Alliance commentary system

Chapter 169 A Battle Between the Jungle and the Jungle

Chapter 169 A Battle Between the Jungle and the Jungle

"This round is also where EDG successfully pulled back a round. The pressure was very high when they first came up with two bars and zero, but they still successfully withstood the pressure." After seeing EDG's victory, many fans cheered.

Chen Xian nodded slightly, and continued, "Actually, after this game is over, I feel that the pressure is much less. On the contrary, RNG will have a lot of pressure, because they must win the next game."

"Once the next sentence is lost, the two sides will enter the fifth game. At that time, the gap between the two sides will be very large in psychological pressure."

Wawa: "That's right, EDG will be relaxed at that time, while RNG will be extremely nervous."

Chen Xian: "Of course, EDG should not let down their guard. Once they are defeated by RNG, they will still lose the game."

Wawa: "Okay, then let's take a short break, and the excitement will come back soon."


After the game, the fans of EDG were extra excited. They were able to win a round at this critical point, and they were really under tremendous pressure.

Some fans rushed to the official blog to leave messages to cheer, and now they are holding up EDG's support signs to shout for it.

As for RNG, they didn't blame too much, but said optimistically: "It's okay, just adjust it, as long as we can win the next game."

"I gave up this round to avoid embarrassing EDG."

The fans are more rational and ready to wait for the next game.

The rest time was only 5 minutes, and the two commentators didn't even have a chance to chat. After a short break, they were going to continue commenting on the fourth game.

The two sides soon reached the fourth game, and there were still no substitutions on either side.

Baby: "It will be the fourth game soon, the blue side is RNG, and the red side is EDG."

Chen Xian: "Now it's the fourth round, I think the most important small cannon has to be contested." '

"It's obvious that EDG's small cannon system is very proficient today."

Wawa: "The most interesting thing is that the current RNG system is to release the dog. On the contrary, the dog-raising tactic we are most familiar with, EDG used very well in the game just now. '

Chen Xian: "So Xiaopao is a core hero that I pay more attention to."

Wawa: "Yes, I don't think tactics are absolutely right or wrong."

At this point, RNG's three bans ended.

They are Thresh, Luo and Big Chongzi.

Chen Xian answered: "RNG has banned the big bug here!"

"In that case, the big tree was released, which is very interesting."

"Dashu was banned in the first three games, so EDG hesitated a bit, whether to ban Dashu or follow the ban in the first two games."

At this time, EDG's first three bans were also completed.

They are Calista, Bull Head and Big Mouth.

Chen Xian: "Big mouth is banned here..."

Doll: "The spiders have been released here."

Chen Xian: "It seems that the last one was also released, but Dazui seems to be banned for the first time today!"

At this time, RNG's first choice decisively grabbed the big tree.

Chen Xian: "Snatch the big tree, this game is a bit interesting..."

"After these two games, the coach's BP decided a lot."

Wawa: "In that case, EDG still grabbed Xiaopao."

Chen Xian: "It feels like EDG's system has been practiced for quite a long time."

Baby: "Lulu, what do you think of Lulu?"

Chen Xian: "Or the wine barrel, the wine barrel is still there."

Doll: "Wine barrel and spider, take one on each side."

At this time, EDG still did not follow the routine and chose to take the prince.

Chen Xian was surprised and said: "Hey, the prince is still chosen here. I found that today, whether it is a coach or a player, there is only one word, head iron."

Baby: "If you don't even believe in yourself, how can you do it?"

Chen Xian: "In this case, RNG can choose wine barrels, and they also use big trees to fight wildly, so it's hard for them to say."

At this time, RNG decisively locked the spider.

"The Mala Hot Pot took down the spider in a critical round!"

Wawa: "I think at this time, if you don't take it, then if you say harsh words before the game, wouldn't you just slap yourself in the face?"

"My pig is a spider's spider! Isn't it?"

There was a trash talk session before the game.

Although it was planned with the help of the official, it is quite joyful to say it. /
One of the more classic sentences is this sentence: "My pig is a spider's spider!!"

Highlight the wild style of Mala Hot Pot!

"Here is the overlord Lucian who helped Xiaohu win the lane again." Chen Xian said.

Wawa: "To be honest, Xiaohu paid great attention to the laning period in these two games."

Chen Xian: "But Lucian's hero is just like his winning percentage."

When Lucian is selected, several statistics appear below.

