Alliance commentary system

Chapter 78 Stupid Leopard Girl?

Chapter 78 Stupid Leopard Girl?
In fact, these three heroes, logically speaking, should not be let go.

But unable to deal with the female gunner, Tone had to put one from Leopard Girl, Jace, and Dragon King.

Leopard Girl, a T0-level jungler in this version, is not an option for bans.

Jayce, the dominant top laner, would be half of the top lane if Smell were to get it.

It's not that Koi is not strong, it's that the hero Jess is a bit bt.

Two forms.

Hammer form, commonly known as an invincible hero in melee combat, with three skill damage bursts.

This is not the key, the key is that after hitting you, he can hammer you away, so that he has nowhere to use his next damage.

So the E skill in this hammer form is very annoying.

Then there is the cannon form.

The cannon form has changed. Of the three skills, only the Q skill does damage. The W skill can be regarded as a quick normal attack.

But the disgusting point is the E skill.

Acceleration Gate.

Just hear the name and you will know the meaning.

Go through this door to speed up.

But he has another effect.

If the electric energy shock of the Q skill passes through the accelerators, the projectile speed and range will be greatly increased, and an additional 40.00% damage will be caused.

Such an EQ combination, in addition to high damage, it also forms a poke.

Because of the increased ballistic speed and range, it means that Jess in cannon form can hit the enemy from a long distance, which is a nightmare for fighter heroes who are generally short-handed in the top lane.

Of course, this is not the main thing.

The most important thing is that the two sets of skills can switch forms through R, and then hit all the damage of the six small skills in an instant!
For professional players, this hero is naturally extremely terrifying.

Because they are very accurate about the proficiency and skills of heroes, and you can even calculate the cooldown time when you are in the hammer form.

After the cooldown is over, the enemy's awareness of your hammer form defense becomes lower.

But professional players have calculated the cooldown well and have just enough time to switch weapons, catching you by surprise.

Therefore, the general offensive top laner likes to play the hero Jess.

The laning ability is really too strong, and the suppression effect is also very obvious.

Leading to strong people getting stronger after using it...

Smell on the opposite side is the world's number one in the official selection, and his own strength is outstanding among the top laners. If he gets Jess, I don't know if Koi can withstand the pressure.

And Dragon King, Kuo's signature.

This hand can be put.

After all, even if Kuo gets the most iconic hero, he will face Rind.

Still can't beat him online.

But he still faces a problem, that is, the support ability of the hero Dragon King.

Tiger is a team-oriented team.

If Kuo gets the Dragon King, it will be very difficult for Tone to win the game.

What's more, this is the most critical round, and Tone has no room to try.

So it is unlikely that the Dragon King will be released...

So, if it is impossible to release three heroes, shouldn't we ban the female gunner?
Chen Xian silently denied it in his heart.

Female Gun will definitely be banned, but what Chen Xian is very curious about is which hero Tone will give up.

At this time, Chen Xian just wanted to say his answer, and the competition entered the bp session!

Tone is on the blue side and tiger is on the red side.

Tone bans the female gun for the first time, and the audience explodes!
"Haha, it turns out that Tone doesn't have a headshot. Since you are a good hero, then we will choose to ban you," Chen Xian said entertainingly.

Seeing this, Tongxi said in a whiny voice, "Then here comes the problem. If you ban the female gun, you will have to give up one of the remaining two hands. Who do you think Tone will give up..."

At this time, Tong Xi brought the topic back again, making it difficult for Chen Xian to make a decision.

But looking at the screen, Chen Xian's forehead suddenly lit up, and he suddenly had an idea, and then he was pleasantly surprised: "I came up with a good idea, do you think Tone will choose to give up banning Leopard Girl, and if tiger doesn't ban, then Tone Let’s grab Leopard Girl first.”

Tong Xi listened to the words and replied simply: "Well, it makes sense..."

"In that case, Leopard Girl's problem will be solved. Of course, whether she will deal with it like this depends on Coach Kouma." Chen Xian smiled and glanced at Tong Xi.

Next, Tiger's first ban is Syndra as usual.

In the group stage, Tone took Syndra, but Rind's suppression was too strong, so he didn't release it later.

Tone's second ban is still Jace.

The reason has already been clearly stated before. Smell, as the number one in the world, will naturally not give him such a particularly strong top laner.

It's the same as the tiger's way of dropping Syndra.

Tiger's second ban is still Ryze.

The hero Ryze is also the signature of the Great Demon Lord Rind.

First-hand Raiden smashed the s5, and after the revision, I found that Rind is better used, so Ryze will basically not be released.

Tone's third ban, as expected, chose Dragon King and released Leopard Girl.

Surprisingly, Tiger's third ban did not choose Leopard, but a Snake.

"Sure enough, Leopard Girl has been released! But... Rind is too good for a third-ban mid laner!" Chen Xian couldn't help sighing.

And next, Tone grabbed Leopard Girl!
"It's no problem to get the leopard girl for the stupid chicken, just as I imagined."

"But in this case, Ashe let Tiger go again..."

"No way, Leopard Girl and Ashe can only choose one."

Tong Xi wondered: "But I remember that Stupid Chicken didn't seem to have won Leopard Girl in the previous competition. Did Tiger deliberately let Tone do it? Is this another trap?"

For Tone, it is the most thoroughly researched team of all.

Everyone knows that Tone's two junglers, whether it's a game or a training game, etc.

Xiao Hei's Leopard Girl is very powerful, but I don't think Stupid Chicken has played this hero before.

Everyone believes that if this game is given to Little Black Panther, there will be a lot of room for development.

Therefore, Tongxi also raised doubts, thinking that this leopard girl seemed to be deliberately released by Tiger to Tone, and then set another trap.

In fact, Chen Xian had thought about this before.

Is the stupid leopard girl strong?
The impression is not strong.

The effect of taking it out has not been played out.

But Chen Xian felt, could it be a big move deliberately left by the stupid chicken? !
He's not sure...

At this time, the BP was still going on, and Tiger really got the combination of Ice and Jira, and Tone did not show weakness, and Jhin and Karma locked it.

"Here, Tiger decisively took the combination of Ice and Jira. For Tiger, Ice seems to have a higher priority than any AD." Chen Xian said firmly.

"That's right, the Mouse King has used ice for three consecutive rounds since he released his big move in the second round." Tong Xi nodded, agreeing with what Chen Xian said.

"We know that the feel is very important for professional players to use a hero continuously. After three rounds, I think Shu King has a very good feel for the hero Han Bing, so I am looking forward to the next round."

"Although there are no female guns in this round, the Shu King's arrows are accurate, which is also a factor that can affect the overall situation." Chen Xian analyzed.

(End of this chapter)

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