Alliance commentary system

Chapter 136 Sacrifice OMG, prepare for the 4th match, RNG vs. MVP!

Chapter 136 Sacrifice OMG, prepare for the fourth game, RNG vs. MVP!

After the second round, Chen Xian and other commentators came to the LPL coaching team to understand the situation.

Although the second game was expected, the LPL coaching team was surprised to win the game.

As the defending champion, SKT is powerful.

LPL just felt that WE had the power to fight, but no one expected to win.

Moreover, he won cleanly and quickly, making people's mood instantly become delicious.

The tactics for the third game have also been discussed.

Go to OMG, sacrificial flow.

Don't think about it, the LCK coaching staff will definitely join KT.

Regardless of whether the LPL team plays OMG or RNG, they must go to KT to win a round.

Sure enough, just as the LPL coaching staff thought, OMG played against KT in the third round.

In this game, OMG, I don’t ask for anything else. It’s best if I can win. It doesn’t matter if I can’t.

It can be said that the teams that played in the third game basically had no pressure.

And this time OMG will face the powerful KT, I am afraid it will be more or less auspicious.

KT is Galaxy Battleship, five all-star players are combined together, and the lineup is terrible.

On OMG's side, except for Sima's old thief's strength, the rest of Leng Shaoxiyang will be very difficult to deal with pawn and smeb.

The old thief Sima and Xiaowu can still compete with deft and mata, but the gap between the remaining upper middle field is really a bit big.

Sure enough, KT crushed all the way in this round, OMG resisted to the death, but in the end there was no miracle, allowing KT to successfully win the round!
There is nothing to say about this game, it was completely unilaterally crushed by KT.

The commentary booth is also very relaxed.

Soon came the fourth inning.

The final matchup of the two teams.

RNG vs. MVP!

This is also the most critical round of LPL.

If RNG loses, it will be the fifth game.

It was the fifth game that gave LCK hope.

So RNG is under pressure.

Of course, the MVP of this game is in a poor state in the LCK Summer Split. If you only look at the strength of the team, RNG is definitely better than the MVP.

"Welcome to the competition between the divisions. In the fourth game, RNG will play against MVP! Hello everyone, I am a doll!"

"Hi everyone, I'm Chen Xian."

"Hi everyone, I'm smiling."

At this time, the lineups on both sides appeared.

Blue side RNG: top laner Letme, jungler MLXG, mid laner xiaohu, bottom laner y4, support Ming.

Red MVP: top laner ADD, jungler Beyond, mid laner lan, bottom laner Maha, support Max.

In the intercontinental competition, the puppy is recuperating.

RNG's substitute bottom lane y4 came on behalf of the substitute.

At the beginning, some people questioned y4's strength, but over time, y4 proved himself by using operations.

Soon, the two sides entered the BP stage.

"We saw that RNG banned Kalista first. It seems that every team is targeting this point. After all, this hero has been strengthened and returned to the arena to find that he is particularly strong." Chen Xian said slowly.

"So, Your Majesty thinks that Kalista's performance in the passer-by game is the same as in the arena, or?" Doll asked with a smile on the side.

"I think Kalista is also very strong in the passerby game, especially with the support of the Thresh robot. At least if I get Kalista, I can kill randomly." The king expressed his confidence.

After all, he has always been very strong before, and he can still maintain the level of the king even after retiring. It can be said that it is a pity that the king's retirement is a bit pity.

But today he can return to the game as a commentator, which can be regarded as making up for the regret of his retirement.

At this time, MVPban dropped Zac and Thresh on the screen, and RNG also dropped Galio in the follow-up.

"Actually, I think Max is very good at playing some weird heroes, such as robots, which are scary, but I don't think the regular support is any different from normal people."

"But he's really good at playing this kind of strange hero." Waowa said slowly when talking about the support on both sides.

The screen continued like a hero, RNGban dropped the last move, Rek'Sai.

Chen Xian: "Here... we have Rek'Sai, this hero should be better at Xiangguo."

"Besides, I don't think Xiangguo likes to use it on the opposite side, so I chose to move Rexai away." Waowa answered.

Chen Xian saw this and continued: "I feel like RNG is trying to steal the jungler. Will they come directly to get the blind monk?"

"If MVP doesn't ban the policewoman, I think RNG can choose to rob the policewoman." The king began to express his thoughts, "After all, y4 also uses more female police officers."

At this time, MVP finally chose to ban the blind monk.

Chen Xian: "But here comes the problem, if RNG takes the policewoman, then the spider won't be able to pick it..."

At this time, the MVP got Spider and Luo.

"Luo and Spider, in this case, RNG can take the barrel and Braum."

Smile: "But in this case, I feel that the output is not enough."

"But it doesn't matter, Xiaohu can still get the plane here, but if it is placed in the second round, it feels like he won't be able to get the plane." Chen Xian continued.

At this time, on the screen, Xiangguo locked the wine barrel first.

Then Xiaohu got off the plane!
"Grab the plane! In this case, RNG's choice is very beautiful." Chen Xian couldn't help sighing.

Smile: "Because if it is a support, I can choose it, but there is only one plane, and in the later stage, there are female policemen, but in the mid-term, the plane is needed to support the situation."

"And how about ban on the opposite side! Ban Bron and Tam, RNG can also take Zyra and Karma, he has substitutes, but there are very few mid lane substitutes, so I think it is no problem to choose the plane."

I saw MVP's last hand locked the ice.

Then enter the second round of ground ban selection stage.

RNG banned Jax and the crocodile, while MVP banned Kled and the prince.

Chen Xian: "In the second round of ban selection, both sides played the top laner, but the MVP didn't target the support, which is quite surprising."

Smile: "The rock sparrow has been released, and the MVP can consider a single rock sparrow."

"But in this way, there are fewer choices for Letme heroes, um... I think I can choose Bron and Rambo." Doll analyzed.

Retorted with a smile, "But for Rambo, Letme has played very little, and I don't think I will take such a hero."

Chen Xian, "Then now, if you can get Qing Gang Ying and Jian Ji who are more single-belt heroes, these two heroes can only join the team after the resurrection armor comes out."

When everyone was still wondering what hero to choose for letme, the MVP got Syndra in the fourth hand.

And RNG took Karma in the fourth hand.

Wa Wa hurriedly said: "In that case, RNG wants to get involved."

"I think the fifth hand must be supplemented with control. RNG's lineup is seriously lacking in control!"

After Chen Xian finished speaking, RNG took advantage of the opportunity to lock Qinggangying!
"Qinggangying is pretty good. The E skill hook lock and the big move have a good restrictive effect, and the double C that has no displacement for the MVP is very threatening!"

Chen Xian: "But MVP got Bobby for ADD in the fifth move... This hero is also very restrained in team battles like Qing Gangying! But RNG's ability in the middle and late stages is relatively solid."

(End of this chapter)

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