Chapter 168
At this time, RNG's blood volume in the second tower dropped rapidly, and it was quickly pushed away!

Chen Xian was amazed and said: "Hey, this little cannon pushes the tower too hard! Here Xiao Zhao's blood volume should be paid attention to, and fortunately the factory manager is in front, and the defense tower was taken down smoothly!"

Wawa: "I feel that this wave of RNG is a bit more stable. I think this wave of RNG can be opened."

Chen Xian: "The main reason is that Letemi doesn't flash. If there is a flash, it will definitely be turned on."

Wawa: "Now all the outer towers are left with only the top lane tower. EDG is going to launch an attack. Dalong Bafu still has 1 minute to wipe out the top lane two towers, and EDG will start to turn into an advantage."

Chen Xian: "Ezreal's equipment has not been updated to the third piece yet."

Wawa: "Also, Lai Temi has put a lot of effort into it. This is a build that never returns."

At this time, EDG chose to attack the second tower on the road.

"Come here from EDG, force RNG to leave, and take down the second tower easily on the road!"

Chen Xian: "After EDG got the big dragon Bafu, they pushed the two towers very comfortably, and there was no resistance."

Wawa: "Yes, the wild area is winning, and now EDG has an advantage."

Chen Xian: "As for RNG here, we are still waiting for Letemi's fight. Letemi's game is actually relatively dumb."

Wawa: "Yes, his record is zero bars and four, and he was targeted very hard."

Chen Xian: "After the first wave of teleportation, it hurt a bit. It didn't get mixed up, and the words that flashed in the next few waves didn't work out. The main reason was that Xiao Zhao pushed away that wave and it hurt."

Wawa: "That wave hurts the most."

Chen Xian: "If the flash ult helps RNG to confirm the advantage, Kenan will take off, but it is difficult to fight against the wind."

Wawa: "But to be honest, because EDG first played the small cannon, and then chose Kenan'a. In this case, it feels a bit passive."

Chen Xian: "Because I took a look at their lineup just now, either Rambo, Kenan, or Gnar, but my control is too low, and I still have double AD, Kenan is the most suitable choice at the moment gone."

Doll: "Yes, there is control and AP damage."

Chen Xian: "It can make up for some shortcomings in the lineup."

Wawa: "But we really can't be result-oriented. In this game, for example, trotting and pushing away, and failing to enter the field, these are all artificial."

Chen Xian: "If Kenan can get a few heads in the early stage, it will feel like a bully. But he has no heads in this set."

Baby: "At this time, Ezreal has a three-piece suit, which has the ability to damage, but Xiao Zhao is even more terrifying, with mercury ribbons coming out."

Chen Xian: "Mercury is very important. If it is mercury, you won't be afraid of Kenan."

Baby: "I'm not afraid of anything now. I still have a shield on my body, a watermark, a shield and a big move as an assistant, and a censer for redemption. Now this little cannon is treated like an emperor. The only point is Kerry."

Looking at the current situation, Chen Xian said slowly: "Does EDG want to push it now? There is no big dragon Bafu this wave, in fact, it is a bit early for this wave to retreat."

At this time, Bron Q came to Xiaopao, and the baby said: "Q has arrived here. Ezreal is now in a three-piece suit, which is a threat to EDG's back row. Ezreal's damage is still very high."

At this time, EDG chose [-] split push.

Yao Ji pushed in the middle again, and Lucian was forced to guard the line of troops in the middle.

Chen Xian: "Here LeBlanc is holding Lucian back."

Doll: 'But watch out for Letmey's approach here.Letemi and Wine Barrel still have some ways to start a team, and then you can try to start a team. After all, Ezreal's damage is still quite high. '

Chen Xian: "However, there is no eye position in the back row. The current EDG is relatively safe. Only when Letemi teleports to the back, can we have a chance to fight team battles."

"Xiao Zhao is very fierce here! Let's start with a wave of puppies. The two heroes, Malaxiangguo and Letemi, were looking for an opportunity, but they didn't find it."

"The younger brother continued to lead in the middle and played very calmly."

Wawa: "I think it's not bad to involve in the fight. Use the shield given by Lulu to steal some defensive towers."

Chen Xian: "Let's consume it slowly, grind it slowly, because it has its own red domineering blessing!"

"I think in this wave, we can still hold on."

"On the RNG side, there is still no control. Kenan's control is one ring, two rings and three rings."

Wawa: "So there is still no chance in this wave."

"In this case, the economies of the two sides have not been opened."

Chen Xian: "The troops on the road have also arrived."

Wawa: "In this case, EDG needs to go back and correct a wave, but here the earth dragon will be refreshed again."

