Chapter 108

Chen Xian looked at the screen full of 'hahahaha', his face flushed.

The analysis just now was as fierce as a tiger. After playing the cards, it was 250.
The live broadcast effect exploded.

After a while of silence, the countdown to playing cards sounded in Dou Di Zhu.

"Give it a try, you'll win if you win it." With that said, Chen Xian directly played Wang Zha, leaving only a four and a two in his hand.

And Xiajia also had one card left, and gave Chen Xian a flower.

Chen Xian looked at the timer on the right. There were two A's, one K, one Q, one J, two 10's, and 45789 each.

"Four 10's out there, um...five 10's, maybe five 10's at the top." Chen Xian was lost in thought.

Two seconds later, Chen Xian was startled suddenly, as if thinking of hope, he said excitedly: "I bet on him! If I take off at 2, the last player will definitely blow me up, and then I will definitely lose my single 4. Then I bet on him, The last card in the next house is a 4! I bet you are a 4!"

Speak out with confidence, and at the same time manipulate the mouse, move 4 out!

After a second.

I don't want it at my next home, and naturally I don't want it at my previous home either!

Then Shan 2 went out and directly won the Happy Landlords this time!

"Fuck?? I won the bet!!!"

"Is the next family really 4? I'm stupid!!"

"Didn't expect that! You are all on the first floor, and the anchor is on the fifth floor."

The bullet screen was full of shock, Chen Xian smiled, and said lightly: "I said that it is impossible to lose, now everyone believes it!"


After the Landlord Fight ended, Chen Xian also entered the game.

"Come on, let's choose a hero for this promotion match, okay?!" He was in a happy mood, and suddenly felt a little swollen.

"This one goes to support, all support heroes can be posted on the barrage, and heroes from other lanes are not counted, they can only be support."

At the same time, in order to be fair, Chen Xian opened the barrage collector.

In the banpick hero stage, it took 1 minute to determine the hero with the highest vote rate.

Soul Lock Warden, Thresh.

"This hero is too difficult!" Chen Xian complained, not wanting to play this hero.

"Hahaha, let me just say, the anchor is the hero spoon, and the support will be those few, Morgana, Fan Mom, Feng Nu, Zyra, choose a Thresh for him now, and see how he plays?"

"I've never seen a streamer play Thresh, I hope I can show off!"

"Hahaha, don't make trouble. He's almost as good as the show. I have a hunch that there will definitely be three yellow stars in this one."

"What is Yellow Star Sanlian, Mengxin doesn't understand!"

"The three skills of Flash EQR were all empty at the first time. This was an early professional league. There was a support named Samsung who had such an operation, so in memory of him, we named it Yellow Star Sanlian."

"Can these three skills be used together?"


In desperation, Chen Xian chose the hero Thresh.

Thresh is a hero that most support players like to play.

Because this is one of the few heroes that can be carried with support.

Moreover, the operation index is relatively high, and after various hooks are hit, there is a sense of accomplishment.

Chen Xian used to watch some live broadcasts before, and one of them was a very good Thresh player named Hamo.

Created the cd stream Thresh, which became famous in the alliance circle.

At this time, Chen Nian smiled evilly and slowly said to the live broadcast room: "Brothers, some people really think that I can't do Thresh, right? No way, right?!"

"The reason why I don't play Thresh is because I am afraid that the score will be too fast, which will lead to losing the entertainment of the game, everyone understand?!"

After listening to the barrage, he spoke cheerfully.

"Stop bragging, streamer, I've seen your TGP record, you haven't played Thresh in a single round, and you're still bragging!"

"I can't stand it anymore. If you don't know it, you won't know it. You still have to show off! I'm convinced!"

"I was afraid that the score would be too fast, I almost believed it!"

Chen Xian was not angry, and said slowly: "Then, I will teach you a few skills about Thresh."

After entering the game, the lineups of both sides have also been determined.

Blue side: top lane barbarian king, wild boar girl, mid lane enchantress, bottom lane ez, support Thresh.

Red side: top laner Illaoi, jungler Prince, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane female policewoman, support Morgana.

"In this game, there is Morgana in the bottom lane, and Thresh is completely restrained. I feel that the anchor is going to pull the trigger."

"Morgana is a hook hero. I feel that the bot lane is gone. I want to win and roam."

"If Thresh wanders away, won't EZ become an orphan?"

"Aren't bastard heroes like EZ originally orphans?!"

The barrage suddenly mentioned that EZ is a bastard. After Chen Xian saw it, he explained: "The hero EZ is called a bastard in the hands of people who can't play it, but it is not called a bastard in the hands of people who can play it. You will I found that in the mid-term, the damage of EZ will be very explosive, especially the EZ that I have assisted."

Chen Xian's words were full of confidence, as if everything had been arranged properly.

After hearing his last words, Danmu couldn't help but express "contempt".


The match begins.

The blue side naturally wants to fight a first-level group.

With Thresh here, how could he not join a first-level group?

The five lined up and went straight to the wild area opposite.

Going around the river and coming to the back of the blue buff, I saw a dark ball appearing at Thresh's feet.

Was discovered.

And Syndra hit Thresh.

Seeing this, Chen Xian hurriedly boasted to the barrage: "In this round, Syndra survived ten times, and I ate poop on my head, it's hot!"

"???? The anchor is disgusting!!!"

"Eating papa upside down? What kind of unique skill is this?!"

"I hope the anchor will keep his word, and don't forget to wear women's clothing!!!"

Chen Xian replied: "Not only do we need to win this round, but we also need to kill Syndra to retreat!"

As Chen Xian spoke, he took his hands off the keyboard and spoke to the barrage.

At this time, Thresh was standing in the grass in the river.

Suddenly, a missile full of dark energy appeared from the grass behind the blue buff, and it hit Thresh precisely!
After Chen Xian found out, he hurriedly put his hand back, intending to operate and leave.

But it was too late.

A policewoman first appeared in the grass, and a clip was placed at the foot of Thresh, creating a chain of control.

Then Syndra, the prince came over.

Under the output of the four, Thresh was sent back to the spring for free.

After the black screen, Chen Xian's face suddenly became hot and painful.

"Hahahahahaha, you are still blowing with us, and you don't go to a safe place to blow!"

"I'm dying of laughter. I just saw the host's expression after bragging, and then being accused. This change is so interesting!"

"Is the anchor kidding me? Congratulations, you have successfully amused me."

"This face is slapped, slapped, it hurts, it really hurts..."

Looking at the barrage, Chen Nian was naturally embarrassed.

But in order to boost morale, he still refused to admit defeat and said: "Syndra and Morgana are finished in this game! They have not died more than ten times, and it is difficult to relieve my heart, and I am angry!"

(End of this chapter)

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