Alliance commentary system

Chapter 109 Pythagorean Theorem

Chapter 109 Pythagorean Theorem
The audience laughed and laughed in the live broadcast room. Obviously, Chen Nian's show was full of effects.

Although Chen Xian was killed in this wave.

However, after the first-level death, there is very little time for resurrection, which delayed some time to help the jungler fight wild monsters, but it did not delay the online.

In this way, Chen Xian only lost one head money.

"Isn't this wave very bad, just one head." Chen Xian looked at the barrage and smiled.

"You're still stubborn! You're still stubborn after death!! Take it!"

"Let's wait until your game is over before you speak. I feel embarrassed when you say this now..."

"This anchor is not bad, but he is too proud. He plans to leave after watching this round."

Chen Nian didn't pay much attention to the frequent bullet screens.

Because he knows that it is useless to say anything at this time, and can only be shown through technology to retain those people.

The match begins.

As an assistant, Chen Xian started to talk about the first technique.

"Actually, bot lane laning is different from other lanes, because there are two people in the bot lane, ad and support, so there is a saying that AD determines the lower limit of the bot lane combination, and support determines the upper limit. There is a high-end Support, AD can live comfortably online, of course, this refers to the situation of the same level of competition." Chen Xian talked eloquently.

"So, there is a style of play in the bottom lane, called the parallelogram position."

As Chen Xian spoke, he kept locking on to the support on the opposite side. Wherever Morgana went, he kept a safe distance while moving sideways.

"The so-called parallelogram position means that the positions of the four players in the bottom lane form a parallelogram."

"For example, now, EZ and the policewoman are on the same line, and you have to stare at Morgana and be on the same line as him."

"There are many advantages to doing this. One is to avoid the opponent's support from consuming your own AD's blood volume. Only by maintaining this way can you stabilize the lineup when the operation is equivalent."

"You must know that the combination of the policewoman and Morgana is very strong in the bottom lane. EZ and Thresh can't fight at all in the early stage, but I lock Morgana's position and prevent him from consuming my AD, so the weak laner It can be slowed down a bit.”

"Of course, this can only be slowed down, but what should be suppressed will still be suppressed."

While explaining, Chen Xian moved to avoid Morgana's Q skill.

After successfully dodging, Chen Xian made a decisive move down the road.

"Morgana's Q skill can't be handed in easily when laning. If he handed it in, he doesn't have backhand control skills, so we can press the body position."

In the process of pressing down, Morgana was obviously not very afraid of Thresh.

After all, Morgana's E skill dark shield can resist control skills.

After Thresh came over, he was ready to try a hook.

"Try it out this time, and he will definitely be able to respond and set up a shield for himself, so this time I will teach you another Thresh technique, the hook-stretch theorem." Chen Xian laughed.

Some audience members also laughed when they heard the words.

"The Pythagorean theorem, why don't you give us a math class here?"

"Watching a live broadcast for entertainment and going to class? Slip away."

"I hate studying mathematics the most in my life, so I also decided to withdraw."

Just when everyone was about to leave, Chen Xian explained with a wry smile: "The hook theorem, if you go to the left and right, the probability of getting the hook is as high as 80.00%."

"If Morgana wants to come up, I will demonstrate it to everyone."

After EZ and Thresh got the line rights, Morgana became passive and never dared to move forward.

No way, just a Q skill can change the line right, and Morgana will naturally have to pay some price.

At this time, Chen Xian's Thresh was hiding in the grass on the opposite side, Morgana was standing a little outside the tower, and the policewoman was leaning against the wall to make up the knife, very afraid of Thresh's sudden hook.

In this situation, Morgana did not dare to move forward.

Because he didn't know who Thresh's hook would be aimed at.

"Okay, Morgana is hesitant. Our distance can actually be hooked. Although I can't kill it, I want to teach everyone, so I will demonstrate it."

Thresh walked out of the grass slowly, spotted Morgana, moved a short distance sideways, and directly hooked!
The direction of the hook is to the right.

Sure enough, Morgana subconsciously moved to the right, and she was charged without even having time to release her E skill.

Thresh's hook lock dragged Morgana a short distance away, and did not choose the second Q skill to follow up.

This location is too close to the defense tower.

Naturally, Chen Xian didn't dare to hook up, lest he be charged under the tower.

Once the combination on the opposite side is controlled, it is basically impossible to survive.

The clip of the female policeman is matched with Morgana's Q skill, which can kill people instantly, so you must be extremely careful during the laning.

Chen Xian also told the audience, "Fortunately, we have an EZ with a displacement here, if we change to another hero..."

Before Chen Xian finished speaking, EZ was too pretentious, and his backhand was charged to the same place, and he didn't even release his E skill Arcane Leap.

After Morgana was out of control, the policewoman took advantage of the situation to take the trap, and then tied the trap.

Morgana also released painful corrosion at the feet of EZ, and an area was occupied by black.

As said before, when the control chain is connected, EZ cannot move.

However, EZ's desire to win is still relatively high. Healing increases blood, and after breaking out of control, E plus flashes to escape and successfully walks out of the danger zone.

Chen Xian said helplessly: "In this case, there is no other way. EZ was charged, and I can only go home with such a low blood volume. The safest choice for me now is to go back to the tower and wait for EZ to come back, or go with him. go home."

"But now our condition is full, almost full of blood, and we still have two bottles of medicine on us, so we don't have to go home, just wait for him to come back."

During this process, Chen Xian used a short period of time to analyze the situation in various places.

Mid lane Enchantress vs Syndra.

The level and strength of the two are equal, but Syndra has the line power.

One of the only two shortcomings of the hero Yao Ji is that she pushes the line too slowly in the early stage.

Also, there is too little blood in the later stage.

Others, both the hero mechanism and the damage are perfect.

So this kind of hero is obviously for the masters to play, like this grandmaster player who plays the enchantress, it is obviously not strong enough.

Being pressed on the line means a disadvantage in the middle.

Zhumei's ability to do things in the early stage was very poor, the wild area was turned against the prince, and Zhumei had nothing to do with the prince.

Weaknesses in the wild.

In the top lane, the Barbarian beats Illaoi, which is basically a grandson hitting a grandpa.

The barbarian king can only seize the time when he is full of anger in the early stage to intimidate Illaoi.

After level six, Illaoi is not afraid of the Barbarian King's invincibility, but Illaoi's big move does too much damage, which makes her afraid that the Barbarian King will often not be able to use his big move.

Therefore, the road is a natural disadvantage.

After analysis, the whole team can only rely on the bottom lane, but the bottom lane is still an EZ, and the line control is not very good.

Chen Xian's eyes lit up, and he said to the live broadcast room: "If this continues, we won't be able to roam around until level six, so we need to temporarily change the method, roaming at level three!"

(End of this chapter)

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