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Chapter 117 Why is he still laughing?

Chapter 117 Why is he still laughing?

Going back home to the line again, Lin Tian's Xia seemed to be another level of fierceness.

Originally, Lucian still had some room to fight back, but now there is no room to fight back. Xia firmly suppressed Lucian and beat him until he was crippled. Tower A.

With Morgana on the enemy side, it's actually a bit dangerous for Xia to be in Tower A like this, and the reason why Xia is so unscrupulous is due to her arrogant positioning.

Morgana tried to play Q to pin Xia under the defensive tower, but Xia twisted her little butt, avoided it perfectly, and continued to push the tower randomly.

Lucian's blood volume is very low, so he dare not go to Axia. Once he goes to deal damage, Xia probably won't be able to attack the defensive tower, and will deal damage to him or even kill him in seconds.

The blind monk defended the defense tower a little bit on the road, but the opponent's blood volume is still relatively healthy, and the blind monk guards the tower. Now that there is no TP, there is no way for T to come to guard the tower. The blind monk almost watched the other two push the four layers of plating, and his heart is bleeding!
Playing such a good bottom lane is now just pushing the opponent's third layer of plating.

The only advantage is that the blind monk can gain some experience and supplement his development.

When Gnar comes, the blind monk returns to the first half of the wild area, good guy, the wild monsters in the first half of the wild area are gone!

In desperation, the blind monk had no choice but to rely on the bottom lane, where there were not many wild monsters, and Xia also ate a pair of stone men. The blind monk looked around, and the gank was not easy to gank... couldn't help feeling sad.

At this moment, Xia clicked on a signal, which was Xiaolong's signal. The blind monk finally found something to do and started to fight Xiaolong.

It is not safe for Xia to see the blind monk fight Xiaolong, and after eating the opponent's coating, she also goes to Xiaolong to escort the blind monk.

To be honest, even the selfish Lin Tian couldn't stand the blind monk's situation!What a mess!
At this time, a wave of confrontation also took place in the middle of the two sides, and the two sides have been at six for a while.

Ryze is actually at a disadvantage in the laning against Zoe. The reason is that his skills are relatively short, and Zoe has long hands. There is no good way to fight Zoe by himself.

Ryze had consumed most of his health at this time, and when he pulled back, he was hit by Zoe's sleep bubble.

"It's over!" Ryze looked at the reading bar under his feet, and then at Zoe's actions. As long as Zoe pulls a flying star and adds a flat A, he has to finish the game.

The next moment, Zoe's Flying Star R came in front of Ryze, and the Flying Star dealt explosive damage. With the help of level A, Ryze was hit with a trace of blood!Zooey returned to her original position all at once.

"Killed alone!" Ryze's controller felt helpless, knowing that he would die, and the next moment, Ryze was directly burned to death!In this wave, I will lose a lot of soldiers.

But at this moment, Xia walked out of the grass and ran towards Zoe.

Lin Tian originally wanted to cover the blind monk from beating Xiaolong, but halfway through the cover, he found that something was going to happen to Ruiz, so he hurried over.

Ryze was still dead, but Lin Tian saw that Zoe's position was relatively poor, and he knew that Zoe had no skills!

Xia turned on W, approached Zoe Q and leveled A, then turned Q instantly to shoot out two feathers, and added an E skill to pull back and instantly imprison Zoe. As a result, Zoe without skills was like a super standing in place. He was like a soldier, and was ordered to die by Xia Huo.

After killing Zoe, Xia immediately pushed the pawn line that she must lose, allowing Ryze's pawn line to maintain a balance!
Originally, Ryze thought that he was blown up in this wave, and the pawn line was at a loss. In the end, Xia gave him an assist, and even straightened out the pawn line.

"You are really a bird that people can rely on." Ruiz was deeply moved.

"I think it's better not to speak if you can't speak." Lin Tian was not moved at all, and replied directly.

Without waiting for Ruiz to reply, Lin Tian continued to type: "For the time being, you have to stabilize the middle lane. I'll go and break through the bottom lane."

Ruiz silently deleted the roll that had already been played, and then said: "Yes."

It's useless to rely on Lin Tian alone in this one. It's hard to hit the road and play in the wild, so I can only ask Zhong to help stabilize it.

With four heads, Lin Tian already has a lot of rewards, so he is a big head.

After the kill, Lin Tian returned to the bottom lane, and Lu Xi'an finally felt a little more comfortable while Xia was away, and pushed a wave of lines, only to find that Xia had returned...

And this Xia state is still full!
Lucian's hard days have begun again.

"Female tank, go and walk with the blind monk." Lin Tian typed again at this time.

After listening to the female tank, she didn't understand what Lin Tian meant. The blind monk didn't invade, and the wild area also had vision. What's the point of finding the blind monk by herself?That's not what being a nanny is all about, is it?

But the thighs asked for it, and the female tank didn't stay here. He felt that Xia saw something and let him pass because he thought the blind monk was in danger.

Ever since, Xia was left alone in the bottom lane, and after that, Xia began to push the line!
At the beginning, Lucian and Morgana still didn't dare to fight. After all, Xia has so many kills now, and her fighting style is so fierce, she has scared Lucian and Morgana, but after a while, they realized something was wrong.

The female tank is not here!

Xia has already brought the line of troops under their defense tower, and from the small map, they found the location of the female tank.

All of a sudden, the hearts of the two of them are ready to move!

There is only Xia alone in the bottom lane, so can I find a chance to kill him?Xia hasn't reached six yet, and when Xia reaches six, it will be hard to kill!
This is an opportunity!
Xia's position is very high!Even A their tapi!
How dare a person be so arrogant?

"This is an opportunity, it's up to you!" Lucian said to Morgana.

Morgana also understood, and directly handed over the Q skill.

Morgana's Q successfully imprisoned Xayah.

Morgana was almost moved to tears!
I have Q so many times during the laning period, this is the first time that Q has reached Xia, apart from anything else, it is just a W!

Lucian happened to have a passive in his hand, and after he played the passive twice, he hit Xia with a penetrating holy light.

No matter how fat Xia is, Xia's body is still fragile now. After a few skills, plus the damage from the defense tower, Xia immediately became a residual blood!

There is a door!

Lucian is ecstatic!
After being suppressed for so long, I finally have my first day, what is this called?Don't bully young people to be poor!

Tang Ru watched this wave with full attention, from Lin Tian letting the girl walk away, to Lin Tianzhong Q, it was all a mysterious operation!Seeing Xia like this, Tang Ru's first reaction was danger.

Xayah looks so bad right now!

The authorities were bewildered by the onlookers, Tang Ru already knew that Lin Tian was a very strong person, it was simply impossible for such a guy to suddenly make a wave of outrageous operations.

At this time, Morgana, the summoner skill of both sides, stepped forward and handed over Ignite directly, Lucian dealt damage, and after Xia recovered, tap Morgana first...

The corners of Lin Tian's mouth raised, and the arc became wider and wider, Tang Ru was suddenly surprised.

Why is he still laughing?

(End of this chapter)

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