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Chapter 116 Give Me Time

Chapter 116 Give Me Time

Xia and Xin Zhao have a very good distance. Xin Zhao directly E, there is no way to E to Xia, Xin Zhao directly handed W, Xia was forced to move by Lu Xi'an and Morgana behind him, and Xin Zhao W arrived, after hanging up the deceleration, Xin Zhao took a step forward, at the same time, turned on W to level AA to Xin Zhao, and at the same time opened Q, when Xin Zhao rushed over, Xia suddenly had an E skill.

Xin Zhao was imprisoned in place by three feathers who came back quickly during the thrust!It's like a plane that is about to take off, just after flying for a while, it suddenly crashes.

The fastest way for Xia to hit three feathers is to cooperate with her Q skill to quickly produce three feathers, and then use E to hold the opponent.

Xin Zhao was accused of staying where he was, and he, who hadn't flashed, became a target all of a sudden!
If he could spray on Xia's face, it would be completely different, after all Xia does not have the summoner skill.

At this moment, Xin Zhao was embarrassed, and cursed: "Damn it!" Then she saw the female tank go up to face Xin Zhao and came for a while, a light appeared from her hand, and she stunned Xin Zhao.

The blind monk approached to cooperate with Xia to deal damage, and the mid laners of both sides also approached here.

The first one to die was Xin Zhao. After recovering, Xin Zhao, who hadn't flashed E, had only one-third of his health left. At this time, he had no chance of getting close to Xia. With the blind monk playing output.

Morgana looked at Xia, and threw a Q in the past. Originally, he seemed to wait for Xin Zhao to pass by, and then used Q to pick Feixia to take control, but now he obviously couldn't do it.

This Q skill was turned away by Xia, and the two sides fought in a melee.

Lucian and Morgana were at the back, and it was Xia who was going to fight, but no matter how far the distance between the two sides was, Xia kept walking forward, and there were Xia's teammates in front, so Lucian and Morgana couldn't catch up.

At the same time, Zooey arrived first.

Zoe threw a sleep bubble at the blind monk, and the big slow-flying sleep bubble hit the blind monk precisely. After the blind monk fell asleep, Zoe pulled a Q skill, Xiao Qiao The Q skill seems to be not very powerful, but in fact it is quite powerful. It hit the blind monk hard, and the blind monk lost a lot of blood in an instant. Zoe came up to level A and ignite, killing the blind monk instantly!

But at this time Zoe also lost his skills. After Ryze came over, he imprisoned Zoe. At the same time, Xia controlled by Lin Tian entered the grass of the river first, and Lucian and Morgana who chased him lost their vision for a while.

Immediately, Xia and Ryze played output, and the damage of the two quickly crippled Zoe, who was more fragile. Zoe handed over Flash, and Ryze followed Flash to kill.

At this time, Lin Tian's Xia still had half health, and finally stopped running forward. The opponent's Lucian quickly came up with E and hit a set. W skill damage.

At this time, Ryze did not abandon Xayah, and quickly rushed back after killing Zoe. When Lucian saw this situation, and because Ryze was in very good condition, he did not dare to fight again, and the two sides quickly separated.

0 for 2.

This wave is because Xia and female tanks can give priority to support with the cable rights, but there is still a certain risk in the process of fighting. If Xia does not control Xin Zhao and let Xin Zhao touch her side, the opponent Lu Xian and Morgana will rush to , This wave is really hard to say, that pursuit is very critical.

Seeing that Lucian and Morgana withdrew, Lin Tian was a little disappointed, and said, "The seduction was not successful."

As soon as Tang Ru heard this, she understood that this kid was seduced by Lu Xian just now... Isn't he afraid of his own death?

At this time, Xia had three kills, and none of them had reached level six.

With the end of this wave, Lin Tian has established a good advantage. He has an advantage and helped the jungler to slow down the rhythm. Ryze in the middle also got a kill. The situation is not bad.

At this moment, Gnar, who was on the road, was solo killed by Nuo Shou.

Lin Tian picked up all the shots, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Can't help but send it up?"

Tang Ru on the side saw Lin Tian's he actually smiling?

Lin Tian was indeed smiling, with smiles in his eyes, as if... very happy.

Indeed, he played this game to earn some travel expenses, but for him, crushing the game is too boring, and being able to have back and forth is the fun of the League of Legends game.

The blind monk has decided not to go on the road, even if he dies on the road, he will not go, so he decides to follow the road all the time.

At this time, several people watching behind Lin Tian also realized that Lin Tian was no longer a rookie. In this kind of game, Lin Tian already had three heads in the early stage.

"I just paid ten yuan for him to help me play." One person regretted that it was so easy for others in the diamond tier to play, but they didn't just give him points in the gold tier.

"When he finishes playing, I will buy his experience!"

"Oh, yes, I still have thoughts."

Lin Tian didn't pay attention to the people behind him at this time, and looked at Gnar. In a short period of time, he was crushed by almost [-] knives, and he lost a lot of money in this wave of death.

If Gnar is determined to send this round, it may not be easy to win.

Ryze couldn't help typing: "Gnar, don't fight him, just grow and defend the tower. This will carry me and the bottom lane."

"Okay." Narr replied.

After hitting the river crab, Lin Tian continued to grow.

When you have actors on your side, the bigger the advantage you can have in the early stage, the better, because actors will definitely cause obstacles in the later stage, such as leading a wave of rhythm, or not joining the group, etc. Now that the advantage is great, you can take advantage of it in the later stage. capital.

Lin Tian had met many actors back then, actors were not as simple as giving away a few heads, and they couldn't give away the entire game.

After pushing the line, Lin Tian turned around and beat the wild stone man. The blind monk knew that the three-headed Xia late stage C didn't say anything, but he didn't develop well. After clearing his own wild queen, I can only secretly go to the field with low scores, it looks a bit miserable.

At this time, the opponent seemed to have changed their style of play, thinking that Gnar was an absolute breakthrough. Xin Zhao went up directly and disabled Gnar, leaving only a trace of blood. Gnar did not dare to defend the tower and left directly. Xin Zhao, on the other hand, cooperated with Nuoshou and began to eat the plating.

The current game time is still short, but there is no one in the upper half to guard the top defense tower. The two quickly ate a few layers of plating.

This is not possible, Lin Tian quickly sent two assistance signals, and the blind monk started to go up.

"Gnar, are you going too far?" The blind monk said as he passed by.

Gnar replied confidently: "If you didn't send me away, what would happen to me? What can I do when the jungler comes?"

This sentence alone is too much for the blind monk to hold back.

"Calm down, give me some time." At this moment, Lin Tian typed.

(End of this chapter)

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