My body can be digitized

Chapter 91 The Branch March (1)

Chapter 91 The Branch March ([-])

The sorting ceremony is an important ceremony that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry students must perform every year.

It needs to be done in front of all the teachers and students in the auditorium, and a special pointed wizard hat "Sorting Hat" is responsible for sorting the students into the four houses of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

That is a magical hat, originally belonged to the founder of Gryffindor Godric "Gryffindor, like a wise man, can see what kind of talents students have, so as to assign students to the colleges that suit them.

Su Ziqiong was deep in thought. He was not sure which college he would go to.

Although the sorting hat will take the initiative to choose a college, it will also draw on its own ideas.

If you really don't want to go to a certain college in your heart, then the sorting hat will not be too difficult for you.

"Look, it's such a big shell!"

at this time.

In the small room, many children suddenly screamed.

"No, it's a ghost!"

The next moment, another voice sounded immediately.

It was the children from pure-blood wizard families who spoke. They formed small groups in groups of three or five, with arrogant expressions on their faces, showing off their superiority at all times.

As the only son of the Gaunt family, especially the only son of a thriving family, Su Ziqiong also had several people standing beside him, among them, there was even a girl with long golden hair and misty eyes, she was the embryo of a beauty.

Of course, these children were not called by Su Ziqiong.

After all, his mind belongs to an adult, and he really can't get along with these little guys who still have slugs.

These few came here entirely by themselves.

It seems that at this moment, the barrier between the pure-blood family and the mixed-blood family has already formed.

Su Ziqiong couldn't break this kind of thinking that had been formed for thousands of years, and likewise, he didn't want to break it now.

After all, being the earl's son will be of great use to him in his future actions.

There were more than ten ghosts in that group, lined up in a single row, and appeared in front of the eyes of the first-year students.

One of them, with bloodstains on his robe and a faint white light all over his body, had a dull expression and hollow eyes, which scared the surrounding students away.

On the contrary, in the crowd, Malfoy took a big step forward and bowed slightly towards the other party: "Nice to meet you, Lord Barrow. I am Draco Malfoy. My father often told me about it. You, you are a hero and the pride of our pure-blood wizards!"

"Haha, another Malfoy brat!"

The pale white figure said softly, his voice slightly lonely.

As soon as he stopped, the other pale white figures also stopped and looked at Malfoy.

Malfoy's chin was raised even higher, and the embarrassment in his eyes was even more serious. The gaze that kept looking at the peers around him clearly said: Look, you weak chickens, I, Lord Malfoy, are so brave, even the ghosts are so brave. know each other.

"Nice to meet you, Malfoy, I hope you can be assigned to your favorite college during the sorting ceremony, and send my regards to your father!"

Ba Na nodded slightly to show his respect, and after finishing speaking, he directly penetrated the wall in front of him and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Bana seemed to have a high status and prestige among the ghosts. As soon as he left, the remaining ghosts lined up in a neat line without a sound, and disappeared on the other wall.

"Children, the sorting ceremony is about to begin!"

After half a quarter of an hour, Professor McGonagall finally appeared, holding a long piece of parchment in his hand, "Everyone, stand in a row and follow me!"



Less than an hour later, everyone returned to the glorious hall again.

At this moment, the hall was already full of people. The one in the front was an old man with a full head of white, wearing a gray flat cap. His thick white hair, whether it was a beard or hair, was simply tied into a knot. Two somewhat alternative thick braids.

As soon as Su Ziqiong and others appeared, everyone's eyes immediately focused on it. Several first-year kiddos didn't seem to adapt to this feeling. They shrank down, as if they wanted to hide their bodies to avoid this discomfort. feel.

Su Ziqiong glanced at the Sorting Hat placed on a three-legged stool. It looked very old and shabby. It was so greasy that it almost glowed. It was covered with various patches, large and small. It was hard to imagine that he, who was slightly mysophobic, How does it feel to wear this hat.

"You may think I'm not pretty, but don't judge people by their appearance,

If you can find a more beautiful hat than mine,
I can eat myself.



I'm the top hat for the Hogwarts test,
Naturally, it is much taller than your hats.

any thought hidden in your mind,

Can't hide from the golden eyes of the devil's hat,
Try it on, and I'll tell you,
Which college should you go to. "


From the hat that looked tattered and dilapidated, there were bursts of extremely hoarse, duck-like voices.

When had these freshmen ever seen such a posture, their nerves, which were already highly tense, were immediately taken aback.

Among them, some people were so frightened that they ran out.

In the air, faintly exuded a pungent smell of urine.

Dumbledore frowned secretly, and gently waved the wand in his hand.

The frightened children instantly became quiet, and the faint smell of urine in the air was replaced by a fresh fragrance.

The quality of the new students is getting worse and worse now. They can even be frightened by the sound!
Dumbledore sighed softly.

But fortunately, a few of today's batch of freshmen are pretty good.

The blond kid from the Malfoy family could barely pass the test, probably someone in the family had revealed it to him in advance.

The remaining ones, who impressed him the most and whose names he could still remember, were the little guy Harry Potter and the little girl with freckles who seemed to be named Hermione.

Especially Harry Potter, as expected of the offspring of those two people, although he is still young, he still possesses some traces of his parents' demeanor.

There was some comfort in Dumbledore's wise eyes.

The rest is the only son of the Gunter family, Andre Gunter.

To be honest, he was somewhat surprised about Andre. According to the inspection by the school's admissions department, the former sole heir of the Gaunt family did not have any magical riots.

However, due to Earl Gaunt's face problem and the strong support for Hogwarts over the years, the school had no choice but to turn a blind eye and make an exception to allow Andre to enroll.

I originally thought that the other party's reaction would not be much better, even if it wasn't like a little guy peeing his pants.

Unexpectedly, the other party returned it to him. This is not a small accident for the famous principal Dumbledore who is famous for his command.

(End of this chapter)

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