Lin Tian naturally knows how to deal with the female gun. The most important thing is not to be hit by the Q skill of the female gun, so in terms of positioning, Lin Tian keeps a parallel with the soldier.

Once the female gun starts to look for an angle, Lin Tian will also move due to the position of the female gun, ensuring that the Q skill of the female gun cannot Q to himself.

The female gun didn't hit a few Q's, and the thing that wasted was Nicole's arrival.

Nicole's Q skill range is not small, and a few Q skills have consumed the mouse's blood volume, but because of Nami's existence, the mouse's blood volume is relatively healthy.

"He's moved forward, E him." At this moment, Nicole saw an opportunity.

The female gun immediately activated her E skill, a hail of bullets, hundreds of bullets fell from the sky, slowing down the mouse.

The next moment, Nicole threw out her E skill. This E skill hit the mouse at a very tricky angle.

Once the mouse is imprisoned, Nicole has the confidence to kill the mouse.

"Stay back, the opponent is going to fight." Chenchen immediately realized what the opponent was thinking, but when she saw the mouse being hit by the female gun, she still felt tight.

The female gun's E level can cause a 40.00% deceleration effect.

And Lin Tian saw the female gun shoot E again, and when he was E by the female gun, he said to Nami: "Give me the E."

Chenchen thought that Lin Tian was going to fight against each other, so she immediately put an E on the mouse, but the mouse was not for fighting, but...for moving.

Nami's passive is that when her skills are placed on teammates, it will bring a bonus to the movement speed of teammates, even if it is Nami's Q teammates, teammates can get the acceleration effect.

Although the female gun's E slows down the mouse's movement speed, Ke Nami increases the mouse's movement speed.

With this speed of movement, Lin Tian suddenly turned around, and Nico's E flew far away and reached the air.

"Hiding?" Chenchen blinked her eyes in disbelief.

Similarly, Neeko didn't expect his skills to be empty, he had already moved forward when he played E, and wanted to deal damage.

At this moment, the mouse that had escaped Neeko's control fired a Q first, and at the same time he hit Neeko with a flat A. The damage was higher than expected. The big sword's basic attack did good damage.


A circle of venom from the mouse instantly landed on Neeko's feet, slowing down Neeko.

After the delay, the mouse's Q became invisible, and because of the mouse's active attack, it broke out of the invisible state!

However, the mouse gets an attack speed bonus.

Obviously, Lin Tian planned to fight this time.

Chenchen controls Nami to come up quickly, wanting the Q skill.

Neeko also found that she was in danger. When she took the initiative to attack, she had a flaw and was caught by the mouse. However, Neeko's controller did not panic, and quickly approached the grass, and activated a W skill in the grass.

Nami filled her eyes. On the screen, Neeko entered a state of invisibility for 0.5 seconds. Two Neeko also appeared on the screen, running backwards at the same time, and at the same time received a movement speed bonus.

Most players will not be able to tell the truth of Neeko for a while, and miss the chance to kill Neeko.

And because Neeko previously activated her W skill after entering the grass, it is even more difficult to distinguish between the true and false clones.

But Chenchen didn't mess up, because at the first time, the mouse gave a mark!
Two Neekos, one of them has a red mark on her head!
Out of trust in her idol, Chenchen directly released the Q skill, and the Q landed on Nicole, who was marked by the mouse.

Rats deal damage!

Chenchen stared at the screen intently. It would be fun if the one she was seducing was a fake Nico.

But obviously... this Neeko is real, because the other Neeko has gone with the wind while running.


The mouse's attack speed is not fast now, but every round of flat aces looks so powerful.

An E skill detonated the toxin on Neeko's body, and Neeko was killed immediately, and the mouse got its fourth head.

(End of this chapter)

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