Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 259 Weird feeling

Chapter 259 Weird feeling

Verus was just complaining. In fact, using healing to speed up and hide key skills is a way of many ADs. It's hard to say who can learn from this thing.

However, his Q skill was hidden, which meant that this confrontation was over.

Cheng Feng said: "We didn't release any water this time, and let him run away."

"Yeah, this person is very strange. He was so good at the beginning, but now he is quite good at playing." Verus responded.

The arrow failed, and Verus retreated to make up the knife, but at this moment he suddenly saw the predator's mark, and then saw the snowman knight pushing a big snowball from behind the defensive tower.

The snowman did not gank from the river or the jungle, but came directly from the bottom lane to push the snowball to gank, so that no one noticed.

Team Fengyun's bot lane is currently in a state where his teammates have no way to support him, because the bot lane had a big advantage before, and his teammates played a little casually, not thinking of showing 100% strength. Some wild areas are stealing the vanguard of the canyon, and it is obviously too late for Daomei to go down at this moment.

If the Fengyun team showed 100% of their strength, this wave could not be the arrival of the Snowman, and no one on their own could come.

The Snowman's snowball is getting bigger and bigger. The distance between Thresh and Verus in the front is relatively far, and the position is also close to the good brother team. At this moment, such a big snowball is coming, and Thresh has to push the snowball with an E. Snowman Rider, but the snowball still hit Thresh.

The next moment, Snowman began to guide the big move. The operation seemed quite unpretentious, but Thresh was difficult to move!

"I'm dead." Cheng Feng said.

Verus didn't speak after hearing this, he couldn't save Thresh now.

After the snowman knight's ultimate move was guided, it caused a lot of damage, and the policewoman who had already retreated came back at this time, and went to Thresh A at the farthest distance, and waited until Thresh had only a little HP left , the policewoman took away Thresh with a Q skill.

Big kills.

The record of the policewoman has reached 3-4, and the record is about to return.

"Brothers, get better!" said Wang Yue, who was controlling the snowman.

He was restricted by spiders and couldn't do anything. This wave of ganks made Wang Yue very excited. However, the little dragon hadn't refreshed yet, so he couldn't control the dragon. This wave of people was relatively dry.

"I got the fifth head, that's perfect." Heizi also said.

From Heizi's point of view, Lin Tian is someone who can achieve the effect of 300 yuan with 1000 yuan. Lin Tian's record is slowly getting on the right track, giving Wang Yue and others a glimmer of hope who didn't expect to win.

It seems... there is still a chance to win?
Lin Tiandao: "Eat the two layers of coating on the opposite side."

Lin Tian knew that if the opponent played normally this wave, it would not go so smoothly at all. I am afraid that when Thresh comes up, the opponent's spider will take care of him, but at this time he will not dampen the enthusiasm of Wang Yue and others.

After eating two layers of plating, he glanced at his phone when he returned to the city. Fan Qian didn't send a text message, but after knowing that Tian Luoyi rejected Li Lingyun, he felt inexplicably relieved.

Wang Yue and the others are still excited. From the economic point of view to the current situation, the good brother team does not seem to be at a big disadvantage. If they really win the Fengyun team, they will be happy for a month.

But obviously, Team Fengyun didn't intend to lose either.

Letting newcomers do it, but losing would be too embarrassing.

Now the policewoman's record is not so ugly, and the Fengyun team also plans to adjust it.

The jungler of Fengyun Team took the Canyon Pioneer and said: "Let's play normally first, and wait until the opponent is no longer able to play. If we continue to play like this, we will always be a little constrained and uncomfortable."

"What's wrong, I feel like we won casually." Daomei said disdainfully.

"That doesn't mean we have to fight back and forth with them. We are playing training games and not teasing children."


When Fengyun Team is not tied up, the situation will be different. After all, Fengyun Team is the top three in the lower district, while Good Brother Team is just a little-known little player.

Although the bottom lane has repeatedly taken the lead, Verus's economy is also solid, and he still has advantages and line rights in the lane. After a few more minutes, he demolished the bottom lane tower of the good brother team.

At the same time, the spider and knife girls joined forces, and the three of them surrounded and suppressed Wu Siyu who was on the road at the same time.

Wu Siyu only felt that sadness came from his heart...

It is quite common for military training to go on the road, from ganks by passers-by to competitions. Although his proficiency with Ornn is not bad now, he cannot withstand such military training and is immediately killed by the enemy's sword girl. He kills Ornn. At the same time, the spider released the Canyon Herald.

But in fact, the canyon vanguard didn't even hit it, and the outer tower of the top lane team of the good brother team broke through.

Canyon Pioneer has almost full health, and several people followed Canyon Pioneer to the second tower of the good brother team.

If the good brother team does not return to defense in time, this wave of Fengyun team can break the high ground on the road.

The three of them cooperated with the pawn line along the way and the canyon vanguard had just arrived at the entrance of the second tower. When they saw the policewoman and Fengnv, they came to guard the tower.

"Come so fast?" Spider was a little surprised, because when he cooperated with Dao Mei to jump over the tower, he also saw the policewoman and Feng Nu in the bottom lane. This meant that before he jumped over the tower and released the Canyon Herald, the female policeman and Feng Nu were on the bottom lane. The policeman and the wind girl began to change paths.

The Canyon Pioneer charged for a while, and then slammed headfirst into the second tower. This collision could not be stopped by the policewoman and the wind girl.

Spider, Iron Man, Sword Girl, the three moved forward. Their best plan this time was to destroy the high ground of the older brother's team, but the policewoman and Fengnv came so fast, their goal was to take the second tower and let them The canyon pioneer hit a high ground.

This second tower is also a must for them.

The blood volume of the defensive tower of the good brother team dropped by nearly half in an instant.

Seeing the position of the policewoman, Daomei wanted to go up. The three of them jumped over two crispy towers. It was really simple, but at this time the policewoman put a trap.

The sword girl immediately stopped.

The location of this clip is very tricky, once you go to the Q policewoman, you will definitely get caught in the Q process, and it will be embarrassing.

So, Daomei changed her position, and as a result, the position of the policewoman also changed. Daomei always felt that she would be controlled by Q, so she didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

The sword girl didn't make the first move, and the spider planned to make the first move, using the W skill to blow up the policewoman and the wind girl first.

Spiders have the skill of flying into the sky. Generally, the spiders carry the tower first. After the explosion, the spider releases a cocoon, which hits Heizi's Fengnv all at once.

At the moment of the hit, everyone was going to step forward, but the female policeman placed two traps one after another, the positions were very tricky, so that the spider couldn't come up immediately.

At this moment, the three of them understood Verus' feelings a little bit, that kind of weird feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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