Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 286 Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite?

Chapter 286 Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite?

The difficulty of this kind of killing is not in operation, but in thinking.

If Chenchen hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have thought that Lin Tian would control the mouse to wait there, and finally attack the opponent's female gun.

If the female gun hadn't been killed, or if she had been discovered, the ending would have been different. Most people would not have taken such a risky move. The early development time is too critical for mice.

But Lin Tian dared to kill someone.

At this time, the mouse already had three heads.

The Rat is indeed weak in the laning phase, but it also has advantages that other ADCs do not have. Back then, many people played the Rat with five-speed shoes to roam and get kills, instead of playing an advantage in the laning. These kills are also Lin Tian Made it in various ways.

"Playing games is timid, so just quit." Lin Tian said lightly.

While talking, Lin Tian manipulated the mouse and pushed the pawn line.

The two poles were reversed, and the perfect pawn line that was originally pushed by the female gun, was pushed by Lin Tian at this moment, and it immediately became a negative line for the female gun.

The enemy's support, Nicole, is already online at this moment. I wanted to block the line, but Nami from Lin Tian's side also came online. Coupled with the pressure on Nicole brought by the mouse, Nicole did not dare to block the line. Stuck outside the defense tower.

A large wave of soldiers entered the tower, and Nicole had to eat it by herself.

The operator of the female gun looked ugly: "This line is blown up."

After a cursory look, there were a dozen or so soldiers entering the tower. The economy and experience of these soldiers were beyond the reach of the female gunner, and his level and economy would lag behind that of the mouse.


Nicole said: "I can reach level six as soon as I finish this wave, and it's not impossible to fight at level six."

Even the support Neeko's burst at level [-] is not weaker than AD, and it is even easier to hit burst than ordinary ADCs most of the time.

The female gun hummed, looked at the mouse that was going home, and couldn't help but said: "This mouse is too brave to play, and has never been beaten by society."

"That's right, eh, but Qian Mo, who do you think this ADC is? I feel that the operation and awareness are good." Nicole asked the female gun.

This question actually passed the female gun test.

She has almost never seen Mouse's operation and playing style, and his level is no less than her own. He is definitely not an AD player in this segment. He can only be a reinforcement brought by Chenchen.

But it was no less than her devil-level power leveling, and Nvqiang thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't figure out who it would be.

Those demon king-level power leveling have a good relationship with me, so they shouldn't help Chenchen.

"I don't know." The female gunner had no choice but to tell the truth: "But no matter who it is, it's impossible to be as powerful as us."

"That's true." Nicole replied confidently.

These two people often cooperate, and most of the orders they play are those of the master class. Not to mention the existence of the top of the pyramid in the power leveling, at least they are super-first-line power leveling.

Not to mention that not only were these two people sniping Chenchen in this game, but there were four people including the middle and jungle.

As for that passer-by Sword Fairy...

Move the camera to the top road, Jian Ji is chasing the stone man and slashing wildly.

The Stone Man can restrain many warriors with fragile bodies, but obviously Sword Princess does not belong to that category.

Sword Fairy is more restrained against Golems, and she can deal real damage by breaking the gap, and her own mobility is not comparable to Golems.

A hero like a stone man is laning against a sword girl, and it is easy to go wrong in the duel.

At this moment, Jian Ji used Q to hit the Golem's opening. After the opening was completed, the Golem retreated instinctively. When retreating, another opening was opened just behind the butt.

Sword Fairy effortlessly used E to destroy an opening again, and at the same time the stone man was slowed down. Although the second attack of the E skill did not hit the opening, it hit a crit.

The stone man knew that if he didn't do anything else, he would be killed by the sword girl's sharp sword. After shooting an E skill on the spot, he released a Q skill.

At this time, Jian Ji turned on W to resist the Golem's skill, followed up with a Q, and made another opening, the body of the Golem with low blood volume suddenly collapsed, and the body was broken into several stones...

Matchup single kill.

"This passer-by is pretty good too." Female gun secretly smiled.

Chenchen also saw the miserable state of going on the road at this moment, and she couldn't help frowning. To be honest, this sword girl is very good at Conte Lintian's lineup.

It is difficult for the Golem and the Sword Lady to line up, and the Titan in the middle cannot switch lanes with the Golem.

Jian Ji is not only a stone figure, but also a titan.

And because of Sword Fairy's flexibility, Pig Girl is not very good at arranging Sword Fairy. Sword Fairy W can resist a control. In the early stage, both Stoneman and Pig Girl have nothing to do with Sword Fairy.

What makes Chenchen most uneasy is actually not the laning period.

Although the stone man was single-killed once in the laning, but it can be seen from the outfit and the last knife. Belt, almost no one can control it.

Our boar-fighting girl is obviously aware of this problem, and now she typed: "You say you, choose a stone man on the road, and the opposite is a sword girl. I can't help you. When the time comes, the sword girl will take you. Can't stop him."

After hearing this, the stone man also typed: "I can't help it. I'm a support player. I chose a replacement to make up for the top laner. If I play Riven, the sky will collapse."

"The opposite is Jian Ji, why don't you choose Pan Sen and beat him to the ground?"

"I know how to play a dick Pantheon, and I'm a jerk when I hit the road."

As soon as these words came out, Miss Zhu stopped talking.

Zhumei's control style is also biased... As the saying goes, why bother to embarrass the bastard, Zhumei doesn't want to embarrass Shitou at this moment.

"You control the Canyon Herald earlier, if the opponent takes the Canyon Herald, we won't be able to play at all." At this moment, Chenchen typed.

There is nothing wrong with the understanding of this game. If Jian Ji breaks the tower and enters the wired mode in advance, it will be difficult to play.

Zhu Mei typed 1, but quickly typed again: "It's hard, we don't play 3V3 in the upper half, this lineup is outrageous, Titan, you should swim, accompany me for a gank ah."

The reason why Titan can play mid lane is that on the one hand, he cooperates with the jungler in the mid lane, and on the other hand, Titan roams very well and can drive his teammates. But now Titan is like a bastard, not moving at all.

"Fire Man keeps pushing my lane, I can't leave, come and help me kill Fire Man, and I'll accompany you to gank again." Tai Tan said.

Pig girl: "..."

Lin Tian glanced at the conversation of his teammates, and suddenly thought of a sentence...

Every family has its own difficulties, and it seems that it is not easy for teammates.

He bought a big sword, manipulated the mouse and went down...

(End of this chapter)

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