"The next earth dragon and the big dragon will be refreshed at about the same time."

Chen Xian: "Actually, at this time, the most difficult thing for RNG is the split of EDG. In fact, RNG still wants to take over the team at this time. In fact, in this situation, RNG can only start by winning the team battle."

Doll "But now, they feel a bit difficult to fight head-on."

Chen Xian: "We can only watch Ueno's performance."

At this time, Kenan and Wine Barrel came to the river to remove the river crab, and Bron also made a few eye positions.

"For this side, first find a wave of opportunities and make a big dragon's vision."

Wawa: "Actually, I think RNG is dragged to five dragons, and only to own an own dragon. RNG chooses to open a wave head-on." '

"Looking for opportunities to start a team, I think it is an important point for RNG to come back."

"Because if you drag it back, it is impossible to beat the lineup of EDG."

Chen Xian directly pointed to the core of these few sentences, "We still have to fight in groups."

Wawa: "Yes, I think the little dragon RNG can take over."

"Here, Kenan's big mask has a magic piercing staff, and there is some damage."

Chen Xian: "Here, EDG will deal with it slowly. We want to rush this earth dragon! Take the earth dragon once, and then turn to the big dragon!"

Wawa: "The main reason is that I feel like there is a chance to join the team this time!"

Chen Xian: "The main reason is that there is no time. This wave of Lucian went home and made a small whisper."

"This earth dragon was successfully taken down, and the pawn line is very beneficial to EDG."

Wawa: "The juniors brought it up, this wave is really the rhythm of the whole audience led by the juniors."

Chen Xian: "Juniors are very important to EDG. If they are suppressed, EDG will have bad luck, but if the rhythm of juniors can take off, EDG's rhythm will be very good."

Wawa: "And this plate of Xiao Zhao's blood sucking came out again."

Chen Xian: "The main reason is that this set of Xiao Zhao's equipment is so good, his equipment always beats Ezreal."

At this point, the guide played the economic panel.

The economy of [-] is ahead of the puppy's economy of [-].

Wawa: "The difference here is nearly two thousand."

Chen Xian: "In other positions, the top laner is more leading, and the mid laner and the jungler are both 900 yuan."

"Top lane and ad lead the main economy, because this top lane and ad have the impact of kills and main tower resources."

"Let's take a look, RNG is still struggling with the vision of the big dragons here, because if this wave of big dragons falls, the high ground will be a little dangerous."

Wawa: "I feel like Xiao Zhao has a big heart, because i Xiaopao is a hero that can't be lost, because the other few people can't bear the responsibility of a continuous output."

"If you look at RNG, there are two people who can continue to output."

Chen Xian: "Actually, the three of them have good damage abilities."

"Kenan is a wave of damage, while Lucian and Ezreal are continuous damage."

Wawa: "At this time, Xiao Zhao continues to hit a red bully."

Chen Xian: "I think Xiao Zhao is confident in playing this game! Xiao Zhao's side is also a four-piece suit, plus a potion of anger."

"Here, the enchantress wants to steal Letemi in the bottom lane. This game really takes good care of Letemi."

"Actually, it's quite difficult to steal at this time."

"Whether Letemi comes home this time, does she have a Martian belt?"

"Now Aguang continues to lead in the bottom lane. If the pawn line is now, RNG needs to deal with it again."

At this time, EDG chose to directly open the baron, and there were only two people, the factory manager and Xiaopao, and they played very quickly!
But RNG also quickly realized that EDG quickly chose to retreat and returned to the middle.

Wawa: "EDG chose to bring RNG in this wave, but the bot lane..."

At this time, the elementary school boy and Aguang who were going down the road were demolishing the highland tower together, while Letemi dared not defend the tower alone.

If a mistake occurs, Kenan is very easy to be seconded.

At this time, the two demolished the tower.

Letme could only watch.

Wawa: "Leitemi is a bit uncomfortable here, a bit of a dilemma! The bottom lane is gone, and RNG chooses to turn around and fight the dragon!"

At this time, after Dalong fought, the sister-in-law came to Longkeng to make an eye position.

But at this time, RNG resolutely fought back, using Bron's passive, and killed Lulu who had put the big move on him!

At the same time, he forced out Xiao Zhao's double moves.

At this time, Big Chongzi and Kenan chose to teleport at the same time.

But after the sister-in-law died, the big bug canceled the teleportation, and Kenan chose to land!

At this time, let's fight the dragon decisively!

And after seeing RNG fight the big dragon, the enchantress of the elementary school also chose to teleport!
Chen Xian: "Lulu here has been taken for granted, and the one teleported here is Laitemi!"

