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Chapter 151 The end of the game

Chapter 151 The end of the game
The people watching were talking a lot. Li Lingyun didn't know when he arrived. He looked at the situation on the screen thoughtfully.

"Can Tian Xiaohua hold on?" Wang Yue felt his heart tightening, as if a boulder was pressing on his chest, and he couldn't breathe.

"How to keep it..."

"School Beauty Tian, ​​come on!" Wu Siyu looked at the big screen and suddenly shouted loudly.


With the big dragon buff, and the Rose in the Rain team with two fire and one earth attribute dragons, they were unstoppable. The first front tooth tower was shot down by the Rose in the Rain team at a very fast speed.

Tian Luoyi's Yasuo is between the two front teeth, a large number of soldiers have the dragon buff, and Yasuo can't clear it with only one Yasuo, so Yasuo wants to hold the base, he can only drag it with his own life, Drag until the teammates are revived, and while dragging, Yasuo will try to kill as much as possible, otherwise this wave will still be unable to hold.

1 against 4 is almost impossible for Yasuo at this stage, Tian Luoyi also understands

"Should Tian Luoyi give up?" Sun Mei looked at Yasuo under the other front tooth, her smile gradually widening.

For Sun Mei, victory is just around the corner.

Looking at Yasuo, who was helpless and bleak, Sun Mei smiled coldly: "Tian Luoyi, you also have today."

Just when the Rose in the Rain team started to dismantle the second front tooth, Yasuo had already Q'd the minions twice, with a storm in his hand.

"She can't even clear the line of soldiers, Tian Luoyi, Tian Luoyi, why are you so miserable?" Sun Mei was so proud, she thought to herself.

The blood volume of the second incisor tower was quickly reduced by half.

Seeing that Yasuo did not return to the spring, Sun Mei manipulated Lucian to go forward, tapped Yasuo twice, and said disdainfully, "You still want to guard?"

But at this moment, Yasuo who had been on the edge suddenly moved.

Tian Luoyi wants to do something, and wants to change his fate against the sky!

Yasuo directly EQ minions, this is a Yasuo with a storm!
At the moment when EQ had not finished casting, Yasuo instantly handed over his flash. Everyone in the Rose Team in the Rain did not take Yasuo seriously at all. When they were dismantling the tower, the position was somewhat crowded. At the next moment, Yasuo's EQ flash activated directly. Roll four people, the wind is blowing!

Then the four of them paused in the air!Yasuo flattened Jess who was closest to him, and the figure disappeared from the spot and flew into the air!
This scene is quite shocking. The EQ flash directly blows up the four of them and then catches up. It is very gorgeous. It can be said to be a perfect big move!

This opportunity was seized just right. After landing, Yasuo EQed Jace, who was closest to him. At the same time, he waved his hand, and a light blue wind wall stood up!

"You still want to hit four?" Sun Mei disdainfully manipulated Lucian to distance herself, and shouted, "Kill her!"

It has to be said that although the members of the Rose in the Rain team were swept up, all four of them got Yasuo's big move, but it is impossible for Yasuo to kill everyone in seconds!

In an instant, the Rose in the Rain team set fire to Yasuo. If it wasn't for the better position of Yasuo's wind wall, they would have been instantly killed by four of them!

But even though the wind wall blocked a lot of damage, Yasuo's blood volume was still very unhealthy, and it had dropped to one-third of his blood at this moment.

Yasuo used E to swim on the four, and the next moment his Q skill was good again.

Because it was a combo of two winds before, Yasuo raised his long sword at this moment, and the storm swept in, and the three of them were blown up. Only Lucian, who was far away, was not blown.

Control four first, then three!
If this is a 5V5 team battle, with Yasuo's control, he will definitely win... But, this is a 1V4 team battle!
Yasuo's target was Jace, whose health was low. He dealt all the damage to Jace, and Jace died!But at the same time, Sun Mei's disdainful voice sounded again: "You still want to turn the tide?"

Lucian found the right position, and hit Yasuo with explosive damage, beheading Yasuo in an instant!

1 for 1...

At this time, Tian Luoyi's teammates hadn't been resurrected yet.

"Still... I didn't hold off." The operation just now took all Tian Luoyi's energy. Looking at the big screen at this moment, she felt unwilling and helpless.

"I finally killed you once." Satisfied, Sun Mei, the manipulator Lucian slapped the dead Yasuo twice, while the other teammates had already dismantled the second front tooth of the Black Rose team.

The Black Rose team has only one base left alone.

The blood volume of this base also dropped very quickly, the blind monk and the fire man demolished the tower, and Sun Mei's Lu Xi'an walked to the entrance of the spring of the Black Rose team, and lit up a team logo.

The faces of everyone in the Black Rose team were ugly. If it was demolished simply and neatly, everyone in the Black Rose team would accept it, but this Lucian was obviously mocking.

"You can't do it without me." Sun Mei typed again.

At this moment, the nurse with the lowest level in the Black Rose team was resurrected and rushed out quickly, but the extremely fragile nurse was reduced to a weak figure after just a few clicks.

The wine barrel was revived, and the huge body rushed out quickly, but was kicked back by the blind monk.

The members of Team Rose in the Rain demolished the base until only a trace of blood remained, and the three stood at the door...

Afterwards, the blind monk rushed in first, followed by the fire man, and finally Sun Mei's Lu Xi'an E Jinquan took away the nanny...

At the same time, the base with very low remaining HP was demolished by the soldiers and turned into brilliant fireworks, and Lucian was standing in the spring of the Black Rose team.

This is an insult to the Black Rose team.

Almost everyone pursed their mouths tightly, and Lier's eyes were slightly red: "Are they like this?"

competition is over.

Sun Mei stood up all of a sudden, clapped hands with the people around her, and looked at Tian Luoyi mockingly: "You are really good."

Tian Luoyi and others took off their headphones and made no excuses. If they lose, they lose.

Tian Luoyi's left arm was black and red, and he pinched and bit him so many times during the competition, but he still lost... This is the reality.

She felt a little difficult to breathe and couldn't help but lean on the chair and close her eyes slightly.

After the members of the Rose in the Rain team left the stage, Sun Mei glanced dissatisfied at the crowd watching, but there was no praise from the crowd, which made her feel very upset, and what made her even more upset was that everyone was talking about Tian Roy's last wave.

Lonely hero, this is everyone's last evaluation of Tian Luoyi.

Sun Mei, who was upset, was going to turn around and mock Tian Luoyi again, but at this moment, her body was bumped, and she scolded me, but the figure didn't stop, but came to Tian Luoyi around.

"Go to the infirmary, bandage the wound, and get some medicine. You haven't eaten yet, right?" Lin Tian helped Tian Luoyi up and said.

Before Tian Luoyi could answer, another person rushed up from below. It was Li Lingyun, Tian Luoyi's suitor. He stared at Lin Tian and said gloomyly: "Let Luo Yi go."

(End of this chapter)

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