Alliance commentary system

Chapter 137 Unfavorable start, Xiangguo donated 1 blood

Chapter 137 Unfavorable start, Xiangguo sacrificed blood
Both teams are confirmed.

Blue side RNG: top laner Qinggangying, jungler Keg, mid laner Airplane, bottom laner policewoman, support Karma.

Red Fang EDG: top laner Poppy, jungler Spider, mid laner Syndra, bottom laner Han Bing, support Luo.

Wawa: "I think the lineup of MVP is a bit out of line, and he himself is a bit out of line. RNG also has heroes like Wine Barrel and Karma."

Smile: "And their C position doesn't move much, so it's easy to be second."

Baby: "Because the double Cs are down, the entire MVP system will collapse. Their lineup is a bit like the last lineup of OMG."

"But one thing that needs to be noted is that the midfielder on MVP's side was relatively strong in the early stage. I am quite impressed by Lan's Syndra, who is considered his signature hero." Chen Xian analyzed emphatically.

Wawa: "But I think RNG's lineup is pretty good."

"That's true. This lineup is more in line with RNG's style, but as far as the entire lineup is concerned, the top laner Qing Gangying, including the double C position, is more economical."

Smile: "RNG must pay attention in the early stage, and must not collapse in the early stage."

Doll: "That's right."

"I think MVP's BP core is quite hardworking, and they still prefer to play this early and mid-term rhythm."

Smile: "If they play this way, MVP's bottom lane is still a development-oriented combination. After level [-], they rely on the ice ult to find opportunities, but they mainly play around the top and middle field."

"Yes, the MVP's ability to bring rhythm to the field is quite strong."

Wawa: "But you can't just look at the strength of the middle and field. If you look at the bottom lane and the lane, RNG is absolutely crushing the opponent."

Smile: "Yes, the policewoman and Karma are very strong in line."

At this moment, on the screen, the talents of ten people appeared.

Qinggangying's war passion, wine barrel and stone oath, airplane and policewoman's bloodthirsty, Kalma's wind whisperer.

Poppy's Grip of the Undying, Spider and Syndra's Thunder, Ice Bloodthirsty, and the Courage of the Colossus.

Wawa: "Look at the Summoner's skills. The MVP has two thunderbolts, and the explosion is very high, so Xiaohu needs to be careful and see if he can withstand the pressure."

"RNG double C and two bloodthirsty, this also shows RNG's determination to fight in the later stage. After all, bloodthirsty is a talent for early development. For AD, it can rely on the line, and has been relying on blood to supplement the economy." Chen Xian also said.

Smile: "If you look at the door outfits, there are no strange outfits on either side."

"Well, the first move on RNG's side is very dependent on letme, because in the first few moves, the control ability is not enough, so the last move made up for Qinggangying."


The game between the two sides began.

Xiangguo enjoys the imperial start.

The plane helps to fight F6, the bottom road helps to fight the red buff, and the barrel first hits the five birds of F6, forming a fastest way to clear the wild.

And the spider is to drive F6 alone, and then hit the red and blue speed three routes.

From God's perspective, on the small map, the wine barrel and the spider came to the lower half of the river at the same time after brushing the stone man.

But at this time the camera is on the road.

Letme's Qinggang Ying is against ADD's Bobby.

The first level has the right to push the line, grab the second level directly, the E skill hooks the lock, the first hook hits the wall, and the second goes towards Bobby.

ADD moved flexibly, walked forward, and immediately passed by Qinggang Ying!

Although Qing Gangying stunned Bobby, the second real damage of the Q skill hit him.

Directly lost nearly a quarter of the blood volume!
"In this round, Letme hooked it, but I missed it! But fortunately, Bobby is only at the first level, so there is no serious problem." Chen Xian said slowly.

Smile: "Unfortunately, if the wave just fainted, it may consume more blood."

"Bobby's laning is really weak in this version. Although Qinggangying has a big weakening, compared with Poppy, it can still be suppressed."

After Chen Xian finished speaking, he saw the spider coming to the bottom lane to catch RNG.

But after hesitating, they chose to retreat.

Smiling slowly, he said: "This wave may be a bit of an illusion. You see, the spider is going down, but RNG does not go. It seems that RNG knows that the spider is here. He may think that RNG has a conspiracy."

Chen Xian couldn't help laughing and said, "You think I'm on the first floor, but I'm actually on the fifth floor. That's the reason!"

"Then if we see the middle lane, we can't push the lane in the early stage. The lane situation is actually not optimistic!"

"The laning between the middle and upper lanes is a bit passive, and the level of Mala Xiangguo is only level four. If you want to catch Bobby on the top lane, it is actually quite difficult."

As soon as Chen Xian finished speaking, the wine barrel jumped down with the explosive fruit, and crouched in the grass on the upper road.

"This wave, this line? The spiders behind this wave can't catch up, and this wave has a chance to use a skill!" said with a smile when he saw that the line of soldiers on the road was stuck in front of the Laitemi defense tower.

"Letme first uses the W skill to slow down to Poppy..."

Halfway through Chen Xian's speech, Mala Xiangguo chose to return to the city.

Baby: "Ah~ It's a pity this wave, but I'm still afraid of spiders. From God's perspective, I can see that spiders are not there."

"Actually, if there is a fight at the first time, Bobby will not die at the first time. If the spider squats back, this wave will collapse. Because this wave has a lot of soldiers, so this wave can be regarded as stability. Let's go!" Chen Xian saw the Mala Xiangguo returning to the city, and then analyzed the plot if the spider was there.

After this wave ended, Xiaohu's plane was hit to the brim by Syndra.

After Xiangguo finished the three wolves, he was ready to help Xiaohu advance to the line of troops.

In the early stage of both sides, it is relatively stable.

After 30 seconds.

Xiangguo didn't choose to finish pushing the pawn line, but saw a false eye in the grass in the river, so he went to clear it.

When A was played for the third time, suddenly a cocoon of a spider hit the wine barrel from the partition wall!

At the same time, he turned into a spider form, and the E skill Feitian followed up.

Xiangguo's blood volume dropped suddenly!
E skill, chicken with meat, eggs and green onions!
Snapped! !

Hit the little spider!
I saw the wine barrel hastily slowed down Syndra and then flashed across the wall on the other side, walking towards the middle tower.

The decelerated Syndra and the spider did not give up the idea of ​​killing the incense pot.

The spider flashed Q, then turned into a human form and connected with A and Q. With Syndra's dark serve, he directly dropped the barrel!
"This wave of incense pot is a bit careless!" Wa Wa said with a frown.

Smiling professionally explained, "In fact, he didn't expect that this little spider would block his E skill, and he must not want to waste that flash in the first place."

Wawa: "How should I put it? This wave is actually because Xiaohu's condition is too bad. It's a pity that he didn't help the barrel to cover the retreat."

"And this wave of little tigers is a bit greedy for the line. In the last wave, it would be much better to let the barrel eat the wave of soldiers alone."

Smile: "In this wave, they knew that Xiaohu was out of shape, so Spider and Syndra ignored him when they jumped the tower."

(End of this chapter)

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