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Chapter 92 The Branch March (2)

Chapter 92 The Branch March ([-])
This is different from Malfoy. People who don't understand magic will still be afraid even if their parents inform them in advance.

What's more, the singing of the Sorting Hat casts enough unsettling magic.

"What a surprise!"

Dumbledore shook his head and stopped thinking about this.

To him, the only thing that matters is Harry Potter, and that is the only hope for the future of the wizarding world.

In fact, Su Ziqiong feels good about the singing of the Sorting Hat, which is comparable to a nuclear bomb. First of all, he knows, whether it is in the movie before or now.

Secondly, for a person who has even experienced zombie movies, Hogwarts is undoubtedly nothing.


Su Ziqiong was even agitated, he frowned slightly, and then quickly relaxed it.

Grandma, finally let him find a guy who sings worse than himself!
Su Ziqiong grinned—he wanted to laugh.

At this time.

The Sorting Hat that was originally placed on the table suddenly cracked a crack on the side, just like its mouth. He stopped "snarling" and briefly introduced the characteristics of the four houses.

The first one is Gryffindor, which is taken from the gryphon, the incarnation of the goddess of retribution. There is bravery buried deep in the heart. Their courage, courage and boldness make Gryffindor outstanding.The representative colors are scarlet and gold, which are symbols of bravery.

The second house is Slytherin, which is the quagmire, and the power-hungry Slytherin loves ambitious teenagers best.The purpose of the academy is nobility, power, ambition, and sincerity, where the poisonous snake is the most representative creature.

The third is Ravenclaw. The literal translation of "Ravenclaw" is "Raven's Claw" or "Crow's Claw". An eagle, where is the elephant of wisdom
As for the fourth one, it is Hufflepuff College, only those who are hardworking, brave, and kind can enter this college.

After all, the Sorting Hat bowed to the four long tables one by one, and then fell silent.

The next moment, the sorting ceremony officially began.

"Okay kids."

Professor McGonagall's voice always has a strong sense of alienation and coldness, making it difficult for people to get close.

"I will read your names one by one, and the person whose name is called will come up and put on the sorting hat. It will tell you which college you will be assigned to in the end, understand?"

"Yes, Professor."

The freshmen answered in unison.

Professor McGonagall nodded in satisfaction, walked to the sorting hat, picked up the roll in his hand, and said slowly: "Hannah Abbott!"

A ruddy girl with two golden braids staggered up and put on her hat.

Moments later, the hat announced loudly: "Gentle little girl, your house should be Hufflepuff!"

A burst of applause erupted from the long table on the right.

And in one corner, a ghostly fat monk whom he had seen before nodded benevolently at her.The other party should be the resident ghost of Hufflepuff Tower.

"Next moment, Susan Burns!"

Professor McGonagall also nodded, and picked up the roster in his hand again.

"Let me see, I see! Hufflepuff!"



In general, the Sorting Hat is not slow.

Although sometimes it always likes to comment a few more words, but most of the time, the Sorting Hat is concise and to the point.

Time flew by, as names came one after another, and figures appeared one after another. Finally, it was the turn of someone Su Ziqiong was familiar with.

"When I call your name, you just come to the front, and I will put the sorting hat on your head and assign you a house, Hermione Granger, understand!"

Professor McGonagall glanced at the slightly nervous Hermione, and couldn't help saying a few more words.

"Dear little girl, come here, let me see which college you are suitable for!"

The Sorting Hat spoke loudly, and with the sound, it floated directly above Hermione's head.


Hermione stood firm, waiting for the Sorting Hat to make its final decision.

"Ah, you are a kind and brave little girl. You are smart, cute, and compassionate. Which college will you be assigned to? This is really a difficult question to answer."

The Sorting Hat opened its mouth slowly, hesitated for a moment, and then said again: "Then let's sort you into Gryffindor!"


Hermione exhaled heavily, got up quickly, and ran towards the Gryffindor table.

The Gryffindor classmates were all applauding to welcome her.

"Next, Ron Weasley!"

"Another Weasley! No need to think about where to put you. Gryffindor!!"

This time, the Sorting Hat quickly made a choice.

"Draco Malfoy!"

Professor McGonagall picked up the roster.

Malfoy stepped forward with aristocratic grace and put on the Sorting Hat.

The Sorting Hat yelled, "Slytherin!" almost as soon as it touched his head.

Malfoy was very satisfied with this. He raised his head and walked arrogantly to the long table covered with silver-green tablecloth, where Crabbe and Goyle were welcoming him.

"Next - Harry Potter!"

Professor McGonagall raised his head slightly, and waved his hand towards a slightly thinner figure behind him. Finally, there were a few strange changes in his long-lasting expression.

Low whispers sounded in the auditorium instantly, hissing like a small flame, and almost everyone's eyes were directed at Harry at that moment, which made Harry, who was already very nervous, even more flustered.

The Sorting Hat floated up slowly and gently landed on Harry Potter's head.

Harry's eyes were immediately covered by the brim of the sorting hat.

"Well, it's a really hard one, and it looks like a tough one to decide. You're brave, little Harry, and you're a good guy, you're talented, oh my God, yes - it's interesting to want to prove your worth… ...So, where should I put you? Is it Slytherin, where you may become a great wizard, you have talents that no one else has, little Harry, this belongs to you alone, in Slytherin is very likely to help you succeed. Oh, deep down you don't even want to go there, don't you change your mind? No? Well, if you've made up your mind, go to Gryffindor!

The Sorting Hat murmured to himself, and after a long while, he gave the final word.



Cheers erupted from the long Gryffindor table, and many people were excitedly tapping the table and stomping their feet.The Weasley twins raised their glasses and sang: "We've got Potter, we've got Potter, thanks Merlin! We've got Potter!"

Ron and Hermione were also very excited.

"The last one, André Gaunt!"

Professor McGonagall read the last name! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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