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Chapter 260 Floating?

Chapter 260 Floating?

The spider and the sword girl couldn't move forward because of the trap, but Tetsuo quickly followed up with an E skill.

He summoned a giant claw, pulled Feng Nu's petite figure towards him, and then slammed the hammer at Feng Nu fiercely, and there was a clanging sound immediately, just these two skills, It caused Feng Nu to lose a lot of blood.

At the same time, the spider used Q to flatten A to deal damage, and then transformed into a spider form, while Daomei pulled out a double-edged wing before the control effect on Feng Nu disappeared.

Feng Nu took several control and damage skills in a row, and before she recovered, she was killed by the damage of the spider and the sword girl, and the head was taken by the spider.

Lin Tian had no choice but to save Heizi again. Those two traps had already meant to protect Fengnv, but Fengnv was charged, and he had no choice.

When Fengnv was killed, Lin Tian manipulated the policewoman to deal some damage to the canyon vanguard. The canyon vanguard had less than one-fifth of its health left, while the second tower of the good brother team had half of its health left quantity.

This is obviously not in line with the expectations of the trio of the Fengyun team. They expected the best at the beginning, that the canyon pioneer could break through the high ground. After seeing the policewoman and Fengnv returning to defense so quickly, their expectation was to dismantle it. After dropping the second tower of the top lane of the brother team, they let the canyon vanguard hit the high ground. Now, they found that the second tower might not be able to be dismantled.

The three of them stared at each other, and now there was only one policewoman left under the tower. As long as the policewoman defended the defensive tower, they would jump over the tower. However, Zhou Peng, the mid laner of the good brother team, also arrived.

His little murloc threw a ult over the wall.


The bait was thrown out, and a small ocean circle landed on Daomei, and then the little murloc used E to climb over the wall. The moment it fell, the shark appeared, biting Daomei, and immediately hit a RE s damage.

About one-third of Dao Mei's blood was lost, and the little murloc didn't want to fight, so he Q Q Dao Mei and used Dao Mei to make a shift, and reached the second tower.

At this time, the female policeman added another trap, which caught Daomei who had just recovered from Xiaoyu's big move, and then the female policeman dealt an AQA damage, which again lowered Daomei's blood volume.

"The snowman knight is coming too, don't go beyond." The spider saw the snowman's figure in his vision and said something immediately.

Both Daomei and Tienan were a little bit unwilling, and the second tower was not pushed down, which was too far from their expectations.

But now Daomei's blood volume is not high, and the spider's cocoon and Tetsuo's EQ have also been handed over, and they may suffer losses if they cross the tower again, so they have to retreat.

But as soon as they retreated, the policewoman came out of the second tower and started chasing Daomei A.

"This female policeman is gone~" Daomei was a little upset after being shot twice by A, she didn't cross the tower of the female policeman, and the female policeman dared to chase her out, she simply didn't know how to write the word dead.

Spider and Iron Man didn't turn around, and they didn't have control skills. As long as the policewoman kept a distance, they couldn't hit the policewoman.

And Daomei originally thought that she would just retreat, but it can be seen that the policewoman is not relentless, and she immediately wanted to operate.

Daomei said: "Kill the policewoman."

Daomei's E skill is still on CD, but the range of Q skill is enough to turn back and Q to the policewoman. When the policewoman A shoots the third shot, Daomei turns around instantly and Q to the policewoman!
The female policewoman has already used the clips, and Daomei is not worried about being caught by the policewoman after her Q passes by. When she gets to the policewoman, she hears Daomei scolding: "Ionia is calling!"

The blade flew towards the policewoman!

The two were very close together, and logically speaking, they would hardly be empty, but those blades did not fly to the policewoman, but flew to the front, and then dissipated!And the figure of the policewoman is behind Dao Feng!

The policewoman is moving forward!This step forward just made Daomei's big move thrown back empty!

Seeing that her skills were useless, Dao Mei was startled for a moment, and then there was only one thought in her mind-Zhi Hu!This should be fried Hu!

The controller of Daomei clearly saw from the animation that the blade brushed against the policewoman's body, but it can be judged that the policewoman just didn't get the R skill of Daomei.

Daomei was in a daze, but the policewoman was not dazed. After walking forward to hide from the vanguard blade, she immediately walked back, and kept facing Daomei A at the same time.

After Daomei regained her senses, she had no skills and could only use flat A to deal damage to the policewoman.

At this time, the spider used the E skill to fly into the sky, and the next moment, its figure fell down, getting close to the policewoman, and also dealt some damage.

Tetsuo also started to turn around and walk towards the policewoman.

At this time, Wang Yue's snowman knight pushed the snowball to the frontal battlefield, and the two sides began to fight 3V3.

Lin Tian's policewoman was entangled by the two of them, but he didn't panic either. He used the E skill to distance himself, and then hit Daomei with a headshot. After recovering a little HP for the policewoman, she also gave the policewoman a bonus in movement speed, so that the policewoman opened up some distance, even if Daomei followed Shan, it was difficult to follow at this time.

Wang Yue's snowball hit Daomei's face, knocking Daomei into the air and knocking her unconscious. The policewoman continued to shoot at Daomei.

The little murloc dragged the spider a little, and also hit Daomei, while Tie Nan dealt damage to the little murloc and the snowman.

Seeing that Daomei's blood volume was getting lower and lower, Tetsuo waved directly and used R skill to pull the little murloc into a different dimension. Outside the space, the snowman chanted his big move, making it difficult for Daomei and Spider to move.

Daomei puts W skills on the spot to reduce damage, while the spider flashes to the vicinity of the policewoman, transforms into a human form and releases WQ to bottom out the policewoman's blood.

The policewoman's blood volume is also relatively dangerous at the moment, but just after the sword girl's W skill is cast, and after taking the snowman's ultimate move, the policewoman shoots over, directly kills the sword girl, and then uses A to deal with the spider.

The policewoman looked dangerous, and after the spider finished playing WQ, she went straight ahead and used flat A to light the policewoman.

The snowman controlled by Wang Yue didn't care about 21 anymore, and he didn't care if he could help the spider when he flashed to the spider, so he slapped the keyboard and slapped the spider.

In fact, Wang Yue only needs to manipulate the snowman to give the policewoman an E skill, and the policewoman can escape easily, but Wang Yue was a little impatient for a while, and didn't give it the first time.

When the policewoman had less than one-fifth of her health left, the policewoman walked under the defense tower. The spider followed up and resisted the defense tower. After finding that she could not catch up with the policewoman, she immediately pulled out of the defense tower.

The snowman stuck to the spider and hurt it, the policewoman squatted on the ground, and then, an infrared ray froze on the spider.

In the different-dimensional space, Tetsuo won the 1v1 victory, killed the little murloc and came out, but his position could not help the spider block the gun.

Just when the spider was about to be shot dead, a lantern suddenly appeared under the spider's feet, and Thresh, the assistant of the Fengyun team, supported it!

(End of this chapter)

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