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Chapter 150 One Person, One Sword, I Go Alone!

Chapter 150 One Person One Sword, I Go Alone!
The body full of fat in the wine barrel was instantly melted!Lucian got the head.

Everyone in the Black Rose team immediately chose to retreat. Even if the wine barrel grabbed the big dragon, it would not be a good group, let alone the wine barrel didn't grab the big dragon.

The four retreated quickly, but the Rose in the Rain team was also chasing after them.

Team Rose in the Rain's selection mobility is very good. Jess played QE in the cannon form, and at the same time, an acceleration gate appeared in front of him, and all members passed through to gain movement speed.

Riven flexibly used E skills and three-stage Q to catch up. The blind monk followed Riven, followed by Lucian and Fireman.

Lucian's double guns were raised, and the holy silver bullets scattered from the muzzles crazily, shooting at the fleeing Yasuo and others densely!Holy gun baptism!

Although everyone in the Black Rose team was running away, they were not completely confused. Tian Luoyi's Yasuo suddenly paused, and a wind wall emerged, blocking the poke damage of the Rose team in the rain.

The two sides chased while fleeing, and soon the members of the Black Rose team realized that they were about to be caught up.

Their Riven is too nimble and runs too fast.

"I'll sell it, I'll sell it!" Assistant Li'er said quickly, the nanny who was running for her life stopped, and turned around with E and Q skills to stop her.

But after such a pause, the nanny became the last one in the line, and Riven quickly pounced on her, like a wolf hunting a lamb...

But Riven didn't kill the nanny directly, but just stunned the nanny with the W skill, and knocked out half of the nanny's HP at the same time.

When Li'er still didn't understand why Riven stopped, Lucian came up with an E skill and took away the bloody nurse a few times.

"Let you betray me, I can't kill you! Keep chasing!" Sun Mei controlled Lucian, with a bloodthirsty light in her eyes!At this moment, she even forgot that she was a betrayer, and only felt that Li'er had betrayed her.

The members of the Black Rose team continued to chase, and at this moment Fan Qian manipulated Tie Nan to turn his head back.

The opponent who pursued the fastest and most fiercely was Riven. He turned his head and pointed at Riven, and the two of them entered the field.

On the map, Tetsuo and Riven turned into green and red dots.

Without Riven, the remaining three members of the Black Rose team finally retreated.

In the field, Tetsuo and Riven are fighting, Riven's Q skill has just entered CD at this moment, Tetsuo stepped forward to Q and leveled A to fight first, but soon, Riven adjusted her position and directly opened up!The broken sword in his hand instantly became huge!There are runes on it, glowing green!

Just level A, Riven with the economic advantage does very high damage!Tetsuo only took a few hits before he had to hand over his W skill and use his shield to protect himself!However, Tetsuo's damage is not bad, and he passively turns around!There was a large whirlpool-like thing near Tetsuo, causing damage to Riven.

At this time, Riven raised her long sword to the sky, shouted loudly, and was about to kill Tetsuo, but at this time, Tetsuo pulled Riven away with a reverse E. After Tetsuo recovered, he used the Q skill , the hammer in his hand instantly magnified and smashed fiercely on Riven's body, dealing an astonishing damage!

Riven retaliated and directly ER!In this way, the speed of releasing sword energy will be very fast!Green grudges gushed out!But at this moment, Tetsuo handed over his flash to evade his fighting spirit, but Riven seemed to know that Tetsuo was going to flash, so he took advantage of the situation and also handed in flash!This is a psychological game between the two sides!

Riven's move is very gorgeous, but... the moment Tetsuo handed over the flash, he used the stopwatch to avoid Riven's damage. When Tetsuo stopped the watch, the passive was still spinning, and the damage made Riven's HP Drop down a little bit.

Riven's controller didn't expect R to be dodged by Tetsuo in this way!Tetsuo's thinking was unexpectedly so clear.