Doll: 'The teleportation of the big bug has been cancelled! '

Chen Xian: "But RNG has no way out, it must fight the dragon!"

Doll: 'But LeBlanc teleported over here.Kenan directly opened the university and wanted to keep people! '

Chen Xian: "But Xiangguo got Dalong!"

"Lu Xian E from Xiaohu came here to kill Xiaopao, but Xiaopao didn't die!"

"This wave of small cannons jumped up, and an R pushed Ezreal away!"

"The wine barrel can't support it alone, and it was shot twice by a small cannon!"

"At this time, the dog's E skill came ashore, and Ming also entered the triangular grass."

"Small Cannon rockets up again, kill Braum first!"

"Then jump and chase the puppy again!"

"The dog's E skill opens the distance, but the blood volume is bloody!"

"It's still one last shot! Xiao Zhao, who has four kills!"

At this time, the camera turned to the front.

Lucian chased and beat the big bug, but he didn't lose blood after beating for a long time.

Chen Xian: "Here, Xiaohu has nothing to do with Ah Guang."

Wawa: "To be reasonable, there is nothing to say about Xiao Zhao's performance."

Chen Xian: "I feel a little anxious about this wave of RNG because Kenan's big move is a bit early."

Wawa: "He wants to directly target LeBlanc who was sent down."

Chen Xian: "Yes, but this means very little."

"If Kenan has a big move and flashes, Xiao Zhao will not dare to jump over it. In this wave, RNG is a little anxious, because they know that if they drag on, they will have nothing to fight, and they must rush this big dragon."

Wawa: "But after this wave of rush kills the big dragon. '

Chen Xian answered, "It's still a loss!"

Wawa: "I think RNG is gone. In fact, it is very difficult to turn this game around now, because the lineup of RNG has some shortcomings in the late game."

Playback starts.

The two began to analyze further.

Chen Xian: "I think RNG can play this wave, but I'm a little anxious because Kennan is saying that it's empty. In fact, it's very popular at the beginning, including Bron, who actually played very well."

"Because EDG was very uncomfortable, the big bug didn't send it down, so it was cancelled, and Kenan's big move was activated, so I was a little anxious."

"After all, the younger brother is playing LeBlanc! And he may be the one who wants to protect the other party."

Wawa: "He didn't use this big move to protect Dalong."

"LeBlanc came down to hurt you!"

Chen Xian: "If Kenan has a flash and a big move in this wave, RNG will not be defeated in this wave. It can be fought, because the big bug is not there, there is actually a good chance."

"It's equivalent to saying that EDG's wave is three-on-five, the big bug's teleportation is cancelled, and the sister-in-law is dead."

"But it's very good for EDG. Kennen didn't flash again. Kennen didn't flash and there were two heroes."

Wawa: "To be honest, Kenan really didn't play very well. He didn't have a perfect entry in the whole game. The only wave in the jungle had a good time, but he was pushed away by Xiao Cannon."

Chen Xian: "Because the hero Kenan is useless against the wind."

At this time, EDG advanced three ways, broke the two crystals in the middle and bottom, EDG attacked, and RNG chose to look for opportunities.

"Xiao Zhao played confidently in this round, and Bron made a big move, but it was useless, and the chain hit the incense pot."

"Now Puppies and Tigers can only choose to push the line."

"The third crystal is gone, and RNG still has no one to step forward. As long as EDG keeps the small cannon, it is basically a flat push rhythm."

Wawa: "I think this is the final."

"Actually, what EDG showed in this game is not weaker than what RNG showed in the previous two games."

"Both teams have their own style."

Chen Xian: "It feels like EDG has adjusted, and they played well in the early stage. And for Kenan, Kenan is in the top lane, the first tower, and the bottom lane, Lanba Fuye District. .”

"But it's a pity that the first wave of Kenan went home without equipment, and the damage was insufficient, and then the second wave was pushed away."

"These two waves hurt."

"Including the transmission of the first wave."

Wawa: "In fact, which teleportation is very good, but it didn't get the head, which hurts Kenan."

Chen Xian: "After the game is over, Kennan will not be able to have an advantage in this game, and it is very likely that he will be very passive."

Doll: "If you teleport it down and get two heads or one head, it will be very comfortable."

At this time, the two sides have been pulling in the wild.

Because the ancient dragon was refreshed, RNG didn't want to put it.

But in the end, because of the three-way pawn line, RNG had to let go of the ancient dragon Bafu!

However, after letting go, EDG was unstoppable, advancing bravely all the way, and finally won this crucial round of battle!
(End of this chapter)

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