Alliance commentary system

Chapter 77 Chicken brother enters the stage!

Chapter 77 Chicken brother enters the stage!

The third game is over.

Chen Xian's mouth was already parched.

There is no way, three games, even with the effect of a golden voice, as a person who has only commented on two BO5 games, it is unbearable.

I still remember that in the quarter-finals, after every small game, he went back to drink saliva to moisten his throat.

In the semi-finals, with a golden voice, Chen Xian survived until the third round without drinking water.

But after the third game, there was some dryness around the lips, as if the ground hadn't been moistened all year round.

Look at Hitomi.

She's okay, after all, it doesn't take much to analyze the battle situation and situation.

After coming down.

The eyes of Zhao Xuetong on the side suddenly sparkled, but then became a little dim.

Seeing this, Chen Xian was a little surprised.

Normally, after Tongxi came down, he would go to show his courtesy, but he didn't come over today, which is a bit abnormal.

Of course, Chen Xian didn't care too much, chatted with Zikang Maochang for a few jokes, and then returned to the commentary booth.

Game four.

That's the crux of the game.

It may be the last game, or it may be Tone's comeback game.

And Chen Xian also received the news from the background that Tone chose to change jungle!
After hearing this, Chen Xian was not too surprised.

He has studied Tone's team deeply.

The reason why Xiao Hei played in the second game, Tone's supervisor and coach felt that the stupid chicken's jungler was too simple.

And it's easy to guess.

For example, if you play Benji, you can always see him near the middle.

That's right, the stupid chicken's strongest tactic, or rather his only tactic, is to play in the middle.

Take off in the middle, and Tone wins.

This is the thought of Stupid Chicken, which has been implemented since the establishment of the team and has been maintained until now.

There is also a reason for going to Xiaohei, that is, Xiaohei is more concerned about going on the road.

It's completely different from the stupid chicken's way of thinking.

In the eyes of stupid chickens, there is only one road in Summoner's Canyon, which is called the middle road.

In Xiao Heiyan's eyes, there are three paths to Summoner's Canyon.

So Chen Xian guessed that it was because of Xiao Hei.

Of course, there is another way to say it is to ask Xiao Hei to come up and get the skin...

But Chen Xian felt that it was unrealistic. No team would think about skins in important games.

I thought about it, chose Haoyue or Yasuo, but was eliminated in the group stage...

Saying this is not to mock the players, and it is the coach's choice whether to play or not.

If you really want to get a skin, you may be allowed to play in the group stage, but I don’t think you will be allowed to play in important games because of the skin!
So to sum it up, Xiaohei is a simple dish, so there is no reason to choose skin!
Of course, it's not that he's not good this year, but that he was relatively bad in the two games he played against Tiger.

But audiences who have watched the LCK game know that Xiao Hei is actually quite strong...

After this game, the voices of the audience became louder and louder.

In fact, they also want Tiger to win in one fell swoop and defeat the former defending king.

But obviously, the game is different from the rank they usually play, it doesn't mean that a booster can win if he wants to.

The two teams are evenly divided, and there is no way to predict who will win and who will win before the game.

Because these two teams are really strong, and through the first three games, every game is a classic.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most exciting BO5 in history!

Every team fight in every game, every wave of arrests, and even the shots where no one died after the fight between the two sides were all wonderful.

And Chen Xian hopes that this game can be played to the full, no matter who wins in the end, this BO5 will be a peak-level contest!


Before the game started, the two were chatting.

Tong Xi looked at Chen Xian and joked: "It feels like you are a little excited, as if you are playing a game up there."

Chen Xian smiled mysteriously, "Don't you know? The Rind above is actually my avatar."

"Why are you bragging in public! Why do I feel that you don't even play in the middle!" Tong Xi expressed her own doubts, and continued: "I have been a partner for so long, and I have never fought with you. League of Legends, I don't know which lane you are playing?"

"I play all the way." Chen Xian shrugged.

"Hey, can you chat normally! If you tell the truth, you will die!" Tong Xi couldn't help complaining.

And Chen Xian felt very helpless...

To be honest, the previous sentence was joking with Hitomi about the incarnation of Rind.

But this sentence of all-round players is not bragging!

Why doesn't this person believe it!
Believe it or not, you still keep glaring at me!

Do you think I'm afraid of you because you glare at me?
"The one who plays the most should be the support." Chen Xian said honestly.

"Support?! I just hit the bot lane, are you good at supporting? Then I will take you flying!" Tong Xi said confidently.

Chen Xian suddenly smirked and said, "You took me to it Shuangfei?"

"???" Tong Xi was full of question marks.


After the two chatted for a while, the fourth game finally started.

The camera returns to the scene.

The players on Tiger's side are relatively relaxed.

It can be said that since the start of the game, they have been playing with a relaxed attitude.

This is why they were able to pull back two consecutive rounds after losing the first round.

"Welcome back to the fourth match between Tiger and Tone. So far, Tiger is [-] to [-] Tone, holding two match points. Judging from the expressions of the Tiger players, they are relatively relaxed." Chen Xian looked at the screen, slowly Said slowly.

Tong Xi answered: "Well... On the other hand, Tone has no expression on his side, but it is reassuring to have Big Brother Dumb Chicken on the stage."

"Since it's about stupid playing, I have to talk about his single tactic."

"Although everyone knows that you protect the middle lane, one thing is that the aircraft combination is a combination that no one can say has been completely defeated so far.

"In other words, the tactics are single, but it is still a very thick wall." Chen Xian said slowly.

Tongxi questioned: "So this time the stupid chicken combination is actually not the most important thing. What is important is whether Tone will have a head for the female gun."

Chen Xian shook his head and said, "I don't think so... As a veteran team, Tone was able to win two championships because they were relatively correct in all tactical arrangements."

"It's not because you are stronger at this point that you have to find a way to deal with it. They won't do that."

"On the contrary, they will feel that the female gun has suffered a loss in two rounds, and they will definitely ban this round, because practice has proved that the coyotes can't cope with this system with Zyra. Since they can't handle it, then Tone will definitely be banned."

Tong Xi listened to Chen Xian's analysis and nodded silently: "Then which ban position do you think Leopard Girl, Jess and Dragon King should give up?"

"It should be..." Chen Xian frowned slightly, without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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