After Tetsuo stood up, Riven performed the stunt of light speed QA!In the third Q, Riven jumped up, but Tetsuo was very spiritual, and his huge body moved forward. Because of the passive relationship, Tetsuo's movement speed increased, and Riven happened to be behind the Q , This time and again, Tetsuo actually avoided Riven's harm.

Riven's controller probably didn't expect that he would Q-space, so he couldn't help being stunned for a while.

Immediately, Riven saw a hammer getting bigger and bigger... With a bang, it hit Riven's face fiercely!

A frightening figure appeared again!

"I finally beat you once..." Fan Qian said silently to the opponent's top laner in her heart.

Riven is dead!At the same time, the effect of Tetsuo's ultimate move disappeared and appeared in Summoner's Canyon.

Lucian had been waiting there for a long time. Seeing the bloody Iron Man, he immediately took the iron man's head lightly with a set of skills.

"Three kills, can I get five kills in this wave? Can you? Can you still catch up?" Sun Mei shouted.

"I can't catch up." The mid laner Jess replied.

"It's a pity..." Sun Mei still had some thoughts, so she typed and sent it to everyone: "Come back and give me five kills."

Seeing the words Sun Mei typed, Fan Qian couldn't help cursing: "I picked up three heads, and they're bloated."

After saying this, Fan Qian didn't continue to say anything. After all, they were at a great disadvantage and complained so much, so they could only be incompetent and furious.

"Yes, I'm going to lose." At this moment, Xiaotong's crying became louder and louder, she stretched out her hand and wiped away her tears, full of self-blame.

Tian Luoyi gritted his teeth: "Not sure yet, let's try again later."

How could Tian Luoyi be willing to lose to Sun Mei?

Sun Mei was passive in training, and the princess was very sick. After leaving the team, she ridiculed her former team members and discredited her former team captain. Why should she lose to such a person?

Watching the Rose in the Rain team advancing from the middle, directly dismantling the middle, and reaching the high ground, Tian Luoyi and the rest of Xiaotong couldn't defend at all, and could only wait for their teammates to revive under the front teeth.

The opponent demolished the tower very quickly, the barracks were destroyed, and a large number of soldiers had already arrived at the front teeth.

Come on, your teammates will be alive soon...

But the crowd of Rose in the Rain came aggressively, and seemed to want to end the game in one wave, and the line of soldiers was enough to support the Rose in the Rain team.

Only Wheel Mom and Yasuo are present in the Black Rose team...

The wheel mother quickly activated the W skill to clear the line, the wheel shuttled between the minions, popping out one by one damage, the wheel mother's line clearing ability is still so terrifying, it's just...

Huo Man threw a W skill at the feet of the wheel mom, and the wheel mother quickly fired E to block the damage. When the wheel mother's E skill passed, Jess raised a booster and fired!At this moment, Yasuo is some distance away from Mommy Wheels on the other side, and there is no way to use the wind wall to help Mommy Wheels resist the damage. Jess' shot knocked out Mommy Wheels nearly half of her health!

The fire man directly threw his big move, and the tongue of fire surged, bouncing repeatedly on the bodies of Wheel Mom and Xiaobing!Lucian followed up with a penetrating holy light!The mother of the wheel died directly under the two front teeth!
At this time, the game time is 26 minutes, and the average resurrection time is more than 40 seconds... So now Tian Luoyi doesn't have a single teammate resurrected!
At this moment, Tian Luoyi’s teammates have not been resurrected yet!The lowest level wet nurse also requires a 7 second cooldown.

"It's your turn, Tian Luoyi!" Sun Mei, who didn't kill Tian Luoyi the whole game, had a gleam in her eyes.

Zheng Yu knew what Sun Mei meant, so Xiaobing Q immediately W touched Tian Luoyi and was about to flash R, but Tian Luoyi handed over Flash first!
Tian Luoyi's Yasuo is the last hope...

One person, one sword, one jug of wine, I will go alone!
(End of this chapter)

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