The ban rate is 11.00%.

The selection rate is 13.00%.

The winning rate is 30.00% five.

"A very unstable hero."

The baby smiled, "30.00% five..."

"Yes, this hero is playing well online. If you play well in the mid-term, there will be no late game, but once it reaches the late game, it will be very unstable."

Wawa: "Yes, let's take a look at the follow-up selection. EDG selected LeBlanc. On the contrary, LeBlanc's winning percentage is 60.00%, which is a very high number."

Chen Xian: "It's good to be selected in the first round. If it's in the second round, you may not see it."

Wawa: "Now the second round of bans is starting, I think Lulu should be banned from RNG."

Chen Xian: "In the second round, both sides chose the middle lane, and EDG should target the hero pool of some puppies."

Wawa: "Lulu is more important! It also needs to be banned."

Chen Xian: "Or the hero who is more afraid of banning Dashu, because Dashu is the top laner with stored energy, so it is possible to choose the hero who is afraid of Ban Dashu."

Wawa: "Wow! I thought it might be the prince's top order."

Chen Xian: "Maybe the prince is swinging!"

Wawa: "Look at the factory manager's expression just now, he seems to be quite calm."

Chen Xian: "Really, the coaching teams on both sides are fighting wits and courage."

"On the RNG side, I think we can ban Rambo or trolls again."

Doll: "Can't help but assist?"

"To be honest, in the last match, when Xiao ran had two or three pieces of equipment in the middle stage, he couldn't beat Ezreal, but because of Lulu, he can beat you."

Chen Xian: "Yes, the main thing is whether the current support can be banned."

At this time, RNG finally banned Shen.

"Because Lulu is gone, there are incense burner heroes like Fengnv."

"And in the fourth hand, I think EDG will continue to take Lulu, and then the swing position will be revealed, and the last position will be announced."

Wawa: 'Yes, EDG has a swing position for the top laner or jungler. '

Chen Xian: "However, if RNG takes Lulu in this game, RNG may choose robots."

At this time, EDG chose Rek'sai in the fourth hand.

"This is really the prince's top laner, Rek'sai is playing wild!"

After Chen Nian finished speaking, he couldn't help cheering when he saw the director's choice.

Wawa: "It can only be said that in the game just now, the RNG coaching staff can leave a position for Kazik."

Chen Xian: "Yes, RNG has the last two choices, one is support and the other is AD. '

"If you go down the road, there are Xia, Verus, and Verus. In fact, you are more afraid of heroes like the prince."

"Maybe RNG felt that their grouping system was very strong, so they took Verus first."

Doll: 'But is there a better auxiliary option now! '

Chen Xian: "Auxiliaries can choose protective heroes."

Doll: "Bloom!"

Chen Xian: "Or Tamm is also fine. '

"What do you think of Tam? I think Tam is okay, because the double Cs have a lot of cuts from the opponent."

At this time, RNG snatched Lulu by himself.

"Lulu... and Verus are still quite rare. At this time, EDG's fifth choice is Fengnv."

"However, this game still needs to focus on the jungle. The junglers on both sides have shown their own signatures."

Doll: 'The signature, definitely the signature, this is their last face. '

Chen Xian: "It's the bottom of the box, the best of the best."

Baby: "Wait a minute, isn't the unique skill of the factory director's unique skill Evelyn?!"

Chen Xian smiled, "That was the last era."

"In this day and age, Evelyn is indeed too unstable."

Wawa: "Okay, the other positions all got heroes who performed very well in today's finals and are also very hot."

Chen Xian: "It seems that Xiaopao is a hero that EDG took too easily. Except for the first one to be snatched by Xiaogou, he didn't pay any price later, and let EDG take it directly."

"Xiaopao is actually the only strong player in AD right now, besides Spear of Revenge, Xiaopao is Xiaopao."

Doll: 'It's seven o'clock. '

Chen Xian: 'Oh?This is in the dark, and there are seven intentions. We saw that the director's IG is also followed by 7. Does this mean that the finals are really coming? '

Chen Xian smiled and eased the atmosphere of the scene.

"Of course I was joking. Looking at it this way, RNG's lineup is actually not bad."

"The spider in this hot pot, the hero spider has no way out. You have to do things in the early stage. As long as you do things, RNG is actually quite good."

Baby: "A team won the championship, and it will never go backwards. '

"So I feel like, believe in yourself and move forward."

"Because RNG is leading by two match points after all, and EDG is still one point behind. Now look at the crucial fourth game. The first line is a fire dragon, which is the first time a fire dragon has appeared in this final!"

Chen Xian: "This fire dragon means that this match will be fierce!"

"However, for the first fire dragon, from the perspective of the lineup, RNG's side is more likely and has more priority."

Wawa: "Yes, because the middle lane may have stronger combat capabilities at the sixth and seventh levels, and there is Verus, and there will be a qualitative improvement after the sixth level."

"Look at the rune talent, there are two thunderbolts on RNG's side, and the prince ordered indestructible."

"For Lulu here, click Thunder and Ignition, and add blue accessories. This proves that RNG's bottom lane wants to do something."

Wawa: 'They will definitely make trouble in the next road. '

Chen Xian: "Yes, because the summoner skills, talents, and equipment they bring prove that there is something going on in this bot lane."

Wawa: "Yes, you have to fight fiercely. In fact, the style of the puppies here is also very clear. Their laning is very aggressive, and in the entire previous game, they ranked first in the average of 10 minutes per game. ADC is a puppy, he has surpassed his brother-in-law."

At this time, RNG came to the blue bully Fuye area of ​​the red side.

The factory manager chooses to open red.

But after entering the wild area, Verus and Lulu both entered the Lanba Fulong Pit, but the spider did not enter.

"Hey, the most important spider didn't go in!"

Baby: "This mistake..."

Chen Xian: "But it's okay. It took a little time, but it's not a big problem."

Wawa: "There was no harm at the first time, and the two of them walked from this position, they should know that Lan Bafu is gone."

Chen Xian: "I already know, because Lucian went online too late."

Wawa: "So this wave of small routines didn't gain any advantage."

Chen Xian: "To put it simply, it's an exchange."

"EDG, as an experienced veteran team, must have known it."

At this time, choose hard steel for the bottom lane.

As a newcomer, Xiao Zhao is not shy at all, one point two, but Lu Lu points out Thunder.

Verus's E skill was equipped with serious damage and slowdown, and he kept A Xiao Zhao wildly.

When Xiao Zhao was retreating, Feng Nu was forced to order treatment.

Wawa: "Wow! This place directly forced Fengnv's treatment."

"Xiao Ming's point, he suppressed it to death. Because what Xiao Zhao brought was purification."

Chen Xian: "Here, Xiaozhao finally changed to purification, but to be honest, purification is later. If it is online, the essence is not as good as the shield!"

At this time, the factory manager went around and wanted to catch her again, but Xiaohu played a trick to cripple the demon girl's blood volume.

But after the excavator came, there was no way to follow up.

Chen Xian: "There is no way to catch here, because there are flashes on both sides. If you grab this wave, you will exchange flashes for flashes, and at this time the pawn line has an advantage for Xiaohu, but the factory manager is very cautious not to hand over flashes." .”

Wawa: "I think both sides are in very good condition, with small movements and a calm feeling."

Chen Xian: 'Wow!If you say that this wave is chained, the feeling is gone. '

Wawa: "Are you saying that Xiaohu was chained?"

Chen Xian: "Yes."

Wawa: "You mean to chase after him directly?"

At this time, Chen Nian hadn't responded yet, but there was already a fight in the bottom lane.

RNG chose to press the line, and the spider came out of the triangular grass, preparing to encircle and suppress them.

Fengnv moved ahead of time and withdrew a defensive tower.

But Xiao Zhao didn't leave.

And the reason why Xiao Zhao didn't leave was because Rexai was behind!
After Rexai came over, he decisively dug a hole and flashed the roof, trying to drive the spider!

But at this time, the spider hurriedly flew into the sky and cut off the control.

The RNG bot lane duo passed through the defense tower and directly output Rek'Sai.

Rexai's HP is very low. Even though Fengnv gave the shield and Q knocked the bot duo flying, they still couldn't escape the siege of the three.

After the puppy got Rek'Sai's head, it was still facing the opposite side.

After Ah Guang teleported down, he didn't do anything, and RNG's Lucian also came from the middle road on foot.

The two sides chose to distance themselves.

The enchantress in the middle did not choose to go home and teleport to the front.

After this wave of fighting, RNG not only earned a teleportation, but also let the puppy get the head.

(End of this chapter